Masturbating and specially ejaculating wastes a special type of energy

Masturbating and specially ejaculating wastes a special type of energy

The more degenerate the content one is masturbating to, the denser is the energetic content generated during masturbation and the better it would be for a spiritual being to feed on it

They could feed on it from distance

There are specific satanic agendas behind porn sites etc. They serve several purposes as energetic feeding, can be used for mind corruption and to open doors for demonic influence

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Pornhub is the worst porn site.

Half the truth is as good as a lie

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Citation needed.

Damn OP there are plenty of sensible reasons why porn is harmful but you had to go and make up a bunch of ludicrous ones.

Yo if feeding spiritual beings with my cum is a crime then lock me up boy! hehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehelpme.

You have to add people in order to see their private videos which are some of the best videos and most people are overly biased and greedy as fuck about it. There’s never any good porn that fits everybody’s preference anymore.

>most people are overly biased and greedy as fuck
>There’s never any good porn that fits everybody’s preference
Boy you are a special case of retarded aren't you?

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>if feeding spiritual beings..

see it as running out of that energy is no good

and masturbating to such contents is to be open to influence

You're right and I know you're right, but how do I defeat myself?

Youre too catholicy for this site user .
Log off and go to church

Not a christian am an occultist

>running out of energy
Which has nothing to do with masturbation itself.

We are not talking about excess. That is an entirely different story.

>and masturbating to such contents is to be open to influence
That makes no sense whatsoever, but surely fits a crazy narrative.

Afterall you are looking for the influence.
Just like going to a specific disco that plays your kind of music while rejecting thousands of other discos that might or might not do so.

So beyond any influence it is your own that guides you towards or away from the many pitfalls in life.

Shifting the blame to cover up ones own inability to think for oneself is best proof of ones mental inadequacy.
And the inadequate have never not been controlled by everything that happens outside of them.

So what's the point here? Don't fap?
Which is bullshit.
Think for yourself.

Shut the fuck up you pile of braindead shit. If you weren’t so fucking useless and retarded you would know that porn hub doesn’t have shit. You have no knowledge of anything involving their bullshit. You have no information to back up your idiotic response and you’re a fat ass fuck. Go take your childish shit to plebbit bitch.

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Sorry but I don’t fap to trannies like you do. Fuck off.

Man you're deeply troubled teen.
Good luck in your life.

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Just remember when you’re stuck in life and all you have to remember is the gay ass trannies you jerked your pathetic dick to. Fuck you and your shitty life. I’d step on you untill you die Irl.

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>So what's the point here? Don't fap?
Which is bullshit

Congrats on your post rather than bullshitting you showed a good and coherent reply which l believe too ti a certain extent

my point was to show that there would be more to masturbation than just having a good time. It would waste a special type of spiritual energy. And specially masturbating to porn sites, which would be part of a agenda of corruption

Can that energy be restored if I stop? I understand what you mean to an extent, it's not just fatigue, I feel a certain type of life energy is being wasted every time I do it. My question is am I fucked or is there hope for recovery?

>more to masturbation than just having a good time
Maybe. Maybe not.
If you ask 5 people you get 5 different replies.
Who's right?

Specific rule for a general law.
Everybody masturbates, not everybody wastes.

>And specially masturbating to porn sites, which would be part of a agenda of corruption
You might aswell make a thread about heroin addiction and it's downsides.

Your body recovers all the time.
You basically waste energy on digestion of food.. aslong as it is all balanced there is no waste.

Some of you sound like you haven't been able to spend a single day in your lifes with yourself as you really are, instead of how you imagine yourself to be.

Now that is the real waste.

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> There are specific satanic agendas behind porn sites

I am always spending time with who I am. Regardless, what does that have to do with the topic at hand?

Right? It's common knowledge by now.

how's the schizophrenia treating you

That if you were conscious of where your energy goes, it cannot possibly be wasted.

>an that energy be restored

One could restore that energy

that would be present in blood and sperm

but also fruit

>aslong as it is all balanced there is no waste

u taljing short-term?

Wtf can't I just not fap? I gotta drink semen?

stop fapping would be a gd way
as more seen would be produced then reabsorbed if not ejacated

Op, what cult are you in? OTO? I know they investigate matters of sexual energy, perhaps more so than any other cult.

What if I am myself a degeneration vampire, but I whack off to generate my own degeneration rays so I don't accidentally eat human whack rays since it's kind of gay?

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