hey frens, I made a new miney man serb and I dont wana be alone, does anyone want to join me? I call it fishecraft
ip is fishecraft.xyz
version is 1.14.2
cya in shiros minegraft bros :^)
hey frens, I made a new miney man serb and I dont wana be alone, does anyone want to join me? I call it fishecraft
ip is fishecraft.xyz
version is 1.14.2
cya in shiros minegraft bros :^)
Other urls found in this thread:
are there fish in minecraft?
there are many fish, even pufferfish!
but is dante from devl must cry in minecraft
he can be, make your skin dante and youre dante now
also nice trips
admin censors the word h*ll
Do you have to be in 1.14 to join? I know some servers allow a lot of things to join like the one I play on is 1.8-1.14
how sure are you that you wont be shutting donw or doing a reset askign for a friend
eat shit with your too cool for the room sarcasm you're a whelp who drinks beyond his limits the same yet you fucking dare judge me? oh haha its ironic bro
hey guys i did that ironic SUCC meme shit back when it was relevant fore u KIDS latched onto it let me just cling to that-which-was while i spew word salad and banality your way
stop it
get some help
haha im drunk [weird shit nobody understands]
eat my ass nigga fr go talk to a wall and call it comedy gold some more
just cause your junkie ass doesnt get something doesnt mean nobody does
yeah you got nothing
enjoy your detatched irony where you unironically enjoy minecraft but you're oh so "aware" enough to bash the banality of memes and fortnite haha
I'm so self-aware and come home from the shlep and post nonsense and wordsalads to better acquaint myself with the ironic nature of reality and how making a joke out of it helps me cope much like alcohol b
two same numbers!
mother I'm drunk :DDd
haha its weird
who is mother???
admin here, I won't, I tend to stick with servers until people stop playing on them
so say theres you and two other players
you still dont quit?
holy hecc ive just started proper getting on me feet on a differnt serb
well poop this one has s4s frens if i fits i sits
depends on their activity, if they get on once a month I'd call it quits, if they get on regularly though and keep playing I'd def keep it up
Shutup fetut
This is fetus the known RUDE POSTER!!1!
donet joinle fisjecraf frenns pls
I'm not gonna actually play on the server, just make sure it stays alive and you know not a burning trash heap.
In other words 2 monthz till shutdowne
I'm aiming for at least 10 months bud
3 weekese if me an my frens(female[male]) join
thats pretty rude dude, tryin to sabotage shiros mineman
Is not shiros!!!1!
Shiro isse puppetee!!!!
Wake up frens!! Shiro is being manipulated by the rude fetouse!!
bro, just let ppl minekraft in peace..
Cute minecarft SERV
nice dubes
< fishe
bigge fishe
does someone have a mc account i can use
look for the alt websites, you can get alts for pennies bro
i want to play minecraft. does it look like i want to work hard?
i got a cade card on bere so it good
Aldo trading cade card 4 food pls
very good server! thank you!
trips confirm nice server
also could you get the armor stand edit plugin please: dev.bukkit.org
Keep the thread alive!
i joinned and theres a bunch of.. r*de... i thougt this was a nice server.............
Where is the rude?
nice dubes
you were on the serb for like 5 second my man, you basically only saw 2 pals exchanging brotherly banter
yea i mean... at least spawn is pretty cool
Your fortune: Godly Luck
Can II join too?!
im late and dont hav cool skin :(
is it an pvp sorver
no it is nice server also nice dubs
nice dubs as well owo
s4scraft is coming uwu
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
but this is s4scraft nice dubs
saving thread from a soon to be death
i wan blay mineguy and not work but i habe to work boo
this deserves an sticcky uwu
swagelorde wont do it
This is why I don't ever tp people to me
rudefigs keep destroying the land around my claims
gonna farm up a couple hundred spare claim blocks so I can box in rudefigs from now on
This will not happen again
just claim it dumb idiot
>250 points for only 100 claimblocks
get got dummy >:))))
i aint even destroy land dummy, just the layer of snow >:)))) pop a snowguy down and watch him fix it for you!
