Would you date a girl that has been blacked?

Would you date a girl that has been blacked?

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no one ever will

not only is she ugly but a retarded nigger fucker

If it has a hole there's a man out there that would fuck it
Remember that son

I would definitely impregnate that one

forgot about all them pawn cucks

No, if you like your AIDS, you can keep your AIDS

Nope, not only does she have bad taste but wouldn't risk whatever she might have, plenty of other choices out there.


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who is the blonde whore

This, nigs are dirty

Was going out with some chick for a week.
She got pretty comfy around me so I asked her to show me her ex.
Literally get up and walk out of the bar.
I am disgusted by niggers. If I'm in public transport and a nigger touches the bars and there's no way for me not to touch it after it, I put the handkerchief designated for this type of situation on the bar and then I grab it.
Honestly, I can live with the thought that they exist but the fact that I touch things touched by them is horrible.

Hi. No.

my ex wanted to get back together, found out she had been fucking blackguys, no thanks

no one wants aids, besides niggers should be hung.

Any proof is that her? Looks like bullshit if you can't see her face

Not fond of scat or aids, so no

My gf in the pic lost her virginity to a black... she still prefers them now, I don’t mind, think it’s normal now days, most white girls do prefer black guys. Kik robhip7557

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Who’s the girl?

You need help to get rid of this disgusting fetish.

Trite but true. Especially among niggers.

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Sure is a lot of small dick energy around here

Lolololol sure is

>not only is she
>talking about the girl in the pic
>while op is asking generally
Wew lad

shes gorgeous, who is she

no she is contaminated. hope she enjoys many babies and no support from the fathers cause thats her future.

I'm not insecure, so if she's interested I don't care.

right skimming threads on Yea Forums

my point still stands

>most white girls do prefer black guys
Hahahahah No.

it has nothing to do with insecurity no one wants there baby coming out looking like tyrone.

genes from all the men you've had sex with stay in the vagina.


excuse ne

fuck no

After she's been with me she's been blacked, so no I see nothing wrong with it

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I found out my girlfriend (now wife) slept with my black friend months before we dated

How do you feel about it?

I know I’ll never please her :(

>>designated handkerchief


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Of course. And then I would tell her to keep fucking black guys while I watch because shooting my loads of white amateur girls succumbing and getting blacked is the hottest thing ever.

Well that’s dumb


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I have, but I also have a pretty big dick so no reason to be insecure. As you may have guessed though, she was pretty fucked up in the head it turns out.

Keep posting


Blacked women are damaged goods

I wouldn't care.

t. black guy.

However if she fucked a bunch of dudes. Or she fucked someone while we were together, I'd drop her and all contact immediately.

Some white guys are into it

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My wife has been blacked

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Thanks for your post schlomo\jamal.

Lol she’s told me ???

Thanks for the post rabbi.

damaged goods but i dont care
any good fuckhole will do

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My exes friend dated a black guy, thats all she fucked at one point. Then couple years down the line she met a white guy and dated him, now they are engaged. Until one day, my ex got drunk and called her out on it and he broke off the marriage. She is tainted. Shortly after my ex and i broke up so i dont know that nigger lovers future.

How black dick so good it straightened her hair. lmao fuck off

genes from all the men you've had sex with stay in the vagina.
Source? This sounds like bullshit and unscientific.

"Told me" so she's a cheating whore and you're a complete cuck who doesn't give a shit that everytime she leaves the house she's looking for that fix of black cock again? Skanks don't change their habits they just hide them.

stfu kike shill


Why not? I'm posting in this troll thread

Nobody would. There are literally thousands of women who aren't trash.

She has been with two black guys when she was is high school. Not currently seeing black guys while married.

atleast that's what she's telling you, Skanks never change their habits. She'll still be getting it

As long as she is happy

So two nigger dicks means that she is a slut?

Lol nice troll farm.

Some whiteboy jerkoff material

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Not if I know beforehand.

You poor poor deluded fool. She's admitted to two. Doesn't mean that's how many she's actually fucked. The number will be much higher.

She is very open about her sexual conquests. I know her number...

imagine being this desperate for affection you'll repeatedly stick with a nigger loving whore and be proud of how many cocks she's taken before you.

Imagine also that you put a fucking ring on that dumb slut so she's entitled to half your shit when she inevitably leaves your ass

That was cute we need to create him some kind of certification for this. Sad basement neckbeard.

24 for by 19. Is that a lot?

is this kind of shitposting what black incels do?

