They were all dead from the start? Someone explain LOST in short way

They were all dead from the start? Someone explain LOST in short way.

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That's just a theory. They really did crash on the island but the island travels through time and space so they end up in the past version of the island as well as the future version and then john lock dies but an evil spirit takes over his body and tries to kill the islands protecting spirit and he succeeds so the island dies and everything goes back to normal, but not really because the island survives by getting a new protector and why is every girl on that show flat chested except for that crazy mexican chick

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Jesus fucking christ, user.


No problem. Hope I helped

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I'm oldfag and actually watched it all as it was happening in 2000s, every time I think about it now I still don't know what the fuck happened.

After season 2 the writers themself did not know anymore what it all was about!

Idk but i cried at the end for some reason

Creators where lost when creating lost

All of the weird "flash-sideways" things from Season 6 were actually pergatory.

Everything that happened on the island was real, and whoever died whenever actually did die then. Some people made it off and lived a really long time, but after they die they all go to the weird place where the plane never crashed, then all meet up together to be able to move on

Anons, we have to go back T_T


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son of a bitch

Shut up and eat ya fuckin' fish biscuit

Should we twitch watch lost

Fuck yeah I'm down. Send me the invite and I'm there like swimwear

This fucking show. I was way too into it, appointment viewing, never missed an episode, internet message boards and everything. I really wanted everything to have a meaning and an answer. The way they "wrapped things up" was confusing and mildly infuriating.

>oceanic crash
>everyone dead
>souls still bound to the earth due to one reason or another
>as soon as they come to peace they can finally move on
>some people don't move on

It was the most successful TV show in history and the way they handled the explanation is the reason why every single show since LOST is so ambiguous and wannabe complex. They paved the way to this style and everyone is repeating it to this very day. Spielberg's effect pure and simple.

same here, this seems to be a good memberberry

fucking JJ, decent Q's shit A's

>season 1: interesting story with engaging characters
>season 2-6: ohfug people actually like this show so we should make more episodes for as long as we can and I don't care if you have to pull scripts from out of yours ass let's just milk this thing
the end

The writers of lost all good the Japanese version of storytelling where you start with interesting characters, then put as much shit in the story to convolute it beyond understanding or sense and then end it cheaply.

>Japanese version of storytelling
I don't remember any lolis in LOST, user


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uh, Walt?

Taking Japanese narriative doesn’t mean they’re Japanese writers you fucking dumbass

sums it up perfectly.

Was crew on the third season ama

Who the fuck kept on watching this voluntarily after the 3rd season? Started off great, lost everything midway.

Do you think michelle rodriguez was hot during the filming of that show? Also, why is every girl on that show flat chested? Is that part of the mystery?

spot on user

What did you do

I rally tried to watch this series..but I was so lost. I switched to 24 wth that Sutherland guy

it was shit

Not the most successful show, puerile and derivative. Wanna see what they were ripping off, watch The Prisoner, Outer Limits, Twilight Zone and Time Tunnel


You were making sure the clothes are ready or you were choosing what the cast will wear? Got into talks with any of the stars? How did it go

"Waste of time"

they named the show after the state of mind you are in while watching it. thats meta

Assisting wardrobe. Cast was cool, except for the hobbit, who was a cunt.

I think the hobbit was pissy because one of the PAs stole Evangeline Lilly from him. Norm Kali. Wound up being her bany daddy.

they died in the plane crash.
the numbers were the numbers of the seats. that were ripped from the plane.
everyone else died on impact with the water.
the reason they were "alive" and hadn't yet passed on was because they were trapped in purgatory.
the mist monster wanted them to be stuck in purgatory forever.
the white man wanted them to find jesus so the show would fucking end.

And that's probably the nicest way to put it.
Right from the start, the strongest fan theory was that they all died and the whole show is their afterlife. Then seven seasons long they were like "no no, trust us, we have a plan, it'll blow your mind!" and then it was *exactly* as everyone predicted from the start.
Throwing out a bunch of bullshit questions without the slightest intent to answer them; much less any idea how to. Nothing to say about the human condition or social behaviour or growth of character that wouldn't fit on a fortune cookie.
It's manipulating and bad and deserves all the flag for the clusterfuck of a pretentious ending.

Oh, and Stephen Williams, one of the directors, was a cunt as well. Had an office full of Bob Marley and African stuff, wore his hair in nigger knots and tried to pretend that he was King of All Blacks. Except that he had a white wife, white polka-dot kids and lived in the whitest neiborhood on oahu. Fake-ass Nigger.

oh and the whole time they were saying that they were coming up with episodes on a season by season basis, it wasn't until the last 2 seasons when people were getting tired that they kept reassuring that they had a plan.
thats cuz they kept shoehorning new things in.

you don't think that came from his wife not letting him be full black in the household?

