>Be me, 16 years old ugly beta
>go to party with a buddy of mine
>he goes off with his gf, and I’m left alone
>sitting on couch, cute girl sits down next to me
>we start to talk, apparently she’s into a lot of stuff I’m into, vidya, music, memes, smoking weed, politics, etc.
>gives me her number, and we start to talk more
>develope a huge crush on her over the course of a few weeks
>eventually get the courage to ask her out
>she says yes
>I’m so happy because I had been single for awhile and was looking to get back into dating
>go to her place, we sit on the couch and watch The Bee Movie because we’re fucking nerds
>she leans her head on my shoulder, and I put my arm around her
>go over her place at least once a week for a few months
>one day I’m sitting next to her on her couch and I start to laugh uncontrollably
>she asks what’s so funny
>I tell her I’m just uncontrollably happy, and that I’m more in love with her than any other girl I’ve ever been with
>she kisses me, and we talk for a few more hours
>eventually we decide to play some Mario kart, and we sit on her floor
>I’m overjoyed with the state of my life
>suddenly there’s a light
>what the fuck
>I wake up
>it was all a fucking dream
>god damn you brain
>cried for a few hours, then decided to write this
anyone got any tips on how to kill myself as painfully as possible? I just want my fucking baby back.
Be me, 16 years old ugly beta
Ahahahaha you'll never find true love faggot(nice trip btw)
I laughed at this man, relatable
I relate op, you'll find a good thot
I’m really fucking sad about this shit but I’m glad my pain could make someone else laugh. Fuck my pathetic existence.
your life is boring, and this greentext was a waste of my time.
Just listen to americ anfootball and join the no gf club op
It's all downhill from here kid
Lol, if you think that's depressing wait until it happens to you in real life. Spend like 5 years with some girl you love and then she just flips the switch one day and stops talking to you.
I honestly expected this to be a Skyrim joke
Dont worry faggot, I had the same dream 1 month before I met my first GF, also this
Fuck I relate, I told her I needed some time to mentally gather myself and she just up and left.
I gotta tell ya bud, you wont get laid/find true love posting about it on b. Get out there. Use tender or whatever the hell. No action and self loathing are going to set you back. I believe in you user.
this reminds me of the time i dreamt i met a girl, i kept thinking how beautiful she is only to wake up
brain is cancerous
first of all congrats for the trips
try opium it gives you dream like highs in the right dosage and also has a pretty good anti depressant effect
should be just the right thing to get back on track
Too relatable, happened to me once that the girl im in love with started to go out with me after a random encounter....i told her that i loved her and she told me that she always liked me to.
i woke up really hyped because the dream was too real, then i couple of seconds later i realized that it was a dream.
Felt really sad all day
As if you had something better to do, faggot.
That would imply that I’m funny, user.
That should literally be an app for aspies to meet on
Millennial pussy. Fucking snowflake.
Go to a bar
Order a drink
Talk to women
Buy them a drink
Listen to them
Take them back and fuck the shit out of them ( Double up on a condom )
Walk away like a boss
I am 16 you fucking retard. Go eat your fucking tendies elsewhere.