Money making thread. Illegal or not. How do y’all make extra money?

Money making thread. Illegal or not. How do y’all make extra money?

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work like a normal functioning member of society

op here I have messed around with drop shipping, cracked Fortnite accounts and set up stores to sell off of which actually makes decent money, obviously sold drugs but looking for more ideas mainly online.

I'm going to exploit poor people.

You're a b tard, impossible


Landlording. It's a great way to get extra cash.

Sell puts like a real man. Dont be the bitch who buys options.

Here, go take some fuckin' surveys.

$1 minimum withdrawal. Instant payouts to PayPal after the first withdrawal (the first takes about 24 hours).


I write and self publish on Amazon. Recently one of my books just hit top 100 of all time in its genre.

No one irl knows though, because it's erotic romance. I am trying to branch off into fantasy, though writing goes slow at the moment.

Amazon is good money, though when I finish my first fantasy novel I'll be publishing through the traditional route. End goal is to see my book in a bookstore

Look up a company called Enagic.

How much money did you make?

Sell shit on ebay and amazon, buy the goods at a thrift store or off people mad cheap.

Needs $4,000 investment to buy one of their water filtration machines to re-sell. Hmmmm...

Suck cocks

Get a job, Paco.

is the genre shitshow dumpster fires?

Try working overtime at a real job. You know something that you have to show up for 40 hrs a week

Market for that is disturbingly saturated. I worked at a thrift shop for a couple years. Routinely, 7 different people would come in with a “flipping” app, scan barcodes to see if they could re sell online easily. They left empty handed. Why? You better fucking believe, The donation employees making $8/hr take ANYTHING even slightly worth re-selling as soon as it was donated... good luck. Every thrift store within 30 miles of you probably has granny’s or schmucks trying to buy & resell.

It depends on the month. If I stick to about two new stories a month, anywhere from 5-10ish thousand range.

Holiday seasons double that. My best earnings was December of 2018, where I earned $23k that month.

However, if I was to stop writing entirely, residual income would drop to probably 2-3k a month.

I mentioned in the post it was erotica/romance. Why try to insult someone you don't know. Jealousy?

Dropshipping...What products have you tested?

I think it mostly happens at garage sales now.

Gone are the days of this being much money unless you live in bum fuck nowhere. Unless you strike gold, the little profit you make you’ll have wasted in gas, shipping, or tape/mailers/boxes.

I've learnt how to write some good shit in the past few years, considering everyones' opinion. How do you think is the best way to commercialize this? Like you, publishing on amazon?

Nope that's the highest you don't have to buy that. You just can buy any product.

Self publishing for sure, yeah. Everyone will tell you as a new writer that the genre is over saturated and to stay away, but it's complete bullshit. If you can write well and your audience enjoys what you write, there will always be room for you. This genre will always have its customers.

im just shitposting you I didn;t even read your post fuck me right?

But in all serious that's pretty kickass that you're successful with it. Do you think its because of your talent and skill?

why do you think it increases around the holidays?

I have a job. I used to stuff newspaper up coin dispensers at payphones and vending machine and then pull it out with everyones change

> (You)
Local thrifts near me are full or people trying to flip stuff but since ive been doing it for years my main spots just hold items for me and I come pick it up. Made thousands flipping lego and other toys casuals don't have the knowledge about. Same with local flea market, some of the guys there will hold the good stuff and sell it all at once for a great price.


How long are the bi weekly stories you write? Are they a continuation of each other?

Shit, but I can't write any romance. I can do post-apo very well for sure, but I do know this genre is over saturated. Fantasy and dark fantasy feels cringy to make and probably wouldn't bring any profit. I dunno man, what genre is popular right now, maybe I could learn a bit about it and start to create something like it.

Business accounts are in territories with no taxes. It's less about extra money, and more about keeping the money you make, folks.

I pay girls in their early 20s to fuck me

Thank you. I don't think talent and skill really apply to writing, personally. I think it's persistence and practice.

I would assume people have more time to read, people are more lonely?

This requires social skills that many of these neets don’t have.

