Flemish student looking to make some money to pay for college fees
Flemish student looking to make some money to pay for college fees
Get lost whore.
college in europe is cheap enough
Post feet fagget
Be gone thot
Why would we ever pay money for below average goods when we can get the same result on the internet for free.
You’re fucking disgusting, your body is repulsive, and you, and every other filthy 3 - 5 needs to get in their heads you’re not worth nearly as much as you think you are, and that means tough luck for you.
Spread your pussy if you want an easy $50
Virgin detected
fuck off and get a job like everyone else
What form of payment? Paypal?
kik : lee5003 I'm loaded
Im married with kids and I feel the same way. It blows my mind that people pay women for fucking nudes.
why do only fat cows post on Yea Forums. smh
>asks for money because they think everyone should cater to their responsibilities because they have a vagina.
>actually human garbage
>not even attractive
Waar studeer je? Fix snapchat ;)
OP kik me lonelywolf012 , I find your body very attractive
Regio antwerpen hier, doe maar een voorstel.
She did this last week, I'll dump last weeks, but the price is; dubs
Is he wrong though?
*spins fedora*
I agree but am not surprised. There’s guys jerking off to Facebook
No, but a virgin with rage is a virgin with rage.
paying with trips, keep the change
Roll for justice and thot getting a job
>not paying women for nudes
look at the fuckin date retards theres only 12 months
Well in a way he is wrong. Why would I want someone elses used photos, or better yet, why do I want photos at all, when I can see my girlfriend in the nude every single time we shower together, get undressed, or fuck.
>girls dresses up like a retarded elf with braces
"oh wow so fucking hot here take my paycheck"
>girl actually shows her tits
"ew gross you disgusting fat bitch"
Jerking off to Facebook makes alot more sense to me than paying some cunt that you will never be in the same room with.
Also, speaking in economic terms that inflates the price of pussy.
If a bitch wants to make money selling her self, she should have to take a cum shot for it, at least.
Pussywhipped Amniotic fluid detected.
Dude. In Europe we write the date like this you fucking moron. :D
Wow retard, in belgium the month goes second
Why put the apostrophe in front of the 19? That date format is already an abbreviation...
Welp, I knew someone would take the bait.
Lmao an actual virgin
How about we donate money to fix those orangutan tits and Lipo. Seriously, even your nipples look disappointed in you.
Belle Delphine is just a prime example of how fucking pathetic incels and all you virgin faggots have become.
Why the fuck pay for this shit.
>inb4 retarded virgin rationalisation about the photos having some value
No you retard you’re being manipulated and hustled and the saddest thing is it’s with minimal effort and maximum reward. You’re all paying money for what? Bizarre hope she’ll pay you attention?
“Oh please user fuck me I only want you thanks for your money”
“Look at these stupid sad faggots paying my way through life and I don’t even have to do anything”.
I prefer my nudes f2p over p2w. Thrill of the chase, with more reward at the end.
Kik Balno3720 Happy to pay for some fun
Newfagg here. Smh means??
Trips for me now
Feeling generous today. Post paypal, I'll throw a 20 your way for free.
He got hustled, you got tricked into using a regularly misused buzz word for the next 6 months. Who is the winner here?
Thank you!! But I don't have paypal :c cashapp? These people are so mean
Post paypal with timestamped pic (to prove it's your paypal and not some random user).
I'm with this guy on it, fuck these entitled bitches, earn cash the real way, the hard way like any other human on this earth.
desperate faggot detected
you're a doormat for women
Yea, I have paid for sex one time when I was overseas, but to for fucking pictures or vids? In a time when there is so much oversupply of porn that it has nearly killed the industry. Please.
Belle Delphine and the influx of “pay me for nothing” sluts are the winner. That’s the point. We can infight and be faggots or stop being faggots and be faggots.
Ok, so this is some elaborate scam by a clever user. Worth more money than an actual whore begging for money.
Professional porn stars know the game and they know supply and demand, got to give what the customer wants and treat them right at the end of it. Gotta look at what competition is putting out too.
That's fine. But post it with a timestamped pic.
>Thank you!! But I don't have paypal :c cashapp? These people are so mean
Men should be doormats for women.
How about get a job doing honest work instead whoring out like a lazy fridge raiding mongoloid.?
That's obvs not the OP
My point was that there is so much porn its damn near impossible to run out of content to jerk it to, unless you have some insanely uncommon fetish that isnt catered to much.
Then I could see paying, I guess.
Salute Mein Hitler
any self-respecting non-NPC wouldn't be
The two types of user in this thread.
>pathetic faggots
>men who know a pussy doesn’t earn you a free pass
Timestamp on tits.
Here you go sirs
Decent. But please, none of you plebs give this bitch a dime.
