AEW's weekly show will be called DYNAMITE


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Good name cos it’s ratings are gonna bomb lol

lazy and shallow
it doesn't roll off the tongue as well

>joshi are a big par-

hahahahha. really funny post user! really good post. really funny and made me laugh a lot. great post user! fucking EPIC post bro

I won't be watching so I don't care.

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>their poster has rainbow colours on it


Joshits ate antidime cringe

god damn, shut the fuck up

who the fuck is their graphic artist. the shitty marble effect looks like a scan of chris benoits cte brain. is that what they're going for?

>Bucks front and center
>Jericho the biggest
>Kenny shoved into a corner
I have a bad feeling, lads.

ya seethe? bitch?

Seething tranny not even trying to hide it

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I liked it better when the show was just called AEW. But you could do a lot worse.

Didn't Goldie say he was moving to a trainer role, what's he doing on the poster?

>AEW Dynamite
A name straight out of the 80s

I mean, Jericho is the champ and is to AEW what Terry Funk was to ECW. The well traveled veteran Hall of famer who had some mainstream appeal and legitimacy to him. He's also the champ. Bucks are probably the hottest and most recognizable teams in wrestling, though I'm curious to see what they do when another team gets a ton of momentum behind them.

>Bucks are probably the hottest and most recognizable teams in wrestling

is this what aewtists honestly believe?

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Literally had a fantasy fed that had a show named dynamite...I think everyone did. is Kenny always positioned so poorly in their promotional material?

>Bucks are probably the hottest and most recognizable teams in wrestling
uh bitch the lucha bros exist and they're 10 times the tag team the youngcucks are

t. Contrarian loser smark
You don’t have to like them to realize they’re THE hottest tag team anywhere right now

Bucks might legit be more recognizable than Road Warriors were back in the day, TV gives much more exposure

>retards don't like enclosed spaces with huge crowds and loud, unpredictable noises
>bring retard to a wrestling show
the absolute state of modern tard-wranglers

>wtf is Kenny always positioned so poorly in their promotional material?

he's a nobody to the mainstream audience

notice the faggot pride color scheme

Recognisable? Maybe. Hottest? Yeah, about as hot as three day old dog shit.

and the bucks are?


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You overestimate north American Tag Teams. The next hottest team is a brisk autumn evening in new england

>Bucks might legit be more recognizable than Road Warriors were back in the day

sweet jesus christ

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>Tranny on poster and not Riho
God damn it

Nice to see all the Joshi talent there

There's a lot of white guys on that poster.

>99% is former WWE talent


>5 wrestlers on the poster are Ex-wwe talent
so how is this any different from TNA?

>cracker barrel

in b4 exploding barrels match

>all the ex-wwe talent on top of that mountain

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Based brainwashed cultist

6, didn't even notice that was Mox who looks like he just smelled shit

>Bucks might legit be more recognizable than Road Warriors were back in the day

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Preview doc airs day before premiere

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Well we already know it's gonna bomb

>woah, look at all the joshis on the poster

They could've at least save a little space for riho or shida.

>some mainstream appeal and legitimacy
>Bucks are probably the hottest and most recognizable teams in wrestling

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>tfw no elin gf

Not Goldust
Luchasaurus (Development as Judas Devlin)
*Britt Baker, YB and MJF worked as enhancement or extra

Does anyone actually like Brit Baker or Nyla (beyond just supporting him because they're woke) ?

Man, look how they just hid Kenny on this poster, like he's just some guy. I bet he misses Japan. AEW has really nerfed his momentum. He was the best in the world, and now they've made him just another guy

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and Omega was at WWE development at some point

Yes, Jericho has the mainstream appeal. Rocky he is not, but he still has it.

sure people tuned to see him on WWE these recents years

Where is Adam page

I really dig the poster. The name's whatever. I like it.

Kenny should be much bigger though. Much more prominent on the poster. Much much bigger. My friends know I like pro wrestling and they all know who Kenny Omega is, but not Jon Moxley for example or Cody Rhodes. Hell, that probably goes for anyone who doesn't watch wrasslin' because they know him from weeb shit and vidya.

