why do you hate the LGBT
Why do you hate the LGBT
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bergman persona
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
We're all the same, arn't we?
they're gay
I lov how u cant tell they r two different persons insteade thy look like two same persons
To much LGBT not enough blt (bacom lettus tomatoe)
yoogee desu
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
hai yoogee desu
Because they needlessly turn their sexuality into a lifestyle and go out of their way to tell anyone around them just how degenerate they are. They're pretty much the real life Doremi posters.
Trips of infinity wisdom
God, imagine yuriing so fucking hard that this happens and you just melt into the other girl! Your love is so pure it literally allows you to become one with the object of your desire!
Wow! That's hot! Hot like the sun! Aaaaaaaaah!
Cawfee and Grean Tee! Cawtee!!! I love you!!!!!!
damn, trips bby
>Natural is good enough for me.
Every single crop you eat has been genetically modified by humans through selective breeding. Do Danes think animal husbandry and farming is some form of witchcraft?
>You seem rather bluepilled.
Because I'm educated enough to read peer-reviewed studies? Be careful with brushing your teeth, Dane. It's only (((independent studies))) that show that it prevents tooth decay.
>The US is way bigger, so of course you get a lot more tourists.
That doesn't follow at all. The size of a nation is not a factor in where tourists decide to go, especially when most tourists visit a single city or a relatively small area. The size of a barely-developed Pacific island does not factor into whether people visit it or not.
If you seriously believe the geographic size or population of a nation is what acts as a tourist draw, you are dumber than I thought you were. And, I'll be honest, I didn't think you were very intelligent to begin with.
>Idk maybe it is because it is mathematically correct?
It's only "mathematically correct" if we're talking about tourism dollars and the relative impact on the economy, which we aren't. The point of using statistics is to say something substantive, not to search through whatever you can find to reach a single metric to help you cope.
I'm sorry that a single American has disrupted you lads charging your JO crystals so much.
cute anine in ur pic
dubes remind u of von vivant magazine
Well i dont i love trannys uwuwuwuwu
They've recently achieved freedom from oppression. And not any petty "muh oppreshuns" that they complain about now, either -- but rather, honest to god oppression, whereby they could be punished under law for having a relationship with their gender of choice. And that's just in the US; in several other countries, they could be executed for it. These were the circumstances they were faced with. And now that they've thrown off such shackles, you expect them NOT to loudly and obnoxiously gloat about it and rub their victory in everyone's face like a bunch of hooting baboons?
Im redpiled on jewish degenerecy
Im redpiled on jewish degenerecy
Im redpiled on jewish degenerecy
Im redpiled on jewish degenerecy
Im redpiled oonjewish degenerecy
They've been loud and obnoxious before that and for several decades.
this entire thread and all the posts in it belong on /pol/ tbh
Yes but that was when they were actually oppressed. So it was justified then as well. You can't just expect a snake not to writhe in pain if someone steps on it, and you can't expect it not to bite them when the foot comes off.
Im rebbiled on jewsh degenecy
I dont like the T mostly
I am gay
I just don't like trannies
They're usually bad people
Yea Forums raided this board a little while ago and some of them are still here
But now they will NEVER shut up about it. Sexuality shouldn't be a lifestyle and yet they made it so. It's no wonder they were hated so long.
Actually I've been here such r/cringeanarchy got shut down lick my balls libshit
>But now they will NEVER shut up about it.
1) Well then maybe people shouldn't have stepped on the snake.
2) Yes they will, all we have to do is leave them alone about it and wait out the victory gloating.
/pol/ will not replace us
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
/pol/ will not replace us
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
>1) Well then maybe people shouldn't have stepped on the snake.
These "people" are long dead and so is the snake. And I wonder why they did, maybe they pulled this exact same shit back then too.
>2) Yes they will, all we have to do is leave them alone about it and wait out the victory gloating.
I fear for the issues that will cause.
