Russian girls thread

Russian girls thread

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Very RuSsIaN

My fiance

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wow she is so cute post more of her

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once you kissed russian feet you will never crave anything else

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more don't stop

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btw r u russian ?

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No I'm half Puerto Rican and other half is French and English. And she's only half Russian I bet you can guess what other half though

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half american ?

Ukrainian flag

oh yea this makes sense , I thought she was a Ukranian ethnic russian


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Half mole?


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she lives in Ukraine ?

Yes, for now

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kiev ? and are you getting married soon ?

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True Russian
Non-Russians. Real Russians have blonde hair, not brown or dirty

>I'm half Puerto Rican and other half is French and English
So you're third rican third french and third english
Dumb fuck

k let's have more true russians then

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No and we just got engaged so we have to wait for the visa to go girl

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No you idiot it's half Puerto Rican and then 1/4 French and a 1/4 English. Fucking idiot.

got any nudes of her ?

Nice Pray for Paris fake shirt

пoчeмy pyccкиe дeвyшки тaкиe милыe

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пoтoмy чтo oни пpocтo кpacивыe

пвaхвaхвaхвaххa пpaвдa


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This nigga is seriously turning into Immortan Joe

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Have you ever seen actual Russians?

Yes, all of them, even the men, have blonde hair
Unless you have shit skin mongolian blood... in which case you arent russian


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