

Attached: nyla-rose-1.jpg (696x400, 37K)

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

He should seek professional help.

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Trans people are fine with me but Nyla is one of the worst wrestlers currently signed to a major promotion, so I really hope she gets fired for this

It's hard to justify keeping her around when you also have Awesome Kong and Aja Kong right there, who do Nyla's gimmick 1000 times better

Literally no chance Nyla gets fired. She will lose to Riho though.


Fat retard who CAWdy foolishly thought would get his company social brownie points and nothing else.
He should have realised his mental illness would damage things eventually.
Fuck they could have even went for a Trap instead but they went for some fat fucker.

Haha you posted it again

this nigga based

hope he blows his brains out before the tv debut

I am the greatest namefag in the history of this board and I love me some black penis

You don’t even know how to trip you complete and total retard.

Statistically he won't be around much longer so I don't care.

The fuck you mean I fell down the stairs yesterday, telling me I don't know how to trip I should suck your dick for that.

Shit wrestler but i absolutely love how this board gets so worked

Terrible and unsafe wrestler. He shouldn’t be anywhere near the spot he’s in. Rose is going to seriously hurt someone


She sends this board into a daily seeth now, based.

none, because there are several thousand threads about this thing
And you people made me aware of awful things these monsters do.
I hope you people dtop posting about trannies, cause I really do not need to learn new facts. I just don't really want to care, because there are no trannies in my vicinity. And probably in vicinity of most people. But for some reason this board makes it seem like at least 2 of all men are trannies.

stop this bullshit

He posted reality. What’s so funny about that?

She's making you seeth.

I don't watch AEW so I don't care.

Based retard. Is India tranny tolerant?


He's gonna get away with the pedophilic comments. The tweet was deleted and nobody is talking about it anymore. Trannies get a pass as always

Unquestionably, she's one of the best heels in the business right now.

Nah I searched Cody and AEW on twitter and people snitched on him

>oooh I’m so edgy saying stuff on the internet I’d never say to a person in real life

>leftists literally deny reality now and will attack you if you don’t deny it too
I’d call that monstrosity a he in real life too. What the fuck is he going to do about it? Why are you so content in denying reality?

Lmfao you would not. You probably break down trying to order a quarter pound at McDonalds, ya obese incel fuck. Hurry up and go on a mass shooting and then end yourself.

Breadth of fresh air imo, wouldn't mind taking her on a nice date after she defends her womans championship

She will become a statistic. Way too mentally unstable.

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Someone forgot to dilate today

Ya absolutely blown the fuck out and ya absolutely seething. KWAB. What a total failure ya are.

Keep denying reality you mentally ill freak LMAO

He’s an obese tub of shit.

Could this actually be Carter? He is a weird looking shitskin so he certainly is a creepy leftist cuck

>still replying even after being knocked out, set on fire and then pissed on
The absolute state of this analbead. Last reply ya will be getting from me. Sort ya life out.


Complete abomination



Why is this dude so weak that he can barely lift 90 pound girls.

if you think the only reason she is getting pushed is because she is transgendered you are a piece of shit, there is no evidence of that
look at your prejudice

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Very green and getting pushed way to hard for how sloppy she is in the ring.

Larp-woman with expectedly low class and morals. Also sucks at wrestling.

Should be fired for mocking rape victims

should be fired for implying molesting children is a joke

>Very green
he's unironically a 7 year veteran
he'll always be shit

I'll never say it in real life because I don't live in a country where trannies are the norm and I've never met one.

So the implication hre is that if you did in fact meet a transgender person in real life you would berate them and unload on them with all the might fury of your wrath?
Because I don't think you'd actually do that.

Dont forget that this fat tranny is also a juggalo

>I’d call that monstrosity a he in real life too. What the fuck is he going to do about it?
hahaha no you wouldn't
you'd walk awkwardly past and stew in your rage thinking about it on the bus home then come to Yea Forums and make a post about how you totally smashed and destroyed that tranny freak with logic and rational.
This is a pretty pathetic power fantasy you're making up for yourself here. lmfao get a grip

No, I wouldn't give a shit as long as they don't start preaching about it. If they were someone I didn't give a shit about and they made a big deal from it I'd make fun of them but if they were someone close to me I'd tolerate it just not to look like an asshole to others in that circle.

I like how mad he makes everyone.

>If they were someone I didn't give a shit about and they made a big deal from it I'd make fun of them
Tell me more about this part. How does this fantasy scenario go in your head?

There must be 20 active Nyla Rose threads in the catalog right. No one can convince me this place isn't filled with closeted tranny fetishists who are having very bad days today and projecting all over the board.

>fantasy scenario
It ain't a fantasy scenario if I don't want it to happen. Projecting much?

it's our Trudeau moment user

Just tell me what you would do in that scenario as you imagine it in your head. Tell me how that would go down.

I'm not fulfilling your tranny humiliation fetishes, you do it yourself.

Just tell me what you believe you would actually do in that scenario. Please tell us how you would calmly btfo the tranny with facts and logic and then get the girl at the end and then everyone cheers and you are the hero of your little fantasy land story.
Please, go ahead tell us.

Dude stop fucking seething and projecting, you're just exposing yourself as the bitchetty you are.

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I wonder if her braps are really bad

I thought juggalos hated trannies

this dude still hasn't apologized, that's kinda based

Keep dodging my question then.
Tell me what you would actually do if you confronted a trans person in real life.
If you don't, I win.

Best heel in the business right now.

You 'win' at being the biggest faggot and tranny lover in this thread. Congrats.

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Tell me how you would confront a trans person in real life. Tell me what you would actually say and do in real life in front of real people.

i give them a dark gaze and think terrible thoughts in their general direction. energy transfer is real.
Just doing my part to turn the 41% into the 99%

Juwanna Man gimmick. based.

Juggalos are social justice warriors now. There was a group of juggalo feminists that tried get the Miss Juggalette competition banned from the Gathering of the Juggalos because it devolved into half naked girls literally sucking dildos on stage.

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>i give them a dark gaze and think terrible thoughts in their general direction. energy transfer is real.
lmfao you faggot pussy bitch
talk a big game online behind a keyboard but would never do shit IRL
and then admitting it! oof

>worked so hard he's samefagging and talking to himself
Holy ding-dong diddly seethe


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>l-look i can use i-inspect e-element b-b-b-tfo f-faggot
Go back to R*ddit and never ever come back. You're not ding-dong diddly fitting in at all.

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ya bubblin'

fuck trannies and fuck jannies bump

Nyla is definitely an Yea Forumsie I'd bet

Sucked 1000 black penises and never drew a dime

Look at you. You tranny fag

Based oldfag

Kek based


One of the last real heels in the business

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I head-stomped my local tranny at a hardcore show



Its a fucking discussion jewish made abomination.

either delusional and worked into a self-harming shoot or just a fat guy who sucks and realized his only chance at success in wrestling is riding the tranny wave

He's clearly a progressive, exploiting and fucking children is part of the platform. See: Epstein, Weinstein, Greta Grunberg, the Florida shooting kids that they parade around, the kids that they're PROUDLY exposing to gay and trans strippers... this is a pattern of behavior for the left, and frankly we should all be concerned and call it out. Instead the left jokes and works to actively degrade molestation victims... just like Nyla did here.

I hope he kills himself.

bizarre comment
reassess your entire life

She makes everyone everywhere have a fucking meltdown so she’s great in my book.