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I like how no one is questioning the legitimacy of other claims of racism. Or are they?

Dindu nuffin

I love how little black on white crimes there are that you have to stage one!

was getting caught part of his plan?

I mean white on black lol


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oy vey, of course not

um no it was to pass a lynching bill for his co conspirator Kamala Harris

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It will all come out in court. There are just the prelimenary charges.

>We Wuz Kangs

Why do black people pretend to be the most alpha people on the planet but at then need to be the biggest victim on the planet also?

Lynching was not a crime before?

This is why I hate niggers

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Was going to ask the same thing, wouldn't it just fall under murder or attempted murder?

in knew it
where are the leftards now?

All it takes is the word nigger to reduce them to tears.


>in knew it
Son, you just took all the heat out of your burn.

In hiding until the next hoax.

simple mistake

Maybe, I’m not sure, it’s like when a white guy kills someone it’s murder but then if he shouted “nigger” while doing it it’s also a hate crime.

hol' up, we wuz kangs and shit

I think theyre talking about groups doing racist shit not individual 1 on 1 crime

Is lynching even still a thing though? I mean this is a made up story. and even in the story, it's a 1 on 1 hate crime. They cant charge all maga supporters

The Smollett crime was considered a lynching he just supported and was working with Kamala harris and Cory Booker to make everyone aware of the lynching bill they wanted to pass.

I wish I had $3,500.00 to waste on whatever.

wasnt considered a lynching i meant.

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i mean.....they reacted to the story they were given by news outlets, i dont see what the issue is here

They took the story at face value. You would think politicians of all people, would do at least five minutes of research before putting their name behind something. Especially in the age of "fake news"

Actually it's exactly in that age that I learned they do not do that.

5 minutes of research? I look at the headlines on the Google News app a couple times a day, everyday, it was like a month of back and forth with this story, different news outlets reporting different facts on the same day. It was a mess. I dont know man, i can't fault them for some tweets.

This is just the preliminary... The postal inspectors will drop the big shoe soon.

Why not? They basically charge every firearm owners when some defective autist shoots up a high school? Welcome to 2019 America, bitch.

What if those dudes he paid would've done their job and actually beat the ever living fuck out of him like emmitt till level. He goes on tv crying about it and we still find out it's fake but he also has eyes swollen shut and his lip is swollen into his nose and his ear is missing and he's got a tooth in his cheek and his neck has bruises and his tongue is cut and his nose is broken and his eyebrow is barely on his face and he's got internal bleeding and his chin is infected and his jaw is broken and wouldn't reset so he always talks weird and brain is still his brain and the back of his head needs stitches and spine is misaligned and his arm is broken and his hand is severed and his fingernail on his opposite hand has a fungal infection and his lung is punctured and his knee is dislocated and his acl is torn and his mcl is sprained and his rotator cuff has mild damage and he has a shoulder bursitis and he has tenitus and he has 1st 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his left buttock and he ruptured his Achilles and he has erectile dysfunction and his thigh muscle is strained and he has an upset stomach and he has hip problems and he's gay.

Dumbass kek