He wasn't full black anywhere.whitest nigger I ever saw.

They were supposed to be dead the whole time but everyone figured it out by the first season so they had to change the story on the fly to keep people guessing.

Funniest bit was when Naveen Andrews went on a coke bender and disappeared.
It was a location shoot day, all his scenes, and they had to wrap it. Cost Disne y $100K

Complete shit. There is no point. If you cant actually close plot points you dont have a plot. Dont give me this heaven and god bullshit to solve your third act problem!

there is no explanation that ties up everything, because the writers never really had any clue where they were going with it

Lol, I'm going to bed if no one wants to hear behind the scenes shit

>Someone explain LOST in short way.
the writers were lazy as fuck
had no overall storyboard
and pulled a bunch of shit from on line speculation about what the writers had planned

Expecting fast food to be a fine dining experience? You clown....

Why were all the girls flat chested?

Not true. I was on the crew. They got perfectly good scripts from KJ a nd the rest of the LA folks. Then they called "production meetings" with all the on-island producers and raped the LA scripts.

Michelle had some tig ol bitties. Not sure why they cast the rest of them

this is absolutely not right. so many people misunderstood the sixth season. the only element of purgatory is the "flash sideways" element only present in the sixth season.

i feel bad for you that the ending went right over your head

Hahaha true. She was my favorite. Good night brother

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She is flat as a pancake bro...

Kiele Sanchez was the only one with big ass tits.

>make your own kind of music
>sing your own special song
>make your own kind of music
>even if nobody else sings along
see you in another life brotha...

I fitted her costume, you are wrong.

Up it's own ass shit. Overrated garbage. It's most impressive feat was making itself seem clever to stupid people.

Can someone explain why Jacob picked all these people to possibly replace him? Why does he need to be replaced?

>they are all dead
>they aren't in purgatory

so where are they then cuz it ain't the afterlife.

I'm sorry the elements of tormented souls trapped in purgatory trying to convince them that they are not dead is oblivious to you even though they were prominent from the first fucking season and buddhist philosophies of repentence in both the present, and the afterlife (dharma and karma) are main plot devices.

cuz otherwise they get judged harshly and sent to hell.

>so where are they then cuz it ain't the afterlife
theyre on a fucking island you idiot.

they are going through a trial to replace jacob as new guardian of the light. also at one point they even leave the island and come back. (not exactly something that can happen to purgatory lol) like... have you watched the show completely? its fairly easy to comprehend.

it's also fairly easy to comprehend that the time shifts happening after they left the island is because they were attempting to escape purgatory; religiously, souls can escape purgatory, but they are always sent straight back.

JJ Abrams and his buddies scammed a network out of millions of dollars.
There was no plan. Abrams never had a fucking plan or an ending in mind. They made it up as they went along.

remember when in season 3 they just sat on a beach doing nothing for the whole season? what a waste of fucking time that show was.

look youre obviously stuck on what is very widely considered the wrong conclusion many people had about the show. i often feel that this perceived incorrect view of the show comes from people who just didnt really pay attention.

im not gonna argue with you anymore, but its truly sad that youll never appreciate the whole story because youre stuck on the notion that they are in purgatory for anything other than the "flash sideways" element of last season

but whatever user its just a tv show i get too worked up about lol

>they aren't in purgatory

the problem with that theory is that there is no separate entity other than purgatory to cleanse you of sin, and that is LITERALLY J.J. Abrams' proposed theory of why the island even exists IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE.
That's the reason Jacob selected a group of people to replace him, someone HAS to cleanse the souls of sin in Purgatory before they are judged, or they are judged as though all sins are permanent and unforgivable.

They weren't in purgatory the whole time and the island was a real place, but when they die the island becomes their purgatory

what is purgatory anyway

It's what you call an existence where you aren't alive but you aren't dead (afterlife). You simply exist somewhere in the middle. It's also called limbo

>why is every girl on that show flat chested

side effect of time travel Yea Forumsro. its a necessary evil.

purgatory actually didnt happen on the island for them. it happened in a fake version of off-the-island life. with the church being the final point. at some point hurley and ben die and orchestrate the final meet-up off the island so they can all pass together

aka the entire flash sideways element of final season

You're right. I got confused lol

Good show, then it got fucked in the ass by a writers strike and two actresses getting a dui.

but yeah man you got the right idea