If you’ve got employees holding the good shit for you when it comes in, that’s not something just anyone here can do... I made more working there buying shit before it reached the store slipping the sweet little old ladies at the register a $20 to let me buy it first. Ps2’s, TV’s, Boxes of cards... manager caught on eventually. Fuck working at a thrift store anyways. Shit smells like old lady perfume and dust. And cat piss...

Even though you're a lying cunt, your writing in this thread alone is award-worthy fiction. Kudos on fooling a gullible dupe or two.

Under 15k words. Not a series, no. Most are completely separate books.
You never know until you try. Fantasy is always popular.

>I don't think talent and skill really apply to writing, personally. I think it's persistence and practice.
are you chuck tingle?

Most non-normies pirate all of their books. So you probably should write some LGBTQ+ children books and publish on Kindle. All of the faggots will throw money at you.

>I would assume people have more time to read, people are more lonely?
sometimes you just want to schlick on the couch while your turkey is in the oven and you family is out buying presents

Thanks for your reply dude, ur cool. I only do short stories, so that's a good hint.

Sold drugs at one point was good cash when i was 18-23 but the people you deal with are too much of a hassle imo. So i just went balls deep in the skill trade industry and started making a shit load of money plus its completely legal

My buddy wrote an octopus unicorn erotica. Got a good amount of sales, But I was also thinking his numbers are way too high...

Yeah kinda got to be social to make any real $. Managed to find a reliable supplier for toys that I sell throughout the year and in crazy volume during Christmas. Too many jackasses on youtube trying to sell shit courses on how to make money nowadays. Alarming the amount of people that go to tradeshows with the scanner apps on the handful of product samples these suppliers show off. Gotta actually talk to them and they'll start to give you good stuff to sell that they don't offer to everybody.

What if I write pedo-LGBTQ stories and commercialize it... fuck man... I think I will try that if it isn't against the law. I will make a thread about it if I make at least 2k$

and what get fucked with shipping? retarded idea

Kys Jew

No, haha. Is that something he believes too?
u right
You're cool too. I can't stand longer works to be honest. It's why I'm having trouble with my fantasy novel.

you faggots are ruining it for the actual poor people though who rely on these thrift shops for decent shit, but not just that the joy of thrift shopping is picking through the shelfs and finding that hidden gem, dont rip the joy from yourself for greed

Longer stories need a lot of thinking tbh. You need to manage the plot and relations between characters, their changes, and places on a larger scale, it's a pain in the ass. Short stories are more pleasing to write and most people who don't like to read long shit appreciate them. Long live short stories, fellow writer, cheers.

if they trace your real name gl with your life

But until then, I guess it could be good money

If it ever got out that my local independent thrift was holding stuff for an individual then nobody would go. It would close.

if you have a hot gf fuck her on cam, but it gets in your head eventually
if people have something worth while they wont tell you about it anyway
I paid my whole student loan and then some with electronics and lab equipment i found at univeriisty electronic waste sites... most laptops and equipment is not even broken just out dated and still worht money
best one was a macbook with a swollen battery, i degassed it and sold it in 48h for 600 bucks profit. didn't even ship it just met the guy outside of my building where i worked... the big hitters were fancy lab equipment, often shipped to EU, got paid in Euro too... good times

>No, haha. Is that something he believes too?
yeah that's almost like an exact quote of what he said lol

all of them do, and you are delusional to believe what you wrote

Do you talk this way in real life? If you life in a community where people are that shitty to each other, sorry about your standards. That shit might work at the goodwill but it doesn't work at my place. They curate a boutique. Volunteers get one item per truck and that's it, the rest is priced and put on the shelves.

>Oh no the Mexicans are stealing my jobs!!!!!

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I think that's illegal. "Cub" erotica is fine though. If you market it right, I'm sure that braindead furries will pay for it.

A good marketing start would be to send a free copies of the book to furry youtubers. They're always running out of content, so it basically guarantees that they'll talk about your book.

>Volunteers get one item per truck
lol so thats already picking the best items out... legally.... it takes one bad person there to do it and it always happens sooner or later... its not about how terrible community is, at some point any person with half a brain will do it.

