Damn it. Who snitched?
Damn it. Who snitched?
The feds have undercover in every militia and white supremacy group out there. They have for decades.
This all seems fake.
This is very true
it is. it's just a paid distraction.
>tfw you realise you've been the real criminal all along
>tfw you even voted a criminal into office
>tfw when you are the problem
Wtf another MAGABomber? Is there any republican who isn't a fucking terrorist?
get outta here, faggot
did i trigger you snowflake?
MAGAgolians are always triggered.
prob as fake and setup as the jesse smollet or whatever shit.
As sad as when they mailed themselves pipe bombs.
Yay! Faggot AIDS cancer bait thread! YAY!!!
yes those people were technically on his hit list
but so was Trump
and me
and everyone reading this
he wanted to "kill everyone"
>Fake news
>MAGA can't be this bad
>Muh god emperor Trump
Paid distraction. probably just a setup.
The fact you believe a conspiracy of ‘setting up’ something like this is s more likely outcome that it simply happening, shows the level of retardation the left is up against.
Oh, well that makes it ok then , I guess
So again,alleged,planned,wanted....but it didn't happened,like that ''bomber'' who's bombs never exploded.
Just a paid liberal actor.
Why is Hillary happy? She will never be President and is hated by 90% of Americans today?
reply to this post if you find it odd that people on this site automatically assume any kind of right wing terrorism is "A LeFt wiNg ConSpiRaCy," while simultaneously believing shit like pizza gate.
Wtf is with this. hypocritical? dumb? quasi-know-it-alls? why is this??
of course there is no such thing as a paid rep actor, right?
Samefagging this hard
Everything reported in media which is in any way beneficial to leftists is fake until extensively proven otherwise. This shall be known as the Jussie Smollett rule, or if you like, Jussie's Law.
Jussie Smollett the right will never forget.
>militia and white supremacy group
you mean the Coast Guard? He was active coast guard. And he wanted to shoot politicians, which is fucked A because its fucked but B because if you really want what's left of gun rights to get completely taken away the best way to accomplish that would be to shoot politicians... with guns
>Tries to kill people within the System
>Doesn't realize the System is designed to output another character for anyone you might kill
>Doesn't realize this affects the system in no way
If your bathtub is filling up with water, and you want to stop it, so you grab a mop, or turn off the spigot?
OP was grabbing the mop.
The system is the problem. Not the people within it.
Wrong, if your a democrat and shoot up a bunch of Reps. at a softball practice no one whines about gun control
We used to have /pol/ and Yea Forums as seperate boards. these days they might as well remove /pol/ since Yea Forums houses 50% of this shit
I live in Maryland where this guy lived (Silver Spring) Can say that I haven't seen a shit ton about it like you normally would. I only found out about it on MSN, not local papers.