/pol/ will not replace us
Your fortune: Average Luck
[s4s] is a colony of /pol/
/pol/ will not replace us
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>be me
it was the end of a normal highschool day
i was walking home from school with my friends when the prius boys pulled up beside us
one of them threw their 24 inch black dildo at my head and it nearly knocked me unconscious
they were taunting us
twelve of them jumped out of the back seat orgy of the prius and were crossdressing in front of my friends
i was crying because the dildo had given me a sore head
i couldn't fight back and my friends didn't fight back
we knew better than to fight back
they were prius boys
there was nothing we could do
>tfw be me
/pol/ will not replace us
/pol/ will not replace us
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
>These "people" are long dead and so is the snake.
That's not the case. It was recent enough that they're still alive. Regardless, it doesn't matter, since all involved sentiments are carried through time via culture and history.
>And I wonder why they did, maybe they pulled this exact same shit back then too.
How the snake fights back when it's stepped on can't be taken to indicate anything about its prior or inherent nature.
The way of thinking you're expressing is the same kind of thinking that makes people think blacks are lazy and stupid just because they have trouble succeeding in school and finding work, ignoring the fact that this is in turn due to the lasting cultural impacts of the institutionalized racism that once existed, especially as far as internalized by black culture itself. It's the same kind of thinking that makes people think women must be ill-suited to working with technology just because they don't seek jobs in technology, ignoring the fact that this is in turn due to the lasting cultural impacts of the institutionalized sexism that once existed, especially as far as internalized by women's culture itself.
That kind of thinking can be summed up as follows: 1) X demographic faced Z systemic oppression in some way; 2) X demographic exhibited Y undesirable property in response to said oppression; 3) therefore, Y undesirable property must be inherent in X demographic (inferred from 2); 4) therefore, Z systemic oppression was justified (inferred from 1 and 3).
The inference connecting 2 to 3 is faulty. Specifically, it proposes an explanation for Y undesirable property, and proposes that explanation as the only conceivable explanation or at least the most likely, while completely ignoring the more obvious explanation that Z systemic oppression *created* Y undesirable property.
You aren't even thinking far back enough. Inferior people are inferior because this is how the world ended up. The world was a tabula rasa. No outside force dictated things to be this way, it happened because the losing side was too weak to change it. And only in modern times are we going against nature by accepting even things that will eventually ruin all of us. No I'm not talking about blacks or women or gays. I'm talking about the "there are 50 genders and your 3 year old is one of them" type of people
she you next time
>I'm talking about the "there are 50 genders and your 3 year old is one of them" type of people
Those same kinds of people wouldn't be pushing outrageous claims like that if LGBT folk hadn't recently been oppressed. It's not the person that's inferior, it's the behavior they exhibit, and they only exhibit that behavior as an exaggerated and ill-tempered response to the oppression they faced. Once again you draw a false equivalence between X demographic and Y undesirable behavior by conveniently removing Z systemic oppression from the picture.
Sorry but you speak like these people are a force of nature. They have free will to choose. And yet you make excuses not only for them but for the "systemic oppression" meme you and others spout. In't it ironic that absolutely no society who has behaved this was has survived to modern times, and yet it is being pushed by all?
Also, in response to:
>this is how the world ended up. The world was a tabula rasa. No outside force dictated things to be this way, it happened because the losing side was too weak to change it. And only in modern times are we going against nature
No, that's wrong.
Well, it's right in a way. But "the losing side" isn't who you think it is.
Everyone lost. Everyone except a small handful of families. They, in turn, after achieving their power, came to act as the "outside force" that "dictated things to be this way." They enacted Z systemic oppression, and they, too, insidiously structured and implanted Y undesirable behavior as X demographic's response. All to make more and more and more money.
You conservative folk like to call this small handful of families "the jews." I, on the other hand, recognize they're largely jewish, but don't believe the jews as a greater demographic have anything to do with it. In other words, it's not "the jews" as in ALL the jews, nor even close. It's just a very small number of them. "The one percent" strikes me as a more appropriate title, but it's not quite correct either, since, just like most jews are innocent of these crimes against humanity, so are some very rich people. I really can't think of any way to accurately generalize how we refer to these people, so perhaps it's best to come up with a specific name for them that doesn't generalize in any way, and refers specifically and unambiguously to them as an organization. I believe the term "shadow government" has been used for this purpose in the past.
I find what you just said to be almost completely indecipherable.
>Sorry but you speak like these people are a force of nature. They have free will to choose.