Record and mix songs for others

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If I only could fight the cringe and self-hate during writing shit like that. You have a good point though, thanks.

Water filtration? Whats the deal here, sell this shit in fucking africa?

Thats pretty awesome, did you have to aggressively market your books or did it happen organically on Amazon?

Also do you stick to short stories or novel length

this used to be viable before 2010, youtube and the internet has ruined it. literally everybody knows about this now adn the thrift stores changed business models completely.

now thrift stores sort through everything they get, cherry pick the good stuff, and list it on ebay or their own auction sites themselves. everything else thats normal crap they charge like 50% of msrp.

its not worth doing as a business but if you are bored someday and just want to thrift shop its fun for a hobby, every once in a while you find something decent you can make a small profit on, but nothing thats worth your time when you could be working for $12/hr at any other min wage cuck job and you would come out ahead

These days I don't.

In earlier days I've worked bar jobs, delivered pizza, sold weed (only ever really enough to just make free smoke), did matched betting (well and truly dead now).

Thinking about looking into drop shipping or bulk buying or flipping shit on ebay. I got a spare room I don't mind filling with stock, and a little money to invest.

Buy “open boxed” shut at Walmart and resell it on Facebook.

Day-trade crypto currency. I also dabble in Canadian weed stocks and tripled my money.

Hit up the goodwills in nice neighborhoods and resell items on eBay.

Pic unrelated

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Work a normal ass job, and happen to get really good prices on weed in an illegal state. I know some dumb asses that cant find good prices them selves, so i just help out sometimes. Not even a lot. Make 100 bucks here and there. Nothing special, but every once in a while i can afford some extra shit for myself such as pants or shoes without having to risk not having enough money to pay rent, power, ect.

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Yeah man as a landlord I've had a ton of women (usually single moms) tell me that they will do ANYTHING to either A). Be chosen over other applicants to get the property, or B). Let them pay rent late or not at all for the month.

I cant morally raw dog them for free rent if they have kids. If one comes along that's single, no kids and is in a bind then I might consider it.

I buy a profit every time I earn a profit

Look for a serving job, depeding where you work and if your good you can make over 30 dollars an hr.

honestly this. restaurant jobs make bank if its a popular place. waiters and bartenders probably make more than STEM people if they work at hot restaurants. even average restaurants will get you over $25/hr average when tips are included. the only requirement is good social skills, which lets be honest, if you are on here asking for help, you clearly dont have

That's on the high end for sure. Maybe 2 days a week. You gotta remember the other 5 days a week you only make 10 dollars an hour.

If you are a night owl then serving is a great job. Otherwise, there are better more stable ways to earn 15 an hour.

started doing nude fakes for fun 5 years ago, they're pretty decent.
any advice for getting paid? cautions?

lol at all the gimps here bragging about working 40hr weeks, like slaving away is something to aspire to

it is man. they make sure my checks are on time

trust me, you are doing them a favour. they own your ass for a few thousand a month

Any good weedstock tips

Trading cryptocurrencies. Buy low, sell high. Nothing special.

Got the VR system for my PS4 and some car parts with it.

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Fpbp. That or sell drugs or whores. There’s a reason it’s in demand.

How do you know when it's low and high?

steal candy from babies while begging teens for lunch money.

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Sports betting

I do a youtube thing for a little extra on the side.

Please tell me your pen name is Chuck Tingle.

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Don't tell this bot anything. fuck you bot

The difficult thing is getting the money to buy the house

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i was at 5 thrift stores today(i go every couple months) and theres just so many scanners out there anymore its near impossible to get anything. i use to sell hard to find books,but people now know and scan everything.

I stack empty containers 2-3 nights a week.

>if you are on here asking for help, you clearly dont have

>they own your ass
really? cuz i'm free to do as i please 24/7... while they are doing things they not necessarily want to be doing... 5days a week... 1/3 of their life


This thread is surrouunded by ي س ع ل

Spanish interpreting for spics who can't even spell the name of the cities they live in. It's making me want to kms but fuck me I need to pay the bills.

