I wish I could wish for more wishes
I wish for infinite wishes
fuckin gottem'
I wish I could wish for more wishes
*hack game*
*skip final boss*
no this is more like hacking a shitty game and making it fun.
How about instead of Meals on Wheels it's Feels on Wheels and it's just a guy you call to come and molest you?
what if instead of being able to do card tricks I cut your head off with a falchion
duuuuude nooo haha
Vagueposters will all burn in the most painful and fiery parts of hell
I wish I could wish OP was dead. Haha oh wait, I can
Dude take a percocet or something lol
I already wished that anybody wishing me dead would die
RIP user
what does that do? Is that like a gamer thing?
Thank yoi
Yeah you sure blew the lid off that one.
Is this THE Iceman?!
No flash photography. Please.
I just want to point out that your use of "you really blew the lid off that one" was very poor, Mr. Iceman (the "man" pronounced the way Zoidberg from Futurama would say it)
Look at you go
I can't I'm me
Almost made sense. Maybe next time.
It really did make perfect sense. Just trying to lighten things up since you seem so sad and miserable. Turn that frown upside down :)
It kind of comes with being the iceman lol
When I think of the IceMan I think of a giant black guy who has sick game with the ladies. He's got a diamond ear ring, a huge dick, and he has all kinds of funny quips for all situations. He only wears leather jackets, basic t shirts, and dad jeans, and he gets away with it. He doesn't even use any social media. That's how cool he is. I'm sure that's a spitting image of yourself, user.
I wouldn't be so sure