What's her gimmick?

What's her gimmick?

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piss drinking

workin my ding dong into a diddly shoot

Bringing bingo hall classic hardcore into the mainstream

user that video was clearly a work they switch to a very obviously rubber dong before she starts drinking it

Getting coomed on

>coping this much
girls are freaks. there's not a single girl that I can't get to let me pee on her. it starts out in the shower because haha it's funny and it just washes off. Then you start extrapolating if you catch my drift

There's more than one.

bbc slut

post them. ive only seen the worked one and ones where shes squirting (peeing) then drinking her own but thats mark shit

i bet she has let dogs fuck her

She fucked her own father so probably

bruh i saw this girl have her head held down in a toilet by a dudes foot while he pissed on her ass then he fucked her asshole until it broke and prolapsed and fell outside of her
dogs probably wouldnt even make her top 50 OMG moments

Wtf are you people watching?

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its not even weird niche kink porn she's just fucking crazy she rims dudes on fucking brazzers


I need this story please.

Unless your a shoot fag, I don't get why any man would want to be rimmed. It doesn't feel sexual at all.

how hard to you gotta molest your kids to fuck their heads up like this? i've dated girls that got diddled before, they're usually just either really slutty or really reserved. They're not into peepee and doodoo and fucking dogs and anal prolapses

*foster dad

Like most porn womyn she grew up in care and never had a chance of a normal life.

How far gone do you have to be to find an asshole being turned into a wound is erotic. Do these people coom to gunshots?