I actually got my gf into black dudes and enjoy sharing her. So yeah

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This is now a BBC thread

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No. Because once you go black, you never go back. She is sure to be fucking some black guy beside you

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If it was for Brittany I would still date even if she did get blacked.

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24 guys at 19 years old? Even if she started at 13 and did an average that's 4 different guys a year. If she started at 16 its 8 guys per year... If its 18 she lost it, well... 24 guys in a year? 52/24 = different guy every 2 weeks? Do you think in all that time she'll have been getting herself tested or had enough time to even stop and think about what a whore she is?

Good luck in your divorce

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Would I fuck one? Probably, bit definitely wrap it up

Date one? Absolutely not. Shes obviously mentally unstable and makes bad life desicions. Just purely white trash. Women are supposed to be selective in who they procreate with

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I would and I have. I've also dated black girls who had black boyfriends exclusively before me. My dick is only average but don't give a fuck. It all felt good to me.


Any wet hole will do in my opinion well except maybe a mexican

Needs more penetration

Oh yeah. To show her a white cock even bigger than the black ones she thought she loved.

Girl is NOT the same you fucking retard

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I'm not an insecure fag with a small dick, so yeah.

dirty jew detected

>genes from all the men you've had sex with stay in the vagina.

That’s not how it works.

Yes, currently dating

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oh look, its the jew

Hate niggers fucking white girls, but that pic is hot.

Never. Thats disgusting. I hate watching porn and its the hottest chick ever and then a nigger shows up-instant alt+f4. How morally fucked do you have to be to let a nigger fuck you?

>roosh v

You know, that guys a piece of shit and a liar.

Damn, off by one.

I have some more for you

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You sick fuck.

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I have black friends and have no issue at all with black people that aren't niggers but no I wouldn't. A white girl that dates outside her race either has mental issues or is very susceptible to Jewish programming. Either of those is a deal-breaker for me

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Well I liked that she got a facial kek

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She look like my mother

who is this

Why not, my wife has been

Cuck ones

No, completely based on the fact I hate niggers and find them disgusting.

thats one hell of an ass!! more user

She made bad decisions when she was younger. And three of the guys happened at once, so the number isn’t as crazy as it seems.

>user proudly tells story about how his OCD coexists with his irrational fear of germs and racism
Better go wash your hands again.

Still no name? who is she?

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Is this god talking?

Hell no.
When I was 37 I was fucking a hot 20 year old. On the side, she was friends w/my girl(and we did 3 way together)
She was hot, man. Real hot, and I often fucked her while she went down on my girl.
She came back from Virginia and told me she had a 3 way with 2 niggers.
I washed my dick, and never called her again.

I would never date a girl who took a black dick. I would fuck one though.

White women who fuck black men have no respect for themselves and are sluts. I have absolutely no desire to date that. Even most white whores don't take black dick.

hnnnng! her body is so hot. please dump everything you have of her im edging to her now

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Ok, user.

you just need a big dick for a white guy
otherwise you'll feel insecure
ur acting like I haven't fucked black girls either

She's my wife now... she still has the taste for it.

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Fuck probably yes if it is convenient without personal repercussions. Date relationship no.

which of these sisters has been blacked?

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i offer some asians to be blacked

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Trick question both

in that case which one was blacked by more dicks?

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I have. It's not a big deal to me. My wife has never shown an interest in black guys , says she's just not attracted to them. She has had sex with black women thought. She's only ever been attracted to white men. We've been married for nine years and together for 12. I have no reason to doubt her.

How do you even ask if she's fucked niggers? Like should I just ask if she ever dated non white guys?

Has everything to do with making decisions....good decisions.

Most people figure out that the things you do, catch up with you. Esp these days with social media, cell phones, etc.

If a women makes a bad call on who she sleeps with,then shes going to have to live with that decision.

We all know what type of people homeboys are.
Crime rate statistics, parenting record, credit rating, STD rate, etc...

If I find out a chick has thought that poorly in her lifestyle, I dont want to even consider her....
It not only reflects on how she respects herself but also in her decision making....why would you even date that let alone put yourself at risk by swimming in that pool?

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Does nigger dick scare you?

Oh look its this liberal, hilliary wonm soy boy millennial, I'm a cuck , I need feminism thread again.

This fucking generation....bunch of pussies.

AIDS and Herpies are the scare

No. These dicks on these niggas are like 3x as big as mine, a girl going from that to what I got would be a huge dissapointment for them I feel, and such a waste of their time

karina probably got gangbanged by bbc at prom

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Married one who used to only date bbc. Love hearing her stories.

like what?

