Fresh scoop

shes being gatekept out of advancing past NXT tryouts by some of the current main roster divas

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Why does her face look... fake?

Do you have any names?

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It probably is...

>fresh scoop

wouldn't mind getting a fresh scoop from her brapper, if ya know what I mean.

i thought her and kross were aew bound? theres no chance either of them could keep current gimmicks/appearances in current wwe climate

Not true.

shes being told by a large majority of her friends not to let Scar pass the "tryout" phase of NXT

Attached: Sara_Del_Rey_1.png (540x640, 111K)

She used to be an escort. I fucked her when I lived in Ohio.

Ill give a hint as to whomst is intimidated by her looks
they are NXT alumni and they have pictures eith Sara Del Rey
Yes they are all female

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