my starter dirthut is finally ready
you know the drill
time to move far away and never come back xd
le wronj pig
I went to the literal edge of the world and my shit still got griefed lmao
the worl is p smol i think
no thats just you
didnt you claim it?
cool house poopboi let me kno if u need wood i got all of it
they let someone tp to them
cool house, remember to move it fast or you'll get the green top xddd
>green top
dubs confirm xd
i remember looking at the dynmap and the coords for borders seemed super low
dont remember them exactly but ye
i think he said its 8000x8000 which is smol yea btw have u seen jungle
i would also like the location of the jungle
this takes me back to the 2015 glory days.
does anyone remember rtg, bunt kerfew, gippo dudee and shotaboy?
i dond hab minecraft..... buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
nice trips and i have not as i was laz0rfocused on SAND
nice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubs
I sure will join
nice tripsnice tripsnice tripsnice tripsnice trips
nice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubs
Funny minecrafte belle
I miss bunt, bunt was a bro.
bunt come back ;-;
Comfy craft
nice dubs
nice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubs
so is this one of the servers with land claims and pvp entirely disabled (other than the nether)
>invalid sesion
(quoting minecraft btw)
is this a whitelist sever?
Make sure you're on 1.14.2 and relaunch your game
it's 1.14.2 and already tried that
1) restart router
2) turn off vpn if you have one
3) make sure you are on online mode (as in have a real account, if you dont have one you can get one for real cheap via one of those alt selling websites, be sure to change the pass tho)
will the suspect please take the stand
good mr. goofy is it yeah mr. goofy you
are here today being charged with mass
homicide you and your lawyer is here
present am i correct yes I'm his lawyer
Joe Rosenberg I'll be representing the
building now from what I see here there
is strong evidence supporting the mass
shooting it looks like here you were
caught in broad daylight on CCTV holding
on a our side yup so you're admitting
that the man in this footage is you
you also you do admit that this very
same footage right here from the very
same CCTV thank you massacring a public
elementary school yeah is you as well
yeah yeah yeah God is that a yes look
can I get a yes mr. goof hey I'm Jack my
client has done nothing wrong
he killed 27 children and crippled five
clinically insane your lady
mr. goofy this is not a laughing matter
no, that'll fuck up the server ,buy a fuggin account, or get lost
ya n then evry1 will username spoof eachother and ruin shit
& password plugins 4 cracked servers r annoying as fuckk
basd n chequed
Experience at 3 and not 2
Sadly no quads
Also, your building give me an idea for the style I'm going for in that server, thanks!
we muste builde an yosho
whot doth thise sonp taste like
Take it easy now we don't wanna give OP cyanide poisoning!
2 l8 m8 i ate 90 almonds
this will b public via a railway from the spawn house very soone :)
Faggot doremi poster kys
bumperino, lets get more anons
Ban kit
i dont like it when the yuji sakai swears...
please mute kit he is very r*de
admin here, you can /ignore him you know
Fuck off fetus I will litrrslly fucking destroy you
oh fr? thanks!
admdin man pls can u bust this bedrock 4 me it's the only thing f*cjking up my spawner lov u
yeah ill do it just give me a sec
feetus can you chops the dirt over right make the path connect to spwan and either plow the tree over left or just put two birch and fix leafs or i cqn askl dummy or someone 2 do that
Ill do it l8r today ye
Terraria better
Fact: Lanterns are the best addition in 1.14
Walk 4 chalk
they honestly are
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Dum frogeposteure
i cant believe someone built that thing in minecraft
nice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubs
that's why i don't play shiros minecart anymore - too much spikefigs around
nice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubsnice dubs
dubs checking dubs, nice
Nice dubs
Bumping b4 bed, gn fellas
i jus wana brewe poshins butt i cant gett the job :(