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What ks the alternative for tumblr to browse cuckold porn? I want to start my own blog again

Hottest one is her ex sharing her with guys while watching a football game.

He had her walking around in lingerie and at half time took her to the bedroom, stripped her and 4 guys took turns using her.

I've dated a girl who fucked niggers and won't ever do it again. She was fat and had H tits. Was kind of leading her on just to get fucked at a low point in my life. She told me that she had never had a white guy make her cum before and that I represent us well. Washed my dick, never called her again. Found out later, she fucked half the football team at my Big 10 uni. Got tested for STDs the next day... thank fucking god I came up clean.

>TLDR: white chicks who settle for niggers either: 1. really like them... or.. 2. have no worth...or...3. have no self-worth

She later tried to get me to cheat on my girlfriend with her. Didn't do it.

Is that considered bbc? My dick is just about that big.

The fallacy of blacks having huge cocks is just that...a fucking joke.

Dude with the largest junk in the world is white...google it.

As a bi guy who has slept with multiple black and white guys, the notion of black men having larger penises is exaggerated. It's a weird fetishized taboo similar to fucking married men and bondage. Black guys don't fuck as good because they're convinced they're huge and don't have to do much.

>As a bi guy

You mean as a mentally ill homo.

>As a bi guy
>bi guy

Laughs in actually sleeping with real human beings while you jerk off to furry porn

Look I hate coons as much as the next guy but what the fuck are you talking about tard? Take a bio class or something


Wake the fuck up Yea Forums. You are being trolled and fucked with by people way smarter than you half way across the world.

Spreading hate to divide us and make us easier to take down. You’d fuck a white girl even if 10 black guys did first. You’re all lost looser virgins. What are you afraid she’s got cooties? Even the hottest white chick.

They are going to rape you and you’ll still be cheering them on.

The world is going to be extremely different in 5-10 Years. The first reversion of society is about to happen. Life finds a way and life controls itself.

Little do you all know it’s the robotic slaves to the trolls, the ones living artificial lives based around the internet who will perish first. With no skills to live in a world unplugged, without action, you will perish.

Take action now!

God Bless America, if only we still lived in Regan’s America.

Let me see


No need to label yourself like that, just say you’re a faggot and be done with it

+1 for Reagan

kik please? shizzle1979

you mean black boy fantasy material lmao

This bitch has been blacked all over Dallas

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BBC trained

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That’s not your bitch, that’s the hoods bitch.

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I'd only date a girl if she's been blacked and wants to be blacked some more

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I would try but she probably wouldn’t be satisfied sexually, I’m like half the size of that nigger. I’d be worried she would cheat and I don’t play that cuck shit

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My gf dated a black guy for 5 years. It bothered me at first but now I dont care. He was just a normie black guy, not a nigger

Your asshole must be filled with more genes than a clothing store

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What do you get out of lying you dirty kike?

Some of you fucking morons are so retarded though.

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No, but I'd kill her.

Funny that u ask NO I WOULD NEVER!
My current girlfriend's cousin had dated a nigger.
And that alone turned me off to a point that I would her not even consider

Every girl I date has been blacked.


Depends, if he was better then you in bed.. then hell no. If he smashed her then if you can't compete then do not even bother or else accept her always getting a side gig.

That said, realistically most can fuck with a shit just like white men so doesn't matter. Most are stack the way porn leads you to believe. Really big cocks dont stay hard with rings etc.. so not really an issue.. more the guy then anything to do with color.

I divorced my wife after I found out she was raped by a nigger at a party before we even met. Fucking nasty cunt.

did you grow up in a ghetto?

>My current girlfriend's cousin had dated a nigger. And that alone turned me off to a point that I would her not even consider
Same. I would not date a woman who has even dated a nig. Even if they admit they have not dated a nig but would ... they are dead in my eyes. Will not touch you, will not date you. Buh bye.

ooops.. Most are NOT stacked the way porn leads you to believe. Big cocks have trouble staying hard WITHOUT rings etc.

The question is would she date a white guy who has colonized black women (and asians, and latinas)

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I was seducing a woman I met at a conference. Had her in my hotel room with half a bottle of champagne in her. Swapping sexy stories. She says she dated a black guy for two years. Lost interest immediately.

Every girl Ive dated has been blacked. Because Im black. Checkmate motherfucker.

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Way to many STD and violence issues with blacks. If you date a girl who has been blacked and she made it out STD free; you still have to worry about being a victim of violent crime due to their extreme violent issues.

Life is way too short and there are way too many non damaged women to deal with that crap.

