Just look how round it is. How could you resist!

Just look how round it is. How could you resist!

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if someone can I pity them

They don't know what they're missing

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look how not equine it looks, so resistable.

Do you have better?

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you fuckers need to stop NOW

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end yourself niggerfaggot

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Such detail! You must have more

Its 2019, is this really happening?

Some retarded alarmists from /mlp/ think that the fandom will die when Season 9, the last season, ends.

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I know! I just can't resist reporting your cancerous faggot pony thread! OwO

And they think getting themselves permabanned from Yea Forums again will fix this?

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Explain permaban and how its possible.

Nope, but I haven't seen any of these threads get shitcanned either. The mods must've gotten lazy again...

Sweet jesus. Look at the flank!

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