>Luchasaurus (Development as Judas Devlin)
>*Britt Baker, YB and MJF worked as enhancement or extra
yeah I was only talking about people that would actually be recognized from their time in wwe not random talent number 2 in an entrance

>Yes, Jericho has the mainstream appeal

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>Yes, Jericho has the mainstream appeal.

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It's garbage and I was hoping they'd dropped it.
If you're promoting your product as sports then you don't name your TV show - the act of naming the TV show makes it a TV show which immediately creates the narrative of it being fake. Now, we all know its fake, but they've been pushing a sports production (verbally, at least) and this move is blatantly counterintuitive.
Should just be called AEW Tonight or something.

>no Hangman Page
What did AEW mean by this?

Literally none of this proves me wrong, thanks.

Jericho has never been relevant get outta here with your fan fiction

>him having less views than sasha banks with months to rack them up doesn't disprove you
Yes it does.
The onus of proof doesn't work like that, by the way, brainlet. You're making the assertion, prove he's mainstream.

Bro reality proves you wrong, Nothing about Jericho is appealing to mainstream. He's an old dad who still thinks rock music is metal and neither have been "cool" or "mainstream" for over 20 years. He unironically wears fedoras and scarfs and drinks monster energy drinks. The guy is a fucking clown

>Tuesday Night Dynamite will not be a thing
It was the best name they copyrighted.

Everyone know who Chris Jericho is. At least, the kids who watched WWF back in the day. Everyone I know IRL, most of them don't watch wrestling at all. If I say "Chris Jericho" to them, they'll know who he is. "Sasha Banks", they'll have no idea. I'd then have to explain how she's some shitty woman wrestler that fucking sucked in NXT and still does today with her shit gimmick and wrestling ability.

>grasping at straws this hard
>actually implying that Kong was more of a WWE talent than a TNA one
>implying that Kenny being in DSW for less than a year means he's a WWE guy

nothing was gonna get over the NBA

>Nothing about Jericho is appealing to mainstream

h-he had that meme that crashed and burned in 36 hours

One day on RAW TV is more than a whole career on TNA.
WWE jobbers are infinitely more popular than your regular indie stars (with only a few exceptions)

So yeah,Kong is an ex-WWE talent

>receives statistics
>dismisses statistics
>cites unprovable anecdotal evidence
Don't care. How's he mainstream?

>At least, the kids who watched WWF back in the day.
First off, everyone who watched WWF back in the day isn't a kid. If they even remember a time when it was WWF they're grown ass adults and that doesn't make him main stream. I have friends who don't watch action movies that know who jean claude van damme is that doesn't make his old ass relevant.

This is a huge blunder. Adam Page has a good look - he’s good looking and can draw attention with his cowboy hat.

I’m positive most people who stopped watching wrestling since back in WWF either wouldn’t recognise Jericho here or wouldn’t give a shit if he was still wrestling because he wasn’t a huge star back then.

>rainbow colors
absolute yikes
They need a color to associate the brand with. Nitro was Red, thunder blue and so on

>if they knew who he was 20 years ago, that means he's appealing today!
Holy fuck you're a legitimate brainlet

>One day on RAW TV is more than a whole career on TNA.
>WWE jobbers are infinitely more popular than your regular indie stars (with only a few exceptions)
>So yeah,Kong is an ex-WWE talent

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Jericho shouldn't be screaming on the poster. He's the only "big star" his face should always be clear and center

>One day on RAW TV is more than a whole career on TNA.

Haha, alright. Whatever you say. I'm sure people will see "Kharma" again and think, "hey thats that lady that did 5 things on WWE! whoa she's so awesome!" instead of thinking of her excellent TNA career.

nice meme image, is he wrong though?

Ive never understood this mindset. So what they're just supposed to never wrestle again after WWE?

Pride month ended, it's illegal to be gay now

He's been on television for 20 years, and part of the entertainment business' various platforms, and social media. He has a foot print. Chances are, take a random sample of people, they will recognize him more than about any active pro wrestler

This cultist is BOILING

The mindset of a WWE cultmember. Stupid drones.


I literally missed her entire career in wrestling but knew who she was because of the wwe '12 game. I would have to say being immortalized in a wrestling game is a hell of lot bigger of an accomplishment than going back to TNA during the aces and eights period.