>three of the guys happened at once
You got to be trolling mate

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Yes, my gf

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Thank you. You understand

How many of them have you killed in a jealous rage nigbro?

sure kid

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Enjoy your AIDS, darkie.

Its absolutely immoral. Women should have their rights stripped back down.

Ashlee has been fucked by so many nigger cocks it’s not even funny. I wouldn’t go near that pussy

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This turns me on, dehumanize me more so I can dehumanize the girls you love through cognitive association. Fuck yes.

Mine did once, said never again. For numerous reason. Him, 8" but had trouble staying hard. Outsidte of that.. said the women were impossible to deal with on his side. Then having to deal with ridiculous stereotypes. Couple of her friends found the same thing.


It’s used to bother me knowing that my wife was a BBC slut for 6 years. It’s in the past now though. It was only 4niggers during that time. We are all addicted to great sex and I can’t blame her if she wanted to feel what it’s like to be stretched to her max. She is a new person now.

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Did it once.
Once she told me, the relationship didn't last another 24 hours

don't be so uptight about your sex life and it's not a big deal

fucking normies all over Yea Forums

Funny thing is too, I told my girlfriend this too, after meeting her cousin. She was like 'you are disgusting'
Women do not understand

You can't really biology, can you?

I’m not uptight. I’m ok with her past!

Jesus Christ, those fucking stretch marks.

They both look retarded.

Found the virgin everyone

They are hot. Go fuck your self if you don’t think this is a beautiful ass


I got turned off that I had sex with a girl who admitted having sex with two at the same time.

depends, are there no sheep around? or alpaca?

For any good upright and intelligent European, be it from Europe or America, it should be clear that mixing with a nigger is a bad idea. .. Ok I said it, go arrest me

So if people say mean things to you on 4chins it might set you off on a violent rampage?


had fun cocking her for you in imig.es

I still very rarely see white girl - black male relationships and i live in a westrern city and if you see them its white trash anyway

more of her?

You do realize I was being very polite and nice to you?

Was his taken in Aruba?

No, I don't want to risk AIDS.
Also I assume the black fella had bigger penis than me, so I couldn't even please her.

I hope you cucks catch some nigga std.

The not intended purpose of this thread go fuck off... Race mixing is disgusting. and only done by people who do not know me

Yes it was in Aruba. Why?

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no, give aids no chance

Alina Sheykhet

She was a hottie

Pic is her, obviously in better times

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Think she’s been blacked?

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noticed the hotel. I'm from there. got kik?

careful friends.., you ignore the master who got you on that path, you will get burned

Once you go black, we don't want you back. I want to vomit every time I see mudbaby-makers. Actual sub-human trash. Stay with your own kind, in your own countries.

Oh lol even here it is true though, faggots

Ur a beta def that is not normal shes gonna wanna cuck you for a black dude plus im sure you cock prob never fit the same

plus they get paid extra to fuck black guys I get the fetish but Id only jerk off to it because its degrading and they and sluts I think lowly of porn stars seeing they get wrecked by a black guy just validates that

When I was in the US I could never understand why black women all have such mega fat asses and how then, even white men get attracted to such

Yes, I felt the same way. Nigger women have mega fat asses. Mega unattractive.

No but at uni me and my black mate double teamed a bunch of girls. We used to take it in turns who would start off at which end and see how many high fives we could get in before the girl said anything.

Rugby is a great game

Nigger woman have fat asses cause they are so closely related to apes?


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Kelsi has been blacked

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why she got a big old dookie between her boobs?

Weronika lost her virginity to a black dude. Now the definition of used goods but eh.

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Let me say this: I speak completely free and uninhabited from a neutral point of few. Black women and men are disgusting and I do not understand why any white population would mix with them. Thank you

they stink

Fucking more. God damn that ass!

This is utter and complete bullshit

Autismo the Great, strikes again

Pee is stored in the balls

The absolute state of white women

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Wife after fucking a bbc in the vip bathroom at a club

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As a biologist, this article offends me
It's only immune cells and nothing else. Whoever wrote that article is fucking retarded

This bitch is one of my favorites

got more of her?

Never. I don't associate with race traitors.

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Or in other words: we will all talk amongst ourselves?

>Roosh v
Please tell me You cannot be serious

very hot does she do porn?

most white women have fucked at least one black guy

Not true, I know lots of white women that have never dated out of the white race.

>And three of the guys happened at once

bridget is obv black though

My wife has been blacked hundreds of times before we dated. She fucked a few black guys while we dated and now that we have been married 5 years she doesn't anymore.

? Why is that so funny?