Be me, almost got in fight on bus today

>be me, almost got in fight on bus today
>2 dudes holding hands
>someone was like shielding their child who was looking
>so the guys stopped
>I said "No, fuck that. Don't do that. Hold his hand!"
>she says "I don't want my child seeing that!"
>I stand up and say "What? Love? Oh, how horrible. What a terrible thing for your child to see."
>And I said to the kid "These two men love each other and that's ok, no matter what anyone tells you"
>The bus cheered
>As I'm gettting off at my stop one of the guys came to me and was tearing up
>He says thanks
>I say "Don't thank me. Seriously. This nonsense of thanking people for being decend humans needs to stop. You're welcome, though"

Seriously, what's up with all these homophobic people? Literally grow the fuck up!

Attached: Two-men-hold-hands.jpg (385x257, 15K)

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Lol how gay r u?

not getting baited

It’s because homosexuals are faggots
And faggots are gay.

Kill yourself.

Honestly good for you

It’s because homosexuals are faggots
And faggots are gay.

Kill yourself.

What if one of these gay guys jammed his cock in ur mouth? Would you still feel like a decent person?

Things that didn’t happen for 800

Im not sure if Yea Forums actually hates gays or it is just a meme at this point. ive been browsing Yea Forums since i was 16, im 26 now. I hope that some of the evil speech ive seen on here is just for keks. Im gay and i hope that people dont feel this way.

Haven't seen this pasta for a few weeks.