Why try to be WCW of all things?

u wot? her run that got her over in 2008-2009 was way before TNA Bullet Club bro

No one is saying that the point is you should promote your new talent you're trying to build into the same caliber of star you get from WWE. These guys should not be center pieces they should be stepping stones to get your new guys on their level of exposure. Instead of that last ppv where Jericho probably buried page for for good, hell the guy isn't even on the poster.


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GLOW drew dimes with mainstream audiences.

Please don't ever go into marketing. You will fail.

nigga this ain't WCW or even TNA where they have an established homegrown roster. This is a brand new company that is immediately forced to compete with a WWE program. Putting Darby Allin or Adam Page front in center instead of Jericho or Cody would be instant ratings suicide. They need to get off the ground before people start comparing them to TNA or whatever.

I literally said I missed her career, and she went back in 2015 aces and eights was in 2012 and was still a thing in TNA at the time it was when I gave up on the company.

then y say it's better to play a game then go back and watch her cameo's in 12 and 15 instead of watching her prime run? lol like wtf?

They already have the money and the fanbase they don't need marketing you imbecile and none of their WWE guys were draws to begin with so why not just put the new guys on a pedestal? if everyone already doesn't give a shit about Cody of Mox then why bother giving them top billing? They are not a draw

...what? Why the fuck wouldn't AEW promote Chris Jericho, a name synonymous with wrestling? And you seriously are still upset that Page didn't win the Title? The most obvious thing to do is put it on, again, Chris Jericho, a name way more widely known that Hangman Page. In due time, Page will be the champion. But not now. Not while they're trying to build the brand. They have the young talent to build -- but why expose them on a public poster as an advertisement instead of putting actual stars in there? I love a lot of the talent they've signed, but putting based Jungle Boy, Sammy, Bea, etc etc front and center isn't the logical thing to do when you have people with more history and who are easily recognizable.

>They need to get off the ground before people start comparing them to TNA or whatever.
Well that's already happening and if the guys they have from WWE weren't a draw there they wont be in a new company so why not try to promote new talents people might be interested in? New and shiny is a hell of a selling point

Why did WWE try to sign them for millions and a Wrestlemania storyline?

> why not try to promote new talents people might be interested in


1. Put recognizable, active roster members to attract viewers
2. When said viewers are attracted and tune in, then display to them your new fresh great talent that wasn't on the poster

Not hard to understand.

I didn't say that I said imo being immortalized in a video game is probably a larger accomplishment that going back to a dying company. god damn can people on this board not fucking read? Or is it a comprehension issue?

>Put recognizable, active roster members to attract viewers
The only person who is even recognizable is Moxley and he wasn't even good when he was in WWE so where is the draw?

Recognition =/= "having mainstream appeal"
He wasn't even mainstream when he was on top of WWF. Austin/Rock were the mainstream ones, business suffered when he got the title and was never put in that position again.
You vastly, VASTLY underestimate what it takes to be "mainstream". Absolutely nothing in wrestling is mainstream currently. Lesnar's the closest and he isn't either.

They need more stars. Outside of Jericho (who's over the hill) do they have anyone that a lasped fan would recognize? They need to bring in more talent that has spent time with WWE, both in and out of the ring. They've got money but their product doesn't have the polish of WWE or even TNA. Half of their roster is meme tier garbage and the other half are indie darlings who'd get the shovel in WWE. Hell at least get guys who look like wrestlers! Fucking Luchasaurus in the only big guy they have.

what? if not for that run she wouldn't have ever been picked up by WWE to even be featured in the game lol. ppl will always associate Kong with that late 2000s TNA run


I didn't saw "mainstream" did I? That's a vague term. I just said the facts about his history being in the entertainment business and to sample people and he'd be more recognized than about any active pro wrestler

Could they have picked a worse picture of Moxely to use?

Why do e drones always act like no other company is allowed to hire wrestlers from them?

Revival is a given if they keep a good course. Plus Harper.

I'm surprised Cody hasn't hired Hardcore Holly tbhq.

