How do I introduce my girlfriend to wrestling? She's never seen it and is interested, I have the WWE network...

How do I introduce my girlfriend to wrestling? She's never seen it and is interested, I have the WWE network, which ppv do I choose?
Or just go with the latest one?

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>hi gf this is wwe
>wwe this is gf
im sorry I just don't see it working out

dude dont show her wwe
show her something shocking n wrestling that would pull her in
show her ice ribbon and GCW

I used to show my ex gf highlights and that's about it. I would also roleplay as Enzo whenever I got the chance. How you doin ?

you think its a good idea to let your woman stare at muscular men with you? you think its a good idea to let her judge men (as well as the men you like) while spending time with you?

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>this is the taste of a MDKuck


Show her the 1999 Royal Rumble PPV.

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Show her NJPW

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Females that like wrestling are mentally ill. Don't bother.

she doesn't like it but said she was interested in seeing it one day

Why would you do that, lmfaoooo?
She's just gonna laugh at you for still watching that gay shit. Just because she's your girl doesn't mean she has to like everything that you like. Can you fucking beta faggots actually stand-up for yourselves, take control of your own hobbies, and not have your girl tag-along for everything? Literally the type of guy to invite his girl to a bro-night or something.

I've got quite a few people into wrestling. Mostly, I try to show them how real it can be while being a "fake" show. I'll find some good matches that have a few stiff bumps and potatoes thrown. Try not to go overboard with your own commentary, it'll make you come off as a nerd. Just interject every once in a while when you have a really cool tidbit like: "he actually broke 3 ribs on that bump". Then they'll start to see it as a more physical form of theater. My mom loves old Dusty Rhodes/Ric Flair/Andre The Giant matches where they'd bleed a metric ton of blood per match. She also likes all the cool weird talents that wrestlers have, like Dean Douglas having actually been a professor, or D'Lo being a certified public accountant at 25.

>"my gf"
sure thing

Go to something live.

Trying to drag your girl into every one of your interests is bitchmade.

fuck off cop caller

Pic not related I’m sure

could say the same thing for guys that watch shows their girlfriend watches.

>Just interject every once in a while when you have a really cool tidbit like: "he actually broke 3 ribs on that bump".

you probably think homophobia has no place in wrestling

Mine saw WWE and felt it was too fake. After 15+ years of watching wrestling you forget how fake some things look.

She loved Vampiro vs. Pentagon from Lucha Underground,
She loved Suzuki vs. Goto from Wrestle Kingdom 12
She liked Joe vs. Kobashi from RoH
She though HBK vs. Taker HiaC was goofy because of Shawn's over the top selling

She absolutely dislikes female matches because they look too fake (to be fair, she's only seen WWE women).

In general, she dosn't watch wrestling, but if I tell her it's a good match, she'll give it a chance.

Shouldn't you be working on a manifesto?

Based Golden Era 80's stuff nigga. It's wrestling 101, she'll get the basics easily. Then you go progressing from that

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this. don't show women new-age modern era wrestling. it's fucking cringe and is so far removed from wrestling, they had to rebrand it as sports entertainment. Girls LOVE roided up beefcakes stiffing each other for real.

Armageddon 2000

Actually it wasn't WK 12 but Dominion 6.11 in Osaka-jo Hall

Take her to a live show.
I took my gf to that NJPW G1 show in SF and she was instantly hooked.

If youre a man, then all you have to do is take charge.
>is this okay with you?

this. shingo Vs ospreay tells a simple effective story and will won't threaten your masculinity

Show her The Undisputed Era vs Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch at NXT TakeOver Chicago II.

Yes, exactly.

Show her a deathmatch tournament with lots of light tubes. Chicks dig those.

I got my gf into it, just show her the women's stuff and tell her that it's the only legitimate sport women can compete in


have sex incel

sup nigger

You are stupid

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ugly ass feet

Show her new blood rising, the crown jewel of vince russo's wrestling career

Netflixs Glow series is a good gateway drug. If she's into that and you have a good local indie fed take her to a live show and maybe start showing her one of the weekly shows or what you consider good classic matches (TLCs usually go down well)

you're a fool for making her watch some shit she's never seen before on a laptop or smart tv.

if you had half a brain you would take her to a live, independent show where the crowd is engaged and she can get a close-up view of the action.


this chick's feet are 2x bigger than her hands keep her on the keto diet or she's gonna add five stone by time she's 35.

Mania 17 brother
