Would you rather fuck a trap, or a hot sex doll?
You have to choose one.
Would you rather fuck a trap, or a hot sex doll?
You have to choose one.
assuming the sex doll doesn't have a dick, the sex doll.
Signed: not a faggot
The doll has resale value on the free market
Is the trap specifically not hot?
Can i choose two?
Hnnnnnnng doll asshole
t. defensive closethomo
Found the faggot that faps to dicks
I fucking said ONE
>Has to assert his "heteroness" 3x in 2 posts
>On an anonymous board
Holy fuck dude, just get it over with and chow down on the dick, you self delusional cockgulper.
What kind of weird ass question is that? I guess I'd fuck a doll. Both would be kinda shameful, but at least with the doll I wouldn't be sticking my dick in crazy.
This post gave me a kek.
The doll. At least you can put it back in the closet without any hurt feelings, once your nut is out and you don't want to be faced with what horny you likes to fuck.
>What kind of weird ass question is that?
It's almost like you forgot where you are.
>Can't see he's fighting himself more than others
it's okay, faggot
welcome, newfriend
a doll. I'm not a fag
Neither. A real female. Winrar.zip
This question needs to be resolved before we can move forward
Get the fuck out of this thread.
Choose one.
Not ugly, but not hot.
Right in the middle.
Well that one is down right ugly and scary though
that doesn't even look like a trap, it's a faggot with a weird haircut and makeup
>It's a faggot with a weird haircut and makeup
If I get to pick my own trap then 100% yes I’d fuck her
Uh, the doll. Because dicks are for faggots.
sex doll always
I would need pics of each first!
its actually a he
a trap.. at least I won't be gay sucking the cock of a beautiful woman
trap all day, as long as we dont have to touch balls. thats gay as fuck
If I don't have to do clean up, the doll, otherwise I'll just jerk off
Hmm lets see here. Fuck a dude or a doll. I'm not a fag so I'm obviously gonna fuck the doll.
it's a guy doll so you're still a fag, fagboy
If it’s pretty enough and smooth enough it will get my dick hard. At that point I don’t care what pronouns you want to use. My dicks going in
which is gayer giving a guy a handjob or sucking a traps dick?
A doll because I’m not a faggot
I want a doll, but the wife has double standards about sex toys
Neither is gay. You give a guy a hand job every time you jerk yourself off. And traps have feminine penis boi pussies
>feminine penis boi pussies
I'll take words that people make up to avoid acknowledging how gay they are for $500 Alex.
I have likely fucked more biological females than you so therefore I am zero percent gay. Fully aware I’m bi though
One does not "fuck" a doll.
One masturbates with a toy.
It matters not the shape of it.
Quality>quantity. I might not have fucked a lot of people, but I felt genuine love and had an actual connection with the people I did fuck.
Also why does the number of women you've fucked, exceeding the number of women I've fucked, do anything to how many percent gay you are?
>Also why does the number of women you've fucked, exceeding the number of women I've fucked, do anything to how many percent gay you are?
It doesn’t. That’s just so you know if we shared a jail cell together you would be the bottom. I’d give you a quality time though don’t worry
'connection' ppl are such faggots. thats in your head, you know that right.
all weirdo stalker types feel a connection to their victims, its not real.
Nah man, I'm a top when I fuck dudes, you don't gain that position by making up new words for describing having sex with effeminate boys in dresses.
OP never said it was a boy and if you are OP you're a retard for puting a female doll as the pic so to lead people into believing it wasn't about a male doll.
And the feeling of love is just a chemical, what's your point exactly?
Everything we feel towards others is only going on in our heads.
I agree with this guy, why not just date a faggot instead of a faggot in dress up.. I thinks it's you boi pussy lovers that are delusional
Ok I’ll stick to the scientific words from the medical journals like dick and cock when you put your dress on
I'm not into crossdressing though, also have you noticed how hard it is to talk shit while doing so in a homoerotic manner?
Nah it’s working for me
If the trap stays in this position and never turns around then yes I will fist-pump that a-hole until kingdom come
Huh, I guess my heart just isn't into it.
To be honest, I don't care who people want to fuck or what they like people to be wearing while they fuck them.
Making people self conscious is just so easy in these threads.
>To be honest, I don't care who people want to fuck or what they like people to be wearing while they fuck them
You just don’t like mutualy consensual inoffensive words people like to use to describe bodies they think are hot
True, but it is about the words themselves, not the actions taken.
Boy pussy and feminine penis are inherently dichotomous concepts to me.
sex doll easy