RAM Gamethread #2

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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't watch RAM

I'm so lonely and horny guys

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Renee is legitimately better than Cole as an announcer by default.

the teaser for the funhouse got the biggest pop of the night so far

I dont watch WWE so I dont care

ASMR bros apparently Cloveress ASMR has passed away. According to twitter.com/djlackswag/status/1175749610905788416 she overdosed in her sleep.


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>Sasha Banks is on a hot streak

as usual

Do you prefer when the wrestling commentary team refers to the signature moves by name or just react to them?

That's gonna happen when you're a wrestling fan.

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What a thot

welcome to the club of Yea Forumsies

he meant hoss streak

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We all are here

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we've seen this promo many times Becky

And Vince thinks you like it, so he's going to have her do it again next week



The Bulgarian Bull

Why don't the reference the continuity of Kevin Owens 100k fine?

based degenerate leftist

>could literally be with me, and be alive, and not having a drug problem
>instead is with some douche chad doing drugs until she dies
wow what a great life decision


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trying to be friends with a gay dude and he keeps sending me texts like this and it's making me deeply homophobic

where did this guy disappear to?

>I left the SD Women's division the best it's ever been
>literally no stars except for Charlotte even when SD girls also had the tag belts

Shane revoked it

what the fuck is michael cole animatronic? all of his facial expressions looked so weird during that interview

cant discuss pending litigation

Don't worry user, you can be lonely and horny with us

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People love it because it's actually creative and different, unlike 99% of the show.

It's funny too, I hope creative is watching CAREFULLY at how Bray is working right now. If they just wise up and realize that Gimmicks and fantasy bullshit=dimes like they USED to back in the day with Undead zombies and crazy retards and shit. People don't want to just see two dudes wrestle, well they do, but they need some fantasy.


>only to job to rusev

i have mixed feelings..

I hope the Hell in the Cell matches are bloodbaths like they were back in the day. I would love to see Sasha botching throwing Becky off the top of the cell through a table.

>jobber entrance

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Rusev has one tiny bicep and one normal one

Lana is a ho

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>we want Lana
and Lana probably wants all their dicks as well

HEY. At least he got on TV. I still think that some day EC3 will get the push he deserves.


ec3 doesn't even get to look depressed during his entrance anymore bros

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Like this

Renee trying to cover up the cuck shit going on in the back I see?

Becky Lynch was really good


What a waste of talent.

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Dare I say Rusev is now...Ravishing?

Rusev looks weird.

Just like me.

Looks like uh Nacho Libre

Rusev looks like shit
>weird looking small trunks
>shitty little mustache
>bad haircut
>no Rusev Day, reverted back to 2014 with no Lana and screaming like another generic monster

Nacho libre

imagine jobbing to cucksev

The marks didn't forget, WWE just buried him

Rusev too skinny now guys. Lana starved him so much don't like it one bit. It's wrong.

He's also balding

you finally got your wish vince it's dead

Hows everyones /NFL/ did sunday?

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Remember a few weeks back when nu-japan thread splitters would SPAM "NEW THREAD" 200 posts early?

Remember that copypasta about someone breaking their kneecaps with a tire iron?

And now...for weeks...we have had decent and non spam gamethreads?
Huh...really makes you think...thank you BASED tire iron man.

>still doing this Dominic angle

Sasha vs Charlotte's HiaC was pretty good desu.


SO is Rey fucking Dominique?

Bailey? More like Beached Whale.

You should've retired Rey.

I'd fuck Sasha

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not good bro

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Ironic, Rusev looks more like Del Rio now, and it's shit.

Any era is better than janetty ban era

Bayley seems like she's in a pretty good mood tonight. She looks like she's just chillin', she's not working the crowd or acting a fool. Just being there ring side.

I'm really hopeful that at some point, they do the money thing and team EC3 up with Rockst-I mean, Drake Maverick. Could easily be a GOAT dimes midcard draw with occasional world title teases.

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Can't wait to make game threads for AEW

hope dies last

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Could be worse you could be lonely, horny, but have copious amounts of black pussy waiting in the wings.

Keanu Neal's ACL making me REEEEE

eat shit

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Watching da Burrs now!

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Same, desu

I'm gonna go off script for a moment. How did you guys come up with the Horse Sasha meme?


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Clearly she's taken many valiums.

How the fuck do you eat frozen pop tarts? Wouldn't they be rock hard?

have you ever looked at her?

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I'm watching WWE

Where's dominoes?

Alright, but what about the smell?

Why would be smiling if you are hurting a little bit?

>Bayley seems like she's in a pretty good mood tonight.

she doesn't have Charles trying to put her through a table

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Just like the dicks you eat everyday

good on her, I bet doing long ass matches fucking sucks every night. It's probably nice to get to go out and just enjoy watching your friend do a match for once.

