Why do you pretend you aren't getting worked by this guy?
Why do you pretend you aren't getting worked by this guy?
He must be working me real good because I have fuck all idea who that is.
While I do know who he is because I browse this board, I can't get worked by him because I'm not familiar with his work since I don't watch AEW and I don't care.
Then why do you faggots keep complaining about him in the other threads
worked LMAO
Is he on RAW or SmackDown?
this lil fella is your guy? what happened to wrestling fans
This is my first conversation about him. I'm not sure why you'd assume otherwise in response to a comment stating unfamiliarity with his work.
I dont go to Twitter.
Well, for starters, I'm not a sizequeen
it’s cute you like lil guys desu senpai
I bet he likes cute lil guys too senpai
Fuck of
Discount Jew Miz
>getting worked by Yea Forums not getting worked by your manlet
kek what a bitch
he's a decent heel, but nowhere near Miz calibur. He tries a bit too hard imo. It's like we get it, you're a stuck up prick. Try a few subtle nuances every now and then.
Wrestling is fake.
I have delt with my hobbies getting shat on way back in middle school and that includes wrestling, by now, I've learned not to give a shit and just enjoy myself.
Literally don't know who that is. Is that Alberto del Rio?