Nah shes got a sexy body for sure, I'd hit it
drop the panties
Nice ass, but you're retarded if you think anyone is gonna buy
It's killed the industry because people would rather have sex with their friend's fat diabetic mom than some blond high school dropout with fake tits and mascara running down her eyes. As far back as 2005, you either payed for porn, or you got scraps and video clips from shady free sites that gave you viruses. Back then you had to have somewhat of an imagination, now I technically never have to fap to porn on the computer again because I have 15 years of almost every kind of porn available locked into a decent photographic memory.
can i get a special time stamp? after it i'd buy some vids. ok?
time stamp would be "ily musta" beside you titties.
also drop a way to communicate
Durf snapchat te delen
Pics or it didn't happen
Hey Babe, let's meet in Aken and have two nice hours in a hotel.
sure OWO share your kik
Share your kik
if you post your fb link i think i might fall for it
Thats more like it.
says the normalfaggot 9gag cuck !!
Snapchat: helinparksxoxo
Paypall: paypal.me/helinparksxoxo
Get a fucking real job and stop being a fucking leech. You are not entitled to money because you have a pussy and nobody is going to pay you for your fucking nudes. Fuck off skanky hoebag
I disagree. Oversupply is the cause, (and yes ready access to amateur porn is a huge part of this), coupled with decentralization of production and distribution. Same thing thats happening with every other form of media, basically.
What’s your Kik or Snapchat?
fat whore
who the fuck would pay for that ?
How much for vag & anus
Added your snap waiting for an accept willing to send money in exchange
Its a sad sad day when faggots actually willing to pay for this garbage.
If by chance you do end meeting up with this whore, fuck her, but don’t pay her. What’s she gonna do?
I like 3 things in life. Panties, boobs, and photos that match my old ass phone's screen resolution. And you gave it all to me for free in that photo. Thanks.
True that. She doesnt have a pimp to enforce that shit.
At least Yea Forums can be helpful and accurate for once.
Give me your kik and I'll send you a message :)
my snapchat: helinparksxoxo
my paypall: paypal.me/helinparksxoxo
Fat, desperate, and low self esteem. Just my type. What are you willing to do, and price range?
no, honeypot
I'd be the kind of guy that pretends not to pay the girl so the pimp will show up, me and my friends can jump him, and extort money from him with threats of us flaying his penis for looming overhead.
a pimp has his back covered you dumb fuck. unless you are ready to pull out your pocket weapons and underarm holsters empty, just pay the girl 100$ if all she did was a blowjob. expect to be robbed also, because a prostitute is a gateaway for trobles, you dumb newfag
So in your world the pimp doesnt just shoot you?
plus, a pimp might not show itself in personb but 90% send his scouts and bodyguards to collect "taxes" you IQ sewer
Cucked and a faggot
Lets see that pussy
Add me on Kik jonwo58
like flies on a cow dump. let them jump into honeypot
Muthafucka are you serious? Don’t fall victim for this bullshit.
No offence OP, but milking thirsty guys is fucking scummy
Dude I'd make sure I had at least 12 fully armed men with me, I'd probably pay some big muscle too. I'd have a bullet proof vest on too, which I know is pussy, but where the fucks his vest when he dies? I think really I just want to see a pimp scared for his life, at the hands of some one who is too scared to die, so he brings overkill protection.
sad that this whore is actually gonna gets some money from some retard
Then I guess he'd be outta body guards.
no u
Flemland women have some ugly titties.
It's sad that she gave most of the guys what they wanted already in the form of initial tits and time stamp.
Vanwaar ben je, slet?
still some rich nig with blue balls is gonna pay her some sweet monsey for low quality pussy pics
holy fuk you nigglets, stop playing Postal 2 and dreaming you can do something this productive and useful. At least write here the chemical formulae of what you smoking
Money for college? If you can't pay the governement pays the 150 euro you have t o pay.
And please leave flanders we don't need those saggy tits
Lv 35 wizard DETECTED!!!
Amesthelord123 on kik, I've got some dosh to burn lets go
Fucking land whale
Go get a fucking job then.
Kan jy Afrikaans verstaan? Sterkte met jou studies!
Sure you are tough guy, fucking lol.
got'em by the fat rolls
femanon why u don't do proper work?
Lmao! You keep telling yourself that fag!
oh shit, you got him busted. noice
Tell me then. How difficult is it to obtain a vest and mentally ill friends who are easily exploited? Then you would only have to have access to weapons, I mean fuck dude it's THE US were talking about here. Then all you would have to do is find a prostitute, bait some thugs, off them in ways that scar the hooker for an eternity, then when the pimp comes to investigate, everyone waits in line to stomp his eyes out of his face.
sean.the.one on kik, willing to pay 5 bucks for 5 opened pussy and ass shots.
Je moet mij wel accepteren dan hé, snapnaam begint met yoshi
Show your feet
all this for a fking hooker filled with chlamydia and herpes
Godspeed user, please do a webm after you're done. I'll prepare the bacon for a good burger to eat watching all this dream
Fuck off
Woah who said I was doing shit. I don't commit crimes. I would never do anything even remotely associated with murder. I just like to fantasize pieces of shit getting their dues in gruesome fashion.
I have added u on snapchat, goldycox14 x
>when I can see my girlfriend in the nude every single time we shower together, get undressed, or fuck.
Are you talking about your life or are you writing a shitty erotic novel?
oh fug, do you write a novel desu ? post 500 words from it. let me read it NAW
uhh I have a vagina so give me money. Get a job you lazy whore
fak off, mate, will ya ? faking cunt, got me money by working, not wanking in front of camera lens, stupid cunt
Exactly this