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Learn a skill and market it

, is that you?

It's hard to make money if you have no personality. Most stuff requires human interaction. I'm terrible at making money.

Like what? I don't have any skills. :/

I work at a water plant. I wanted to find some way to make extra money with that, but I can't figure out how.

>if you are on here asking for help, you clearly dont have
Sad truth.

Is there any hope for those of us with poor social skills? Any methods that don't really involve that?

who dat

Honestly, the easiest, most reliable way is to get good at a fixing a very common problem in a consumer good that sells for cheap broken, and turns over pretty well when repaired. When computers were still pretty expensive and uncommon, I used to buy them from auctions and garage sales and ebay, fix them up and swap parts around, then resell them on ebay for like 100% markup. Id buy them for 100, out about a half days work in fixing it, then flip it for 200. Worked pretty well. Got me through high school with all the gas and games I wanted. Could probably do something with cell phones or tablets or smart speakers or something these days.

At smaller scale than this guy, I write short stories and publish on smashwords (porn you can't publish on amazon). I don't write that often, but have enough of a backlog that I make a couple hundred a month off of it.

Writing smut or erotic romance is fine but once you get better at it moving into sfw novels on amazon is where the real money is. Plus you can actually tell friends/family about it then.

How to make money e-whoring? Is it possible without showing face? tried camming but the money is overrated and site kept crashing whenever I tried to withdraw the money.

>I've learnt how to write some good shit in the past few years

Adding onto this convo a little

If you're selfpublishing, learning the market, learning your tags and learning how to make good book covers (or at least knowing where to find someone to make them for you) is at least 50% of the work too.

There are tons of decent guides/tips on r/eroticauthors if anyone is interested in testing it out.

Anyone make money on YouTube?

Seriously this. What kind of marketing do you do? I can write shit and put it up all day but it's one book in an ocean of books, how do you even get readers like that?

If you're in the UK, matched betting works. I made 500-3000/m for 2 years until I started getting banned at the bookies lol


I want to know how to earn some extra money too, current job won't cut it anymore...

Using some mask maybe?

Also, I read before that shit was pretty common. Considered whoring myself but decided it wasn't worth it if am not gonna get paid.

Not him but hit me up.

I wanna write some hot loli stuff. If you catch my drift.

Will see how to sell them later.

I sell my blood plasma when im short a few dollars.
I have a job but having the extra cash is a little more comforting in case some emergency happens.

Honestly, I think the thing that stops most people from making money - online in particular - isn't skill it's being too self-aware/scared of looking like a dick in front of your friends/employers etc. That's why most youtubers look like dicks to the average person. They're usually pretty shameless.

I sell pictures of my poo to self-conscious guys so they can impress firemen if they ever meet one in a social setting.

no matter where you publish, all characters always have to be 18+

on smashwords you can publish incest and noncon and beast (dogs) too, but honestly you'll make the most money just sticking to things you can publish on amazon

Sell feet pics

masks are against the rules. man you work it for 2 hours make 20 bucks and can't even cash out. total ripoff. these guys all love you but they don't want to pay you. 1000 other whores online at any given time like flies to shit.
everything is saturated. only thing that pays is IRL fucking which is illegal for retarded reasons. or you can do porn, make 500, and ruin your life forever after because everyone and their mother will see it.

And what about some 200 years old vampire? Decribe her bodily features as a loli?

Had you read the "Interview with a Vampire"? That shit had some serious potential. A lolimpire "With the needs of a woman".

Was firing out a lot of erotic literature a method to get a portfolio of sales together to make the traditional publishing route easier?

so amazon, do you just put the book up? what marketing, social media, etc? word count?

>masks are against the rules
What if somebody made a page for masked people?

Surely there could be something that can be made to whoring online without that much bullshit.

lmao what, do publishers accept that? so you write about homo gangbangs in a locker room and go to publish literary fiction with a big house and the agent is like, yeah man you got the skill let's go? is that a thing?

I have been thinking about starting a Patreon and making interactive Porn games. Popular ones make over 10k a month, some close to 50k.