>ppl will always associate Kong with that late 2000s TNA run
Except for the people who didn't know about it, like me, who only knew who she was from a video game, and now we've come full circle in this conversation.

>They need more stars.

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They just signed a new deal with WWE for like 5 years or some shit, in an episode of being the elite they scratched their names off a pad of wrestlers they were looking to recruit.

Kino poster, I would unironically buy it except the tranny is on it

I like it. If I were a lapsed fan (well I don't watch WWE), if I saw this poster, I'd be interested. Wrestling on TNT again? Jericho? Oh shit is that Dean Ambrose? Cody Rhodes has blonde hair now? I'd check it out at the very least.

AEW needs to, needs to 100% put their all into this very first episode. It's going to be the most important 2 hours of their career. It will make or break them.

[spoiler] Fuck, I hope CM Punk debuts on episode #1. If he doesn't, then Punk really truly is done with wrestling.[/spoiler]

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It's not about them being allowed to hire wwe wrestlers is about promoting them over your own talent while standing on a soap box and screaming how different and alternative you are to wwe.

you just happen to be the exception to the rule. i've never known anyone irl or not who's a wrestling fan that knew kong because she was a character in the one wwe game

What were they thinking by putting Tranny Rose in the poster?
Do they not know that you turn off potential viewers and part of an audience by so obviously fishing for SJW brownie points?
They're going to die in their first two years if they make that monstrosity their first women's champ

gr8 b8

There are more non-WWE people in AEW than there are. Shut the fuck up.

she was in two games and I guarantee you that people who never watched TNA only know her as kharma

All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite TV Ad

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>put their all into this very first episode

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Why are you so fucking obsessed over who is on the poster? The people on the poster are draws due to their career in pro wrestling. Why woudn't they promote them? Again, see this:

You're making it seem like AEW isn't going to build any new talents. Had you watched any of their past shows, you'd see the Tag Division doing well. The only prominent WWE people are fucking Jim Ross, Cody, and Justin Roberts. Relax nigga. I know WWE has betrayed you in burying 99% of "hype" NXT guys, and you're accustomed to that, but no-names are getting a chance to shine here, get built into draws/stars, and connect with the crowd.

That's the point you dumbshit there are 6 former WWE stars on this poster and they have what, 30+ wrestlers who never worked for WWE? Literally no one but actual wrestling fans even know what the fuck AEW is so why not put your talents on the poster?

what is wrong with her face

>no Hangman
>no Pac
>no Riho or Shida
>no Lucha Brothers
>but trannetty is there

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>then Punk really truly is done with wrestling
Spoiler, He's truly done with wrestling and anyone who says otherwise is kind of pathetic. The guy constantly shits on wrestling and its fans on twitter and get noticeably pissy when people constantly ask about his return.

It's such a goddamn shame. Kenny without a bunch of fags in his corner could have done a lot more for NJPW

>the sheer disparity of impact between the shots of the men's moves hitting and the women's moves hitting

Marty Trannetty is the new name I'm calling him, thanks

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Efed tier.

Sure, throw a bunch of no-names that most people don't know who they are. That'll surely get them to tune in. Yeah, let's not put Jericho, Omega, and Moxley, the 3 biggest names in AEW, on the poster. No, let's put SCU, Private Party, Dark Order, and any other no-name on there.

What a stupid idea. What's so hard to understand about the point of drawing power? Get people to become interested in your product with one ad, and then, once you have them pulled in, show them your entire arsenal (which includes the 30+ great wrestlers you mentioned).

Because the poster is promotional material it's supposed to "sell" the show and instead putting a bunch of no draw ex-wwe talent why not put some of your talent no one has ever seen? If you see a wrestler on a poster you've never seen before you may be inclined to buy a ticket to see what they can do. We've seen what Jericho, Mox and cody can do and it's not worth the price of admission so why act like putting some of their literal who talents on the advertising would be detrimental? It's literally TNA levels of shit promotion using WWE's sloppy seconds to try and sell tickets/viewers


>That'll surely get them to tune in
Literally no one has ever tuned into a wrestling program for Jericho, Cody or Moxley that's some laughable shit bro

He isn't mainstream, chief. You know why? Pro wrestling isn't mainstream.