You know, we've got "who's the father" story arcs back.

This can't be far away.

Because our offense blows but our defense can score..

Are you questioning a woman and her science?

Bailey has the body I picture most of you fucks. Doughy and soft af. Never touched a weight ever

Yeah, I'm looking at this bit, all I can see is a regular pic of Foley and Sasha, and Sasha looks pretty hot in that pink hair tbqh.

Why is Bliss always wearing black?

I want Alexa and Nikki to have Ryuko and Mako gimmicks and be 2 cute anime girls!

that was the most athletic thing i've ever seen Bayley do to save Charlotte looking like a weakling.


I hope you chip your tooth

Nikki a cute.

I hope Nikki wins.

post your body, cocksucker

Well im out show boring as fuck so far

Actually it makes me respect Sasha a bit more knowing she can give Foley a piggyback ride like that. She's stronger than I thought.

Right Here.

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good body for a female. it's why they have more body fat to begin with. I like the belly flab.

alexa has a triangle for a nose an it is unsettling

Nikki and Lexi, the two girls I like the most

Based Boss making the hoovcels SEETHE


damn i'm hungry as fuck, but I just boiled hot dogs for chili dogs.

I hope Sasha experiences another wardrobe malfunction

>That struggle to pick up Bayley
>The extra thin table doesn't even break
Fucking YIKES

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She's Illuminati confirmed.

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Nikki's gear is like the Philly Phanatic slowly trying to escape from its Scottish candy shell

she likes her clothes like she likes her men

>boiled hot dogs

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to be fair Bayley is probably hard to lift with all that asspower

Nikki Cross is leagues better than Sasha banks, yikes.

Yeah that was all on Flair being a soigirl and being out of shape.

About to expose you faggots next week

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Sashas and Bayleys heel turn has been a disaster. They have looked like geeks since the turn.

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why are they saying sasha has been on a hot streak, has she even won anything recently

>crowd actually in a coma
>people in the front row looking down at their phones
AEW wins again

Bliss seems like the kinda girl that says “ew niggers” when she drives by a bad area in a city. Which I love

god these women suck

Even the announce team sounds bored of this shit.

I hope Sasha breaks her own fucking neck and just Drozes out

looks guys AEW's chief accountant is in the room

>bayley gifts her the table spot
>still gets dropped on the edge

>bailey checking on Sasha at ringside

Has there ever been a gimmick where the guy has a team of people at ringside who give him water and stuff like boxers have?

Sasha looks like a tranny sometimes


>rest holds 3 minutes into a tv match

jesus christ


God I wish I had a half ugly gook gf.

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She is a jew. When she sees a nigger she only thinks of how she can use them against the white race.

the state of these shitters

Someone post a screencap of Sasha sitting with her legs spread

nice botch by nikki on that rollup

She'll never be living in a wheelchair now.

I think WWE would be better if every match ended in someones death. Like Roman Coliseum type stuff. Too bad we live in such a pussy society.

Ref got a little handsy there with Nikki. Good on him.

njpw have this with the young lions in big matches

I wish Nikki would put me in a sleeper hold

>10 minutes of Nikki working slow and methodical as the babyface
Shut down the PC

did they?

oh please, jews don't become cheerleaders because they don't want to be around BIG BLACK MEN WITH BIG BLACK DING DONG DIDDLYS

Ding-Dong Diddlyflex

this match is putting me into a sleeper

>Ding-diddly flex

me too, but with her thighs.

Sasha can go through a roll up spot without botching it. Why are we supposed to be impressed with her and say she's one of the best in the world, irregardless of gender?

This was the entirety of Sell Out Rollins against Ambrose

Rollin foe this


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It will happen one of these weeks. Really, she's overdue.

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I don't get it? Is Alexa meant to be a face now? What is going on

>ding-dong diddlyflex

Ding-Dong Diddlyflex


this, I have no idea why Banks is popular with young girls. I kind of get Bayley, Bayley had a really strong start of her career in WWE, people compared her to John Cena because she was wholesome and did the sweatbands and all that.

what was the moment that changed Bayley anyway?

Ask and ye shall recieve.

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Why do you ugly retards mark for cross? She's fat

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>more /pol/ memes
Yeah user, it's hilarious

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Sweet snap, crackles, and pops.

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Lacing the arm is the signal to go into the pinfall sequence. Sasha missed the cue.

That was a great shot of her ass.

they've always been face people were too dumb to understand

Perfect body. Women should have meat on them. This is what makes Nikki Cross so attractive. WWE makes her cover her rolls up, they need to give her an Asuka costume, let us see that muffintop and that gut spill over the pants. That's the good shit.

ding-dong diddlyflex bbc in jewlexa's gaping snatch

My mom said sasha is wearing a wig

Is that true lads?


>slaps knee blatantly

Freeze some and find out, dumbass.

