Reimu in smash

Touhou 1 isn't a VN retard

Pretending to be retarded doesn't make you smart, you know.

Yeah, because this is a VN

>most popular 2hus consistently come from EoSD
>not overrated

oh hell no
Fortunately for you, i don't mind needless killing.

Attached: 567956.jpg (1000x1400, 315K)

Since Iwata-san is starting another round on the Steve thread. Here's your winner. Thanks for allowing us to crash here for the time being, Reimu-fag. EVERYONE REPORT TO THE STEVE THREAD

Attached: Winner.png (525x202, 31K)

I don't think he's pretending. This is not even the dumbest thing I've seen anti-Reimu posters unironically say.

I get the desire to have your fun but suddenly hijacking an unrelated thread like that is very rude (not even funny rude, just rude), please don't do that again.

>Reimu, Marisa and Koishi come from EoSD
Besides, popular doesn't means overrated.

Playable characters are a given. Kosher's just a Flan clone.