This niggas IP and address fucking pedophile:,UK wigan. Find the rest out

This niggas IP and address fucking pedophile:,UK wigan. Find the rest out

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I am so gona believe this incredible evidence good job

I'd contact him but I'm not a child anymore.

Not your personal army.


If i get dubs you have to rape him

Sorry OP you know what you got to do now gtfo

Damn i'm on a roll today

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Right lads, OP here, Dont be a pus and go to his house and rape him, Still got 300 miles to go

The dubs has spoken OP you are no longer welcome here before you post pics of you raping that nigger.

Sup Andy. You pulled my IP from Teamspeak? Do you think that's really my IP mate? You tried mate

Stfu fag, im already in that ass just hol up

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Wow I hope you beat by a pack of wild immigrants for being a white knight vigilante faggot.

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If this thread dies OP you better update with a new thread

I kill immigrants like you

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So what did you post or say? I bet it was just a joke and butthurt 14 year olds think posting your info on Yea Forums is enough for a doxxing. It doesn't work that way, faggot OP.

Or else he will get raped


You fucking idiots he's just trying to get me booted offline so he can get me on an online game that's not my ip dumb fucks

I got you BB, NO HOMO

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Kys little faggot

Let me look at that IP for you. Stand by

Here, let me explain how this works you dense motherfucker. You have to post screenshots of what they said, and they have to be such an unsufferable faggot that people here hate him from his gay ass messages. Some people say you need incentive like nudes, but that helps, it's not required.

I'm going to kill you and your family, Anime fag. I bet you fuck your mom. I'll be seeing you, you can't run or hide for me. *snickers nefariously* {X} Approved

This guy is a pedophile here's his IP.
{ } Denied

Tell me more. I’m interested.

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What do the letters say how it sucks in prison ?