Do you think his gimmick was 'too PG' for the Attitude Era?

Do you think his gimmick was 'too PG' for the Attitude Era?
If he would have stayed in WWF after 1997 what would he look like? considering the others like Taker, Michaels, HHH, Gunn, etc evolved into more ""mature"" gimmicks.

Attached: Bret-500x562.jpg (500x562, 60K)

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Sort of but I thought the pro-canada gimmick did well. I dont think he wouldve done so well in the later years though. Dont know if he wouldve made it to RA period.

>others like Taker, Michaels, HHH, Gunn, etc evolved into more ""mature"" gimmicks
this has to be satire

This has to be bait
Brets entire clean and collected persona is what allowed so many attitude era characters to flourish in the first place, their grimyness played off of his professionalism and produced dimes

He wasn't an edgy, beer drinking, trash talking, hardcore degenerate, plus he was a child friendly babby face for so much years.

Bret was a great guy to help spark the Attitude Era, but I felt that unless they gave him something fresh he was almost played out in WWF in late '97. Vince may have bailed at the exact right time.

Bret coming back healthy in 2001 or 2002 would have been massive dimes though. Especially with HBK coming back too and Triple H being completely transformed from "Early DX" mode.

Taker as a satanic priest and Gunn as Mr. Ass sure are very mature. HBK stayed the same just did more edgy things. Only Trips really grew into a main event role(for good and bad)

With ""Mature"" I mean edgy, notice the comas.

Attached: bert.jpg (480x360, 37K)

Then just say fucking edgy faggot
No point in trying to be cute about it, no one here is going to fuck ya

What if he was a literal hitman?

Awesome. THIS thread again.
Make it your last, or I will shut you down with Izzyposting. You've been warned.

Also, if Bret had one fucking ounce of the mic ability that Izzy has in this based clip where she makes fun of trannies, poor people, and even her own father... than he wouldn't have been kicked out of the WWF.

Attached: EE1P_t2X4AAcWEm.jpg (1024x654, 124K)

I genuinely thought heel Bret Hart fit perfectly into the Attitude Era. The whole Hart Foundation anti-American storyline highlighted the fact that the fans didn't care about good or bad guys anymore. Stone Cold, before he even won his first IC belt, nevermind world belt, was 'attacking' crowd favourites like Jim Ross and Comish Slaughter and still being roared for by the crowd. Bret's gimmick brought this to light and was effectively the anti-Attitude.

I could easily see had Bret never gone to WCW, he possible would've been The Corporation's posterboy instead of The Rock.

Based retard

>no foley in the OP

Fuck you too bud.
It was also clear that they were hell-bent on exposing the business, because not many realized this was a worked shoot. He basically laid it all out there, I'm surprised Bret didn't come out and beat him up publicly, but he even let himself be kicked out of his wheelchair in the confrontation that followed in another episode.

Funnily enough, I was actually watching the episode after Badd Blood 97 just the other day where Shawn/HHH come down to the ring, break kayfabe and show the MSG Curtain Call incident on the titantron, bury Vince and out comes The Hart Foundation. They even said 'oh no someone help, they're burying me!!' when Bret comes out. Now, obviously this is a worked shoot but it just fit so well at the time. Honestly, having watched both 1997 WCW and WWF, I actually prefer the WWF product.

Bret agrees with you.
WCW was only good when there was the wolfpac shooting on Hogan, some of the cruiserweights and that's it, rest was fucking garbage.

I used to be a huge 'mark' for WCW during this time aswell, but looking back, I just remember skipping through alot of the show minus the cruiserweights for the Sting/nWo segments. Rewatching 97 WWF lately, I was genuinely gutted when Brian Pillman passed because his feud with Goldust was immense. I dunno, I've always disliked the way WCW was presented. They never really let go of their southern routes. Even simple things like cameras being backstage. Everything in WCW happened centre stage, or on the ramp. It felt very formatted and most of it was the same shit, different week. nWo vs WCW guy main event. WCW guy's about to finish it, nWo run in. DQ. Every single week. No creativity whatsoever.


>Do you think his gimmick was 'too PG' for the Attitude Era?
>Made Austin at WM 13
>Made Vince at Montreal
He literally invented the AE, and he the one who gave Shawn the idea for DX

Bret was a good heel for Austin. Tried to be the perfect role model who got bitter. It was great for the time. His wcw run was absolutely awful.

Had Bret never had the concussion that led to his stroke, we would have seen him and Shawn settle it in the ring by 02 or 03. And The Hitman vs The Game.

>babby can’t understand one word can have multiple meanings in different contexts
>babby finally comprehends
>babby lashes out anyway
delete your browser history and sign up at ebaums

Hogan was wrestling until Austin arrived. People wanted to watch hogan until Austin showed up and that’s just the truth. Austin was so good people started turning the channel away from hogan. They finally got to watch a star be born in front of their eyes. His entire rise to the top. His first world title. It will never be that good again but it was so good that 35 year olds like me still check in to see if another star is gonna come

He did his part killing eve and wwf winning

What a self-mark anti-dimes canadian faggot.

Attached: what a mark.jpg (1280x720, 90K)


bump to fuck over a waifu thread

the whole hart foundation vs america felt like the first attitude era angle desu