I mentioned The Rock being famous before he was an actor in front of my father in law the other day and he said 'oh yeah, wasn't he a boxer?' That's The Rock for fuck sake. Nobody gives a fuck about Jericho anymore except people who already watch wrestling and therefore people who have already formed an opinion of him (that is, people who think he was big by wrestling standards 15 years ago but isn't any more and inversely the deluded fucks who cling to the bloated prick's ever dwindling fame because otherwise they'd have to actually question the logic of aew for putting the belt on him) Hogan was mainstream. Austin was. Rock may have been then and sure as fuck is now. Nobody else since. Let's stop throwing that word around regarding pro wrestling lest we seem as deluded as the fucks who think this won't be the most one-sided war since the Falklands.

You act as if the poster is only of them, and doesn't include other interesting talents such as MJF, Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, and Britt Baker. I agree, it would've been nice to put Hangman, Allie, and Lucha Bros on there, though.

The poster itself is better then anything WWE has done in years.

The name is so tacky and 80's. It's weird. Yet, I also kind of like it.

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I never said it didn't have other talents I said 6 out of the 14 are ex-wwe guys. Cody I get its "his company" and Jericho is the champ but why not fill the other slots with new wrestlers you want to promote? If they are literal whos then put them on your advertising so people can maybe look them up or educate themselves on their work and familiarize themselves with them before the first show.

Well i guess we know who's going over. RiHogan finally met her match and couldn't out-politic the PC tranny squad

he keeps losing his matches up to this point. If he does better he will be better featured



aew is for everyone

stay bubbleh

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Lmao is that poster legit joly shit

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I vaguely remember a wresting show on tnt before that was an absolute joke and went out of business

Oh this is different? Kek fucking marks

>Bucks are probably the hottest and most recognizable teams in wrestling
What the fuck am I reading?

Fucking this. Moxley was the most talented CZW talent which is like being the nicest guy in prison. Couldn’t draw without 2 other guys.

>brandi on the poster

So she's basically Yoko

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He is mainstream by virtue of most people knowing who he is, regardless of whether they care about him. People don't care about Stone Cold either anymore. Ratings hit rock bottom with him just recently. The discussion is not on whether your average normie cares to watch Chris Jericho, but whether he is a known name.

>but whether he is a known name.

he isn't

lmao Americans are so fucking ugly

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lmao cringe

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That's not saying much


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I don't get it, are they going to keep signing crap midcards from WWE and give the world titles just like TNA?

I said Austin was, not is. He isn't mainstream any longer. Jericho never was. You ask a random person on the street who Jericho is and they won't know

Because there is no mainstream for wrestling.
Dominant company for 18 years decided that they should be the draw not the talent.
That's all there is to it.

>"TNT Dynamite"



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Holy shit even I can do that poster with the gradient tool in PS YIKES

This shit never fails in working my sides into orbit

this is quite the overreaction

That's literally what I said a while ago, wrestling isn't mainstream therefore Jericho isn't mainstream

To me they’re like Voltron if all of the body parts were piloted by someone using a different drug. They have so little cohesion; from Cody and Brandy going from Face to Heel to Face at will and Khan saying sports while the YBs openly break kayfabe in postmatch interviews. Kenny should have stayed in Japan and came to WWE for an insane payday in two more years, now he’s stuck with these egotistical marks.

Should have called it BUBBLEH.


Will dynamite be on youtube like the wwe shows? I don't live in america and have no intention of paying for this shit.

I didn't even know who the bucks were until asp.
I knew who Kenny was because his 6 star fiasco business.

because they're popular amongst wrestling fans.


Dis nigga is straight STIR FRY

Will fail

Imagine jumping thru hurdles and disobeying your government just to watch 20% of the product (aka highlights).

Your life isn't worth living brotha! People hate on the USA because it's the Land of The Free. Jealousy and envy.


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>pride flag
>subhuman tranny on the poster

You LITERALLY can’t make this shit up

>Instead of fire and explosions, they use rainbow paint


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Nobody knows who Chris Jericho is unless they are a wrestling fan. You’re a fucking idiot.




No one in America know who a couple of illegals are dumbass