No, in fall the mane usually changes color, it's to do with the lack of light in these shorter days.

based patrician


No one believes you rabbi

>every American ad is big pharma pumping you full of drugs and sucking your money dry
dont you guys think this is bad

these 2 do not have any timing with each other whatsover

World truths you bluepilled sheep.


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2nd resthold since coming back from break

This. She's a pasty meatball fat ass

Sasha's gear looks like she's sponsored by lonestar beer

Usually not. Might be a tough first bite, but pretty easy after that point.

Sort of. It's a weave.

I like Nikki, but isn't it weird to have her get so much stuff in on Sasha when Sasha is challenging for the top title of the division

no I don't take drugs so it makes me not as poor as other people

it's a weave. tell your mom I said hi

You don't have to buy the drugs, but why wouldn't you? Most of these drugs feel fucking great. If you feel shitty there is always a pill to pop I love it.

I don't understand what you mean, fellow user.

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Yes. The government used to not allow it, but we hate the government more.


i hope ringside people are taking pics of bliss' bum

It'd be perfect she also had a penis attached to that body

Another fucking hold. End this shit


whites call it extentensions

Taz did for awhile in ECW.

this match is dreadful and they have zero chemistry with each other

grow up ya stinking neckbeard

I wonder what Nikki smells like.

Are they intentionally making the show as bad and as boring as possible before the FOX move?

Post your face when watching football instead

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Is Sasha half black half spanish?

lol look at those scared black children. As if they've never seen violence against women before.

based progressive reddit chad


This match has been on for 24 (twenty four) minutes.

Why is this still going? Is Sasha refusing to take the pin?

>She gets tough when the going gets... tough

>that piped in pop in the replay
AEW wins again

Well seeing Sasha's blood covered teeth was an unexpected turn on

that crossbody is always so sloppy and I'm surprised she hasn't injured anyone with that yet

>watching football instead

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Nikki is just wrestling better. She's got more showmanship than Tbe Boring Botchmaster.


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How is this trainwreck of a match still going, this Raw is fucking horrible so far.

>let wacky cam

I hate this shit show so much... see you next week guys..

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I agree loved this shot of her

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Better than watchimg wwe


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the fucking camerawork when Sasha was in the apron

She needs to let those puppies out already

that fucking camerawork

Why hasn't Sasha did her Buddy Murphy move yet?

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Dickgirls are only good if they're traps, and traps have to be twinky.

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>Nikki punching Banks multiple times in the right tit

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The other guy was right. These two just have no ring chemistry.

why hasn't bayley done anything to screw with the match


>watching niggercollide

nikki cross put up a good fight

Half black half german

Why do they keep burying the women's tag titles?


Why are they giving Nikki such a competitive match before Sasha's big hell in the cell?

kek, love nikki


This shit match has been going on way to fucking long holy shit

Alexa btfo

Sasha and Bayley are geeks

aren't you supposed to hook the arm during the bank statement

because shes a champion

That was a 27


minute long match.

yikes. Her Bank Statements have been shit tonight, how does somebody have a signature move and fuck it up? That's like Eric Clapton fucking up a guitar solo.

Well, that was shit. Nikki did some pretty good stuff, too.


incel cringe

only at ppvs

>get beat up all match
>submission finisher outta nowhere

of a joke belt

They wouldn't be stupid enough to have Chad go over King Corbin.

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>Bliss didn't tap
Horsha Banks BTFOd

honestly why be a woman if you don't have big tits


50/50 booking, pal

I want to see Sasha and Alexa doing what the lesbians from Blue is the warmest color did


Nikki is weak to submissions

Another 20 minute match that had no business going more than 10.

Bliss literally stood outside the ring for 20 minutes and got BTFO as soon as she entered the ring

god the NFL game sucks ass too

How does a show that runs live year round have a season premiere?

They are making up for all the times the women didn't wrestle last month.


Next week might be even worse with two 0-3 teams on.

raw is kinda shit tonight

The rest of this show could be pure kino and I'd still hate it because of this shit match

Why wouldn't it?

Sasha vs Alexa is gonna be Michaels vs Hogan but with two Michaels no selling everything.

damn aj still the best thing in pro wrestling

the state of that nigger's voice in the tide commercial


When I was a kid, I had a huge crush on Wednesday Addams. Not Christina Ricci, Wednesday Addams.

New Japan and Indies BTFO

She didn't tap


Hes going to lose at HIAC

Cincinnatis elite you son of bastard whore

new raw logo?

and she btfo the SD champ..


>39 million followers on Facebook

I guess it's true, only boomers and Gen X-ers like WWE.

>All those Boos for Hulk Hogan


it was so fucking boring the shitposting here wasnt even fun. The fuck aint i asleep yet?

Boys, Lacey is the only reason i watch this shit show. Do you think she has future in the E?

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