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Women AEW passed on general
Dominic Smith
Adam Long
Connor Torres
Chase Peterson
Michael Roberts
Are there even any "hottest free agent" tier women out there that aren't locked down to contracts? I thought Haitch already signed most of them to NXT.
Wyatt Richardson
How do you know they passed on her?
Nathan Parker
Carson Ross
literally who
Justin Bailey
Tenille has ZERO charisma
She's hot as fuck but boring as fuck
Justin Taylor
Nah. The fact of the matter is there simply aren’t that many women’s wrestlers out there.
Cooper Bennett
dunno but you can tell she fucks black guys by looking at her
Angel Mitchell
hot as fuck and very good in the ring, two traits that AEW's women's division is severely lacking
Anthony Allen
AJ Lee's booking fee is $20k per appearance + transportation and accomodations.
Someone you could actually sign would be Courtney Rush, who strangely does not seem to be wrestling anywhere on a permanent basis right now.
Samuel Smith
Scarlett Bordeaux and Taeler Hendrix
Nicholas Jones
Taeler is a renowned false accuser. No one wants to hire her.
Hunter Torres
David Myers
Heidi Katrina. Never seen her with any black guys.
There are shitloads but right now there is a lull in hot free agents.
Adam Jackson
This is true. Consider the basic requirements:
>reasonably good at wrestling
>reasonably attractive
>reasonably mentally stable
There are like twelve of these people worldwide.
Nicholas Myers
>Taeler is a renowned false accuser.
You have absolutely nothing to prove that. And she is not "renowned" for that at all. When she came out against ROH and Jay Lethal no one claimed she was lying except Jay and his cronies.
Grayson Taylor
You don't have to have any of those things to be a good pro wrestler. Being mentally stable is actually a knock. The best wrestlers are crazy people.
Nathan Gonzalez
She was a free agent in the last year when AEW was recruiting wrestlers. We don't know if they actually passed, or if she just chose to go to WWE. But you can still take it as a "pass" anyway because if they really wanted her they could have paid her enough to be there.
William Peterson
she's in aew after bound for glory
Jace Kelly
I agree with their decision here
Carson Anderson
Mentally stable enough to be a dependable person who can manage business relationships with others in a professional, adult way.
Noah Mitchell
It's such a shame no one will work with her. She works me into a shoog
Luke Ross
Thread needs more Rosemary.
Lucas King
We're still talking about pro wrestling, right?
Jacob Harris
you can go back to Twitter now.
Nathaniel Jackson
>j-just g-go back!
lmao that's all you've got?
Luis Martin
You mean the business where you willingly give someone else your body and have to trust them not go into business for themselves or pull a Sexy Star? Because yes, you need to be mentally stable enough to handle that.
Nicholas Martinez
Nathan King
unironically The Tampon Girl, she's already married to an AEW wrestler anyway
James Rodriguez
Sexy Star is still wrestling lol
Seth is the universal champ lol
Ronda tore all the Divas shoulders out of their sockets lmao
David Cooper
The way she sperged the fuck out and then shut up about the whole thing made her look really bad and from everything I've seen and heard she had a reputation for it now. White knight someone else dude.
Grayson Jackson
Priscilla is pretty high up there but I wouldn't say she's the #1 free agent. I'm still going to say that is Rosemary as far as women who are still active.
Hania would be another one AEW seems to have passed on.
Nolan Diaz
>then shut up about the whole thing
Because she was advised to do so legally. She came out and said that.
>made her look really bad and from everything I've seen
only according to other incels like you
>heard she had a reputation for it now
From other incels like you who assumed it.
Before that the only thing she was famous for was getting fired from TNA because Dixie thought she was fat.
>White knight someone else dude.
stops saying stupid shit
Camden Nguyen
I liked her derpy gimmick, but her current character is very bleh.
Angel Cruz
Yeah her autist pre-Bayley Bayley was great
She needs to find her inner Jericho and reinvent herself again
This "All About Me" gimmick isn't working
Jack Kelly
If Ronda Rousey is signed by AEW, then
Austin Cook
I don't know who is or isn't already signed other than the NXT ones
Adam Davis
She's not going to fuck you dude. Please don't become a rapist after another few months of orbiting.
Lincoln Ortiz
NPC post
Austin Hughes
jfc talk about hoarding
there's only so much airtime available
what a waste
Jacob Diaz
>dead Facebook meme
Fuck out of here
Levi Sanders
There's so much talent in WWE that you could take 3/4 of it, distribute them in around 5 promotions (with money and good booking) and they'd look legit.
Even if NWA gets the Revival, Luke Harper, Braun, McIntyre
Or ROH gets back Daniel Bryan, Joe, Rollins, Owens, Zayn, Cole, Fisher, O'riley, Strong, Dijak
Or NJPW gets AJ Styles, Balor, Good Brothers, Nakamura, Cesaro, Sheamus, Murphy, Andrade
Or Impact gets back EC3, Lashley, Roode, Drake Maverick
etc, WWE would still have a fuckton of really talented wrestlers who are gonna get shelved most of the time.
Ryder Cooper
>NWA gets the Revival, Luke Harper, Braun, McIntyre
Hoss fed is not for me, though I'd be curious to see Aldis and Braun try to put on a good match
>ROH gets back Daniel Bryan, Joe, Rollins, Owens, Zayn, Cole, Fisher, O'riley, Strong, Dijak
They need this so bad
>NJPW gets AJ Styles, Balor, Good Brothers, Nakamura, Cesaro, Sheamus, Murphy, Andrade
While a lot of enticing matchups, especially with the first timers, but hard decisions would have to be made to fit them all in
>Impact gets back EC3, Lashley, Roode, Drake Maverick
WWE would not miss them other than maybe Spud
I'd drop WWE instantly, probably start watching ROH, and more NXT
Zachary Gonzalez
Wait, she left Impact?
Lincoln Butler
Evil Emma in NXT was cool too
Lincoln Wood
unfortunately for AEW they will sign and push her
Isaiah Collins
>reddit spacing
Thomas Rogers
Stop being a whitekight
Nolan Hall
Parker Walker
That cunt literally burned EVERY bridge in the business besides the muddiest of mud shows
Jason Evans
samefag cringe
Jack Baker
I thought she was retiring?
Jackson Sanders
She said that like a year ago but still does shows in Canada. I think she's done traveling for bookings like before but will do part time appearances for local indies