This never happened right? AJ barely even looks latina

This never happened right? AJ barely even looks latina

Attached: hsabdasbdd.png (581x285, 33K)

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What a lying cunt.

Its real and it starts with the President.

More things that did not happen. Why do these people need to lie like this?

>posted on July 22, 3019
True or not, looks like she's still working you, op

Do you often deny reality when things you don't like happen? Do you use the term "fake news" a lot to describe things that are real but your feelings don't like?

it really happened but phil was with her at the time and they were telling him to get the fuck out of their state, they just both assumed it was a racist because they're idiots that don't realize they're famous

how many moments we talkin here precisely

Imagine being this much of a sheltered /pol/cel

of course it never happened this bitch is fucking nuts


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Punk brought it up at starcast or whatever its called, I forgot to post it up until now

mentally ill leftist cunt is another Jussie Smollett

Why do you people larp as retards? Is it because you think it will somehow work someone?

This is a very angry response.

She kinda looks Indian, so maybe that's why she was insulted?

Attached: Jussie the nigger faggot.jpg (1080x736, 426K)

Chicago is MAGA country, bitch.

I figured.

Attached: exterior-01.jpg (2000x1333, 674K)

What's so unbelievable about that? This shit is pretty common.
>only spics get told to go back to their country
Based retard

Come back when you're not boiling and foaming at the mouth in rage.

Too bad this happened in Milwaukee

How big of a neckbeard incel are you to know where this happened when it isn't mentioned?

It might be common if you look like purple aki. aj is just some pale nerd

based projecting retard

Attached: leftist hoaxes.jpg (498x743, 243K)

Her type feeds on attention

after years of memeing how aj looks like a small Indian boy suddenly we're not so sure

>i'm not going to be angry about being told to go back to place and people i'm simultaneously proud of and happy to have escaped from
>look instead i'm inventing heroes of my race because reality hasn't does that for me, that'll show them!

lol ok

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Attached: leftist falseflags.png (2500x1500, 611K)

She's brown you mong

She's clearly pretty pale. Nobody is going to tell her to go home.

Attached: april-mendez-aj-lee-and-cm-punk-jogging-in-hawaii-june-2014_1.jpg (800x1067, 92K)

Punk told this story on his Starrcast panel.
It happened in Milwaukee.
Keep seething and frothing though.
Real intelligent look.

Jesus, Phil, get on some TRT for fuck's sake.

Based. My boy See 'Em Felipe would've mollywhooped that racist if he had a chance

phil's tattoos looks worse every time I see them.

Can I ask why your initial immediate reaction to to deny this ever happened?

Because there is no evidence that it did.

Why do you think she would make something like that up ? Why the assumption she must be lying as opposed to telling of something that happened to her?
What evidence would you require to believe it happened?

Remind me who the President is.

you amerifats picked a orange buffon wwe hall of famer as president,this history can easily be real

>Why do you think she would make something like that up ?
Because there is a lack of evidence
Why the assumption she must be lying as opposed to telling of something that happened to her?
Lack of evidence
>What evidence would you require to believe it happened?
Maybe specific location,description of the person that said it, corrobation of her story by someone there

dilate Jussie

Based incel

Admitting you listen to Starrcast panels reaffirms you are a neckbeard incel

>pretty pale
Based sheltered /pol/cel

Because white men are more sensitive than women and it hurt his fee fees and made him insecure lol
No wonder your women run to us BLACK and Brown kings

based progressive reddit chad
you are repetitive like me
you should adopt a name
and we can form a stable
and we can BTFO the right wing incels together
what do you say?

>caps lock
Fucking fake

Why do people on this site pretend to be black?