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To be fair MJF IS playing pretend. This is what happens when wrestlers become marks for themselves.

>look up who this Who is
>he talks about gaming for a living

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lmao true.

Based DongYea

>gook who makes hit pieces on bethesda
>worked into a dang dong diddily shoot
What did he mean by this?

yo is that the guy who made metal gear?

Based Yong better make a vid on this

YOOOOOOOOOOOONG should OOOOUUUUUUUUUUTTTT himself for exposing the business

Wrestling is dead

Oh no!

he is absolutely boiling, seething, and got worked by based MJF


This is a huge moment for MJF. This isn't a bingo hall, this is real deal social media heat right before AEW launches on tv. Excited to see if he rises to the occasion or flops.

>worked into a seethe

What a fucking simp lmao

more attention like this will only help AEW collect momentum.


>gets worked by a fucking wrestler
>makes another Fallout 76 video where he shows the same picture of him holding the shitty polyester bag up for the 1000th time
>he got the Fallout 76 collectors edition for free anyway

Not even one of those "SUCH A GOOD HEEL" people, but how are so many people unironically getting worked over him making fun of D&D?

I done told ya niggas wrasslin be dead. Lack of respekt for the bizness killed it

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fuck MJF but hes based for working some nerd who sits inside all day raging about "muh corporations destroying muh games

>he's STILL making F76 and Anthem videos
rent free

He knows he got worked hard

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why this is shit is triggering americans so much?

are you amerifats all fans of DD??

Americans can't handle banter from muscle Chad's like MJF. They think it's bullying.

I have no idea who the guy quote terrting is but judging by this thread it's another zoomer YouTube fuckface that makes money off retards.

But MJF is a manlet that got mogged and shoved by Samoa Joe?

MJF getting AEW some mainstream heat. He has done more for AEW marketing than Jericho.

MJF is genetically engineered to be a heel. His entire look is like one of those bullies in high school. You can actually believe that he would pick on someone in real life for liking nerdy shit. It's why his initial tweet triggered primal nerd emotions to come spewing out on twitter.

Go back

Go cry on twitter. I heard somebody was making fun of BSG.

D&D nerds are extremely thin-skinned apparently.

kek, based gamers exposing the miz 2.0 but worse

Ya seethe?

Ya seethe simp?

If you must know, there's a long history of butthurt dnd defenders. The biggest schism was when 4th edition was released. The edition itself was wildly divisive, largely due to being released incomplete. There was an online portion to it, but after the death of the one guy working on the online part (this is very typical of wotc behavior), that fell through. As a result, you got a dnd that was effectively just WoW but on the table.

The DnD defenders applauded the simplification of battling, in addition to "heavy" nerfs to casters like Wizards, Clerics and Druid and narrowing of game mechanics. Many fanboys agreed that it was flawed, but a lot easier to work with. However, people who didn't just want aimless murderhobo dungeon crawlers were left to kick rocks. People who wanted to be immersed in their roleplaying world, to influence politics, to prank NPCs, or do whatever else not combat related could not do so. Or the options were so limited that DMs often had to jury rig rules from 3.5 and hope it went through.

As a result, people on the internet were less than pleased. From june 2008 all of the way until 2014, dnd fanboys were shat on, made fun of, bullied, all that good shit. They gained a significant victim complex and attached part of their identity to dnd. Any insult aimed to dnd would be considered aimed at them as well.

There's a bit more to extrapolate, but that'll be in the next post.

AEW appealing to the dyslexic too.

Why not just. Keep using an older edition if you don't like the new one?

>n-no u
Copying after me like a woman following her man
Cringe and gaypilled

In 2014, dnd 5th edition was released. The internet largely considered it a return to form (as in it wasn't a complete dumpster fire), so dnd became popular again. Furthermore, a show cropped up, called Critical Role. Critical Role would soon grow to be extremely popular, and would introduce more and more people to dnd. Critical Role would have its fanboys, who would try to copy the way the actors on Critical Role played. Only instead of paying attention to context like normal people, they would apply the So Randumb XD bullshit where ever they could.

While bringing in new players is nice and all, these new players didn't really have respect for the game itself. They just wanted to copy Critical Role. Ordinarily, you'd have gatekeeping, except the lions share of gatekeepers fucked off to other game systems during the 4E era. And what gatekeeping would pop up, was quickly attacked. During the 4E to now, WOTC intensely pursued the SJW audience. An SJW audience that also found Critical Role to be entertaining. So now you have the dnd fanboys, the Critical Role fanboys and SJW all attaching dnd to their identity. Nerd Culture is just a little past its zenith, and dnd has a mainstream nerd factor to it. If they didn't defend dnd, they would be terrible nerds.

MJF is just doing typical "you're a nerd if you like dnd lol" shit, and they have to defend dnd.

Most people still prefer to run Pathfinder (which has its own plethora of issues), or just other systems. However, many dnd fanboys believe that if you don't support the new system, you're just gatekeeping or being a manbaby about change. /tg/ is a bastion of this thought. You'll see so many "WAAAAH HOW DARE TABLETOP NOT BE A WHITE BOY CLUB ANYMORE" that you'll get sick of it.

how the fuck do marks get worked this easily?
i legitimately dont understand it

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I guess any press is good press, but every mainstream and non-wrestling outlet that isn't in on the joke thinks MJF is the joke instead. Some don't even know he's a wrestler. This isn't doing anything for AEW.


Stop being an uppity bitch