The individuals have free will to choose, but the collective is a force of nature. I don't care how much free will every cell in the body of the snake has, if you step on it, it will attack.
>And yet you make excuses not only for them but for the "systemic oppression" meme you and others spout.
I don't recall ever making an excuse for systemic oppression. It's actually quite disgusting, and if I ever claimed to excuse it, I misspoke.
>In't it ironic that absolutely no society who has behaved this was has survived to modern times,
Blatantly untrue.
>Everyone lost
No, only the people who are not here and ideas that did not make it lost. Everyone won because they're not dead.
>You conservative folk
The fact you called me that leads me to believe you have no idea what you are talking about. If you think I'm conservative because I don't like the fringe, then so be it. And if you think this current wave of LGBT push is anything but authoritarian, then you are as blind as I thought.
they're disgusting sorry excuses of human beings, who force people to accept them even when they hardly can accept themselves
I can't stand how obnoxious and over-sexualized they are. I don't want to hear about how a stranger puts things inside their assholes, how they suck dicks or how they mutilated their genitals. it's revolting. I don't want to hear how proud they are of their identity or their sexual orientation. I couldn't care less about it, they're nothing but self-centered children who think they earned world-class fame because they take hormones and use dresses. it's hardly any different from a metalhead greaser who boasts about how much of a macho man they are and how they fuck 3 different girls every weekend
respect and acceptance is earned, not enforced or gifted. so far they have done nothing that can make them earn my, or others' respect
>No, only the people who are not here and ideas that did not make it lost. Everyone won because they're not dead.
So that's what you meant by "lost." In that case, I feel I should remind you "this current wave of LGBT push" is an idea that made it. Otherwise no one would be complaining about it because it wouldn't be here.
Regardless, every point I made about the shadow government stands.
>And if you think this current wave of LGBT push is anything but authoritarian,
I don't agree with the LGBT push, but, again, I do think it's excusable under the circumstances. My justification: the snake metaphor. But the ONLY people whose behavior I excuse, are X demographic themselves. After throwing off Z systemic oppression, it's understandable that X demographic would exhibit some undesirable behavior.
What I CANNOT EXCUSE, is the involvement of the shadow government in secretly structuring Y undesirable behavior specifically, and implanting it among X demographic using the media. I recognize the current LGBT agenda as authoritarian ONLY insofar as it's being pushed BY THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT. The LGBT community themselves bear NO responsibility for this.
>The LGBT community themselves bear NO responsibility for this.
I disagree, because you can choose to be part of it or not. And, as you'd probably be surprised to learn, I am someone who chose not to be a part of it.
don't make good posts in this thread dude
the lgbt community is actually what causes all the shit stirring...
>you can choose to be part of it or not.
I disagree with this, because what I meant by "the LGBT community" in that sentence was "people who are LGBT," not "people who support the fake LGBT agenda invented by the shadow government." Some people can't choose their gender identity and sexuality. And as for those who can, there's literally nothing wrong with them making that choice.
What you can, and should not, choose to be a part of, is pushing the LGBT agenda created by the shadow government. Which is not actually an LGBT agenda. It's the LGBT branch of a greater agenda. It's NOT to be confused with the ACTUAL LGBT agenda, which is to say, the agenda of LGBT folk who recognize the agenda usually called the LGBT agenda is a shadow government scam. Said "actual LGBT agenda" is to QUIETLY secure REAL acceptance. And said real acceptance is NOT to be confused with the "acceptance" pushed by the "LGBT agenda" pushed by the shadow government. This phony "acceptance" is code for "embrace a world where I publicly rant about my sexuality all day." The REAL acceptance, pushed QUIETLY by the REAL LGBT agenda, actually means "embrace a world where my sexuality is what it is and you never have to hear about it because it happens behind closed doors as romance should." There's NOTHING wrong with standing in support of THAT agenda.
Wrong, the shadow government causes it while pretending to be the LGBT community
because they do not represent the interest of the people they claim to be championing in their cause, they are just useful idiots that are being used to help push a more totalitarian agenda through they just haven't reached the point yet
conspirationism is such a cheap excuse
not only the lgbt community but the left and right,religious group,social classes,basically anyone with a different views than yours;which at this point its just proves how disgusting we are as human
regarding gender issues and all that jazz, it's those lgbt degenerates the ones who start drama
I agree with you 100%, but people like me are cast aside and ostracized.
