Seething lmao

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These guys must have thousands of people blocked, did they really expect Matt would go "oh shit, I gotta unblock Dirt Sheet #12553, it's been long enough, bet they learned their lesson"?

Matt is the calm buck so I don't care

>blocking people because of their low opinion on the quality of your fake dance routine
usually it's just called Cope

They really block you if you don’t like a match? Jesus Christ

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I've never been blocked by a wrestler before. What are you faggots doing to get blocked?


The Bucks are cringe incarnate

worked very hard on bad clipart designs?? hmm

I told Matt that he acts like an 11 year old summerfag from /b.


Is Voices of Wrestling Sean Ross Sapp? That would make a lot of sense. SRS fucking hates AEW for some reason.


Based Osama still working the marks

They tried to get a wrestler blackballed because he disagreed with them on twitter once.

are they pretending actual AEW shirts are any better?

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>haha the joke is that the merch sucks BUY IT
the young cucks are the biggest jews in the industry and their fans are cultist freaks

I got blocked by JBL for telling him he's less relevant than Meltzer.

They are, that Darby Allin shirt is based as fuck.


you deserve it

Nice to see that their shirts at least help with the recognition of potential mass shooters

I got blocked my Matt for a reply to their funko toy debut. I said, "Congratulations! These things officially sell better than you do!"

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