>kills aew
Kills aew
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is that Austin theory?
whom this semen demon
i want to cum inside his butthole
>barely reaching the top hinge
If you created a performance fighter from the ground up, and maximized all of their attributes, they would look like Austin Theory.
>and maximize all of their attributes
he's a charismaless dwarf
He has all the tools, except the one that makes him interesting
sorry did you want him to play video games like your autistic ass? lmao fuckin nerd
Hi Austin!
autists supporting austin are just like the gigachad faggots
>oh myyy he has muscles!
>maximized all of their attributes
Since when is height capped at 5'9?
this guy looks like a toxic white male
not aew material for sure
>*fingers his butthole on camera in your path*
What the heck did he mean by this?
Seen him live about four times and every time the crowd was the quietest for his match
you can see it on pornhub
false flagging aewtist scared for his life that the next cena is a few months away from setting off another ruthless aggression era lmao
he's champ for a reason kid.
>charisma void
i know you're a waifufag, but to the people who give a shit about the future of wrestling
legit this dude is the next step past cena. cena is literally his idol lmao this kid is the next guy
>another white male
Is that supposed to be a good thing
Guy looks like a gay pornstar
Handsome as fuck. Will he be the guy to lift the strap off The King NICK FUCKING GAGE?
Nah man, I had the unfortunate punishment of attending a few Evolve shows because they were on a double bill with Beyond and he was the shits. Couldn't draw a fly if he was covered in shit
Only reason people hype him. They think this is the ultra Chad so chicks will fawn all over him, when really he's going to mainly appeal to gays like Finn Balor. These guys are parading him around because they're fat losers who wish they looked like him and supposedly "got all teh wimmunz" because they never understood them
I get a gay vibe from him that I don’t think the mainstream audience will respond well to...
His entire demeanor in one picture just screams fag
yes for him
he is 21
I knew a marine back in college who was in a fraternity as well, and he looked and acted a lot like Austin. He was clean cut and a complete goodie two shoes SJW. One day he let his friends borrow his netflix pass and they saw that the guy's history was filled with bi-sexual documentaries and movies. I should have known when he'd walk into parties with a super tight shirt and go
"I just don't think I'm the strongest guy here, I haven't been working out like I used to."
Those insecure body building dorks are only trying to impress other men. Witness the fans in this thread.
cool story incel
You would have said the exact same thing about Cena. I'm glad theory exists to make you obese smarks seethe.
You'll never escape Cenas legacy
And he's hyped up like he's already done something when he's a literal who with no clue and a good physique
look at his namefag embarassed of his netflix history
Cena had a gimmick, wore jorts, and didn't act as soft as this guy does. Cena was thought as generic bodybuilder until he did the Vanilla Ice thing and had a personality.
Losers like you always make up shit to try and diminish people above you. Wish for your own success instead for wishing for the failure of others.
Okay Austin. Stop being such a faggot and maybe you will be as popular as Rainbow Finn one day. Then again you have no Demon Gimmick or a cool jacket, so make sure you find a nice spot in catering until you do
Cena posted him. That's all you need to know keyboard warrior.
Pretty sure you're jealous he's 21 and has done more than you will be able to accomplish over the next 50 years.
Are you seriously trying to deny you are a loser by pretending you are talking to a wrestle and then ranting about Finn Balor?
Oh yeah Cena is the icon of work rate. He probably likes him becauses he's a fellow liftbro
>You jelly bro? You no like my muscles bro?
Same dimwit garbage from a guy who hasn't drawn and is being called a boring shitter by people. Take my advice instead of going the gym rat route and memeing. Learn how to get over with the fans before patting yourself on the back for signing to the WWE, land of the indy hoarders where plenty of shitters have gone on to disappear.
>your advice
Guys who take the le Indy route I'm Jericho ill go all over the world first bs are plentiful. Hell you could go to your local Wal-Mart and find a guy like that. Finding someone with mental strength like cena and Austin is rare. It's that mindset that allows guys like that to be on top in the big leagues 365 for over a decade.
he can kill me with his dick all day. nigga got a THICC dick and nice looking boipucci too
Sorry but AEW unironically has the most handsome wrestler
Austin Theory is generic as fuck ngl
Fuck Aew tho
a WHO who has never drew a dime
That’s ricochet you’re thinking of