Only thing stopping me is that I cannot draw... And my country has retarded laws regarding to Patreon like funding.

Even if they like a book it's better to have an established history. Top 100 in its genre for a saturated market is pretty good when you're competing with Chuck Tingle.

I have access to a CNC mill, a decent enough CAD/CAM ability and a variety of basic materials, what should I make?

I don't know why there aren't better platforms for e-whoring honestly. only thing that makes money is sex but it's against the rules on every fucking site. patreon is getting their panties in a bunch, there's no good drawn porn site that maintains ease of use and quality. technically illegal to do adult content for most any creative pursuit site. and the porn sites are all shit.
wish it was simple. post your tits, receive money. that's how it should be. bunch of bullshit no matter where you go. instagram, snapchat, everyone is there for tits but the devs have their biscuits in their britches about adult content like they're pretending they have any shame to maintain.

'Instagram, Snapchat, everyone is there for tits but the devs have their biscuits in their britches about adult content like they're pretending they have any shame to maintain.'
Truest thing I've read in a fucking while tbh

I guess that could work? If you wanted to risk negative reviews or getting reported on those sites. Amazaon especially is a 'ban first, ask questions later' type

If you want to write that type of thing, do it and post it for free other sites that'll allow it

I only have a couple of stories on amazon, and stick to smashwords. For my area, kinky erotica you can't buy ads for, and there is no point doing it for short stories anyway. People find your stories mostly from seeing your new releases in 'new' on the site or when they search the tag.

It's not really 'release 1 story and make money from it' it's more 'release 1 story which gets people to click to your profile and maybe by one or a few stories they like there.' Each new story you release is advertising your old ones.

If you're writing novels, especially romance then yes you should look into paying for ads on facebook and so on. That isn't my area though.

The only thing I've done close to ads is just promote my stories on my decent-sized (50k+ followers) tumblr. Each time I ran an ad for my own books roughly equaled $30 for me...but tumblr obviously doesn't work for that anymore.

On smash I stick to around 3k words per story and try to write in series; ie; a bundle of 4 stories of yours sold at a discount will earn more money than 4 individual ones.

I've been fucking with making an erotic vn the past few days. got a script 1/3 outlined and 2 of 3 character concepts marked out. hardest thing is adapting a good style. i can draw but you have to have a consistent clean adaptable style. i got to whittle mine down to anime level clean.
>can't draw
>wants to make a game
You're fucked m8. also 10k is the very top. most guys make more like 800 a month after putting out a decent finished product. I'm estimating it will be like 3 months of work to make. drawing the shit is 90% of the time investment. i'm looking at a lot of practice and refining before I can start producing finished stuff, although i can mark up sketches and scripts right now.
But I've been drawing over 5 years, not any schlup can walk in and produce. like look at most of the shit in the /ic/ porn threads, it's fucking ugly ass garbage.

It's really common to see people go from writing porn (erotica) to writing romance or another genre.

Erotica is quick, easy and sells ok if you publish often. It's good for people new to writing and publishing since it lets you learn the skills to use in longer works in better genres.

You open a company called the Ass Tickler's Faggot Fan Club. You take an advert in the back page of some gay magazine, advertising the latest in ass-intruding dildos, sell it a bit with, "does what no other dildo can do until now", latest and greatest in sexual technology. Guaranteed results or money back, all that shit. These dildos cost twenty-five bucks each; a bargain for all the pleasure they are going to give the recipients. They send a check to the company name, nothing offensive, Bobbie's Bits or something, for twenty-five. You put these in the bank for two weeks and let them clear. Now this is the clever bit. Then you send back the checks for twenty-five bucks from the real company name, Ass Tickler's Faggot Fan Club, saying "Sorry, we couldn't get the supply from Taiwan, they have sold out." Now you see how many of the people cash those checks; not a single soul, because who wants his bank manager to know he tickles asses when he is not paying in checks!