How can it be an excuse when it's the truth?
This is what the shadow government does, it takes every honest agenda, everywhere on the political spectrum, commandeers it, and transforms it into a dishonest agenda that secretly stands for nothing more nor less than giving the shadow government more money and power.
its just mentally sick people trying to push their degenerate lifestyle everywhere they go tbh
such a childish behavior blaming onto another as their cause instead mutual understanding.
if you trying to kill the magpie for its chirps instead of what 'they/the majority' of what they done unto you (harming your material of safety) then you should reflect upon yourself
shame on you
>shadow government
go back to and you schizofuck
brief and straight to the point
I like it
>92 replies
>28 posters
No, it's the shadow government masquerading as LGBT folk, specifically to start the drama. They present a face for the LGBT community that appears genuine enough to trick actual LGBT folk into thinking they're being represented, but has obvious enough flaws so that people like you will call them degenerates. The purpose of this trickery is to incite unrest and animosity, because they can profit off of that.
That's because right now, it's the left's "turn." The social influence rests in our favor, because various civil rights movements only recently culminated. However, that doesn't mean we have real power. Only the shadow government has real power. That was just as well the case back when it was the right's "turn" as well; while, for example, slavery did perhaps benefit white people disproportionately, to put it lightly, and one might assume white people are therefore to blame -- especially because many of them gladly cooperated -- the true culpability there also rests with the shadow government.
We need to stop fighting the effigies created by the shadow government, which are designed to keep us fighting each other. Instead, left and right alike need to join hands and turn against the wizard behind the curtains himself. But I can't think of any way that can be achieved on a large scale. Especially not without violating the law, which may be necessary.
wtf did you mean by this?
Gween tea
what more is there to say?
do you need to explain how their existence is a bad influence or smthin??
This entire reply section can be divided into three major arguments.
The first argument is people saying that LGBT isn't wrong, and that people can't choose to be part of it. Besides trans people, this is true. Though people don't seem to be regarding other people, they are mostly against trans as seen with the other two arguments.
Second argument is some of the LGBT is cool but other parts are more vocal and toxic so the whole group is brought down. Happens with every large group or organization so it's just a matter of seeing how much of the group is toxic before we claim it's actually just a vocal minority that's being toxic, or if it's the whole group. As if someone were to claim it's only a vocal minority of the KKK that is racist some heads would turn.
Third argument, all of them are bad. This is just blanket hate towards a group different from the person making the argument. Won't matter what you say to them, in the end they'll still hate them so just let them be autists pretending to have a discussion.
Hope this helps, also yes I understand the hypocrisy of using blanket definitions while arguing against them but in this situation with the amount of replies it's hard to organize in any other way
Imagine actually being deluded enough to believe the shadow government doesn't exist, when its existence is more plainly obvious now than ever before.
>the botnet
>the media industry
>the advertising industry
>the fact that "the one percent" even fucking exists
>rich lobbyists
>the auto industry
>climate change deniers
It's difficult to imagine anyone could look at the behavior of all of these entities and fail to see how each one's public statements and financial decisions deliberately but secretively benefit all the others while securing social and legal influence.
I have nothing against LGBT. I do, however, have something against the members of LGBT that think everything needs to be gay and end up shoving their sexuality down our throats
>no new IP
whats an Ai pee?
epic reddit tard babble go back nigger
no u
Because they're faggots and faggots need to be exterminated on sight because they are a danger to society.
and so does other groups that doesn't conform to our view!
go back to it.
lgbt server
personal army request denied
I don't.
Large majority act very obnoxious i believe that there are genuine queer people i dont like the ones who 'feel like' being one a painting the real queer people as bad people hope i explained alright my english is not the best
Exactly! Someone finally gets it for fuck sakes.
nope i don't and why should i?
Your fortune: Godly Luck
what's with all the /po/tards
did they click the wrong board with their fat basement dwelling fingers?
an easy mistake to make when you have the hand eye coordination of a deaf ostrich from never leaving the house.
I feel that user
Trips witnessed!!!!!
OMG witnessed!