Pride flag

>pride flag
>subhuman tranny on the poster

You LITERALLY can’t make this shit up

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>Omega that small compared to Cawdy
kek what a mark contract signing bitch

>Manshee made it on the poster
>Page didn't

Imagine being such a schizo, you see pride flags everywhere.

>no gooks
Weebs btfo

You’ll never be a real woman LMAO

Hey there reddit

See you Wednesday nights on TNT you hatewatching faggot!

>Bucks had to be front and center


Some guy in the thread yesterday called him Marty Trannetty and I kekked

Ya boilin, closet homo?

oh no, a bunch of colors, how dare they?

>unironically getting so worked by the left that you start to get mad at actual COLORS

>Cody the second biggest draw
>Main draw is 50 y/o part timer
>Dean the Jannetty
>Oldust on there

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they did the fag flag at "fyter fest" too

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who's the creatura / zombie top left??

seriously, though, why did Cody ok this??

check out this seething tranny lover trying his best to cope

>y-you're getting mad at colours i-idiot

colours of the GAY PRIDE flag ya ding-dong diddly cabbage

>pride flag

based retard has never heard of a prism

gay pride flags don't have cyan though

you would know, faggot

Based gaychads living rent free in this cuckservative's butthole

>no Sonny Kiff
AEW is homophobic??

You don't know how that works do you

everyone associates rainbow colors with fags now, it takes two brain cells to figure out they did this on purpose

Shit looks gay AF.

>everyone associates rainbow colors with fags now
i associate them with rainbows, i think you just think about gays too much user
leave your house

you know Cody and the young bucks bitched to make sure they they were prominent in this poster. broken Kenny didn’t care. we need to get him home to Japan lads.

>oh no, it's the gay pride colors!!!


don't forget me guys

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>OP is a massive faggot that lets faggots and trannies live rent free in his head 24/7
You LITERALLY can't make this shit up

>pride flag
Literally where? Seriously, I don't see a pride flag anywhere.

The fact that Cody is HUGE, the young bucks are front and center, and Brandi is on this at all tells you all you need to know

>riho is exclusiv-

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They are all VPs though. Do you think Curt Hawkins would be at the same level as HHH on a WWE poster?

>Kenny below Cody and smaller than him and MJF
>Cucks front and center
>no Page
>Shitt Baker
>none of Kenny's yoshis

Look at that empty space in the upper right, you could have put Kenny there opposite of Cody, put Page in Kenny's position, and replaced Baker with Hikaru and solved at least some of the problems.

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don't associate based reddit with transphobic assholes

damn that tranny was samefagging hard

I wish fags didn't steal the rainbow, prisms are cool.

Don't worry I already don't associate reddit with people who grasp objective reality

pedos stole it now

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based christian priests

tranny cringe

Guys why are not any men of color on the poster? Very problematic.



Jungle Boy and Heeljew are the only zoomers in this image?

It's actually called Dynamite?

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Nyla rose is a black man

So AEW is gonna have a Boomer, a tranny, and two self marks as their champions?