Oh golly gosh this sure doesn't look like a ponzi scheme no siree

This is good in theory. I found a Hugo boss overcoat at one for what would be about 5 cuckbucks a few weeks ago. Made a good profit selling it. Usually only find shit in those sort of stores where I am though.

i'm studying, and the danish government is already paying me to do that (6.3k dkk) but i've also convinced them that i'm too mentally retarted to work besides my studies which made them give another 8.7k

i know it's not that much, but i'm literaly doing nothing for it.

Thank you very much for answering questions about it. It's pretty helpful, man. I gotta figure out how to increase my income, I can't even afford to eat decent food right now. People want porn, I'll give them porn. I'll probably do a shorter story format then, probably serial. Full novels are a pain in the ass to write.
Funny enough back in college this one girl introduced herself and said she wrote erotica for a living. Should have paid attention and got details about the hustle from her. Man, I let so many opportunities fall through my fingers.

Can you link one of your books?

Well, for the kicks and giggles I might write some free stuff on the lolis-themed things.

But the main objective of writting was to make money.

I recorded some dashcam videos a couple years ago, they were ingeresting enough that some company called newsflare contacted me to license them. I sold about 10 of them and they paid me 530$ for it. It was pure luck but it was still pretty welcome

don't ask advicebro to dox himself you nigger.
Huh. Well, what do you know. I can get paid and it might just help my regular shit get published. Sounds A to me.
And don't worry, I doubt we'd be writing the same erotica niche.

Well, that's basic commerce and money for you lad.

Selling big is better than selling little, and selling is better than not selling.

Also, I was thinking maybe writting in Russian, Spanish and English?

I am barely tolerable in russian but I am very proficient in both spanish and english languages as a whole. Would a book written for different cultures sell?

I mean, even all the misstranslations and badly written bibles get sold. I just want my name to be remembered, but at the same time I know I will get lynched for writting about lolies.

Oh trust me, there are people that actually do.

My bad, I just wanted to see what he's written.

I have a pet lemur. I do vids with him where I take off my clothes and he climbs on me, sometimes I let the audience tell me to fuck him and I do (we’re big male).
One of these days I’m going to figure out how to monetize this, but for now it’s awkward.

You fuck a lemur for free???

No, landlording. You work as the landlord for other peoples properties. You can do it part time and get good money and only have to work like 2-3 day a week for a few hours. You do inspections, meet clients, harass people who's rent is late, etc.

>Learn a skill and market it
>I don't have any skills
>Learn a skill
>I don't have any
>any skills
>like what
>any skils

you're not going to make it

Most people should just get a job honestly, sad as that is. I would have made more money in a steady job this past 10 years than pissing about trying different opportunities online...

can't fucking get hired. anyway it seems most of the shit in my field is part time for some reason, so plenty of free time to hustle something else.
if I could have just gotten some 60k job out of college no bullshit no job hopping or contract gig work, i wouldn't be doing this shit. this is way more exhausting than just going to a cubicle and shitting around for 8 hours to collect a paycheck.
this aint the 1960s. no one just hands you a job.

how do you go about it? like how do you start?

>Most people should just get a job honestly
you mean min wage that pays slightly less than my welfare?
There are no jobs for avrg people without direct connections.. its either you are superb at charisma and have most of the required experience or your family member works there... look at online applications- vast majority straight up ask you which one of the workers referred you

All true. Didn't mean to be disparaging of those looking for work. I'm in the same boat. Currently attempting YouTube - just started - not even monetized yet.

Kek got me

I feel it man. I feel it hard. I just got to hustle 100x as hard as anyone else ever has, and maybe I can afford rent.
Trying some writing now, flows like milk from a faucet, land of heaven and honey. I'm in a bad state and feel like I can't see straight. My style is suited for erotica, it seems. Very punchy. I'll make these horny cunts buy my shit. Pay me.
can't get a job gonna get mine somehow. I'll write some damn porn. I'll write the best damned porn you ever read.

I daytrade \ swingtrade stocks. Not a rich guy, I have maybe $14K that I play with. I average maybe $300 a week in profit.

Wish I knew how to do that. I also have no funds so... fuck.

Im a truck driver, gone for 3 weeks home for 1 week and when im home ill flip cars sometimes. buy a car for 1k or 2k and sell it for double with little to no repairs.