Incels arise

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>being proud of playing D&D

Then they fucked kevin nash woopie shits gay af dick swingers

>wrecks "guy"

the dweeb is such a great heel no one even knows he's a wrestler

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Deathstroke sounds like a CBT video title

Joe is such a chad. My favorite is when he publicly outted Vin Diesel as a fake nerd.

look at the chad that is proud of it, he can be proud of anything

Joe who?


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>no heat
>no AEW promotion
>internet is just laughing at him

He's such a great heel!

lol you cant make this shit up anymore. what literally happened with this world?

what? explain yourself

I don't get it? It's not like Joe is completely mogging MJF, they're like the same size

>6'5 giga chad married to Sofia Vergara
>some faggot on a rasslin sub-reddit

Cept Joe is at least 6'4

Except Joe is 6+ inches taller.

Vin Diesel talks a huge game about being a nerd and a life long D&D player but he's been ducking Joe for years in getting a game together and Joe has never met anyone that has actually played with him.

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Nerd culture is on the rise so people who used to sneer at it now pretend to like it. All it takes is a celebrity to start it and everyone will dickride the wave
If some hollywood (((actors))) pushed for pedophile acceptance years ago, then you could bet your ass that the world would be filled with pedos
Same goes to the faggots and dykes. Just how many of them do you think suffer from that mental illness? Not many. But because people are pushing this shit, you see so many people proudly claiming to be faggots and dykes for virtue points

Mainstream attention and we haven't even started yet.

>literally and unironically works the most goobers since Roddy Piper
Good for him

>Edrone big leagued


there is no heat in the entire internet laughing at the goober

>Joe Manganiello
I literally scoffed.

sounds like (You) got worked too m8

>Totally wrecks.

People who care about D&D are fucking losers.
Imagine having to play that game after hours when the hobby shop is closed because you're too ashamed to be around normal people.
I've seen that shit back in the days when I went to hobby shops for comics and shit as a kid. Those losers would sit around angrily awaiting for everyone to leave so they can have their little gay after hours game of D&D.

It ain't any worse than pro wrestling. Regular folk always laughed at pretend fighting.

AEW can be a onions based company but i fucking love MJF, he deserves the fucking world, he can bring heat to himself by doing anything, a proof of that is all the anons defending a B level actor just because"he plays D&D like us and is married to some hot latina, haha fuck MJF", keep coping

Why do they call this dude Deathstroke actor? He was in like 4 seconds of a post credits scene. Manu Bennet is more a Deathstroke actor.

go back faggot

feels good to be a /tg/ chad

Keep seething

This. Play it if you enjoy it, but defending the integrity of a PnP game like this is a little cringe, regardless of how cool Joe may be.

Wow, some dude gets defensive because someone else doesn't play the same wizards and goblins game as him.
I don't watch gay porn, so if someone does am I btfo? Fucking retards.

Whoah I'm sorry


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This dude would've had some integrity in his "le trashing the geeks xD" crusade had he not come out in fucking star trek cosplay to support CAWdy of all people. Now everyone just sees him as some douchebag manlet kid that was shitposting on twitter and got btfo by a chad actor. Nobody even knows he's working in a dying industry.

oh nooooo

Wrestling doesn't have that reach anymore. This shitty little clickbait account doesn't even know he's a wrestler

Bruh the lawyer from how I met your mother need a cup of water that much muscle definition cannot beat healthy

Didn’t he used to be a fat loser as a kid?

Tic toc MJF

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Except he did it to suck up to Cody and get in good with him... He's clearly using Cody. Don't get me wrong AEW is shit but costumes aside Cody's stuff is the only decent somewhat sensical booking there.

>posts airbrushed magazine cover
Yeah bro you sure showed him. D&D is gay btw.

You do not get that he does it only to fucking suck Cody's dick, to get the title match and then laugh at Cody after he beats him?
You don't get the character, do you?


> Getting worked by based Joe who takes his wife to PWG shows.


Oh wrong guy.

>shit but costumes aside
That will be the angle MJF will take.
Prepare for promos where he will shit on Cody being such a fucking nerd and making him cosplay like a nerd trekkie.
The fun thing is that Joe knows MJF will play along. And there is something very liberating having banter on twitter with someone who is a clear bad guy and they know they are bad guy.


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>MJF is a bad heel

You can not post this ever again.

MJF is working absolutely everyone

Lol mjf literally shaking in his boots, what a dweeb

Four seconds in a major blockbuster release > A lifetime headlining on The CW

>literal no-name outlet notes he got btfo by some simp actor
>doesn't recognize he's a wrestler
>the actual tweet has very few likes/retweets, indicating a lack of attention

He's a pretty shitty heel.

Based Negros and Latinos, doing the job the white man is afraid to do.


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How do you even get worked by this? It's the most low-tier low-effort heel work imaginable.

why are women actual babies

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Being a heel is just that easy. Pick a group, say they suck, they seethe. It worked in 1973, it works now.

Most regular people are half-witted simps.

Those people are the people you shouldn't take seriously. Those people do not exist in real world, they are only whining behind a keyboard. You ignore them.

I don't know what would be sadder: If she really feels that shaken because kids called her game dumb 20 years ago or if she's being extra for attention.

because they're emotional? it's kind of their gimmick

now change it to “I don’t fuck with cp”

She is mentally ill. Will probably kill herself in 3 years. And nobody will ever remember her. Just disregard her.

MJF is gonna get slammed into a pile of D8 dice because of this shit now, isn't he?

>implying she would even play these type of games if it weren't getting mainstream attention

She has to be workin us here brother


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Don't be like this guy, stop embarrassing yourselves, if you're still talking about him without realizing this is exactly what he wanted by tweeting that in the first place you are being worked

>Deathstroke actor

Nigga you played deathstroke for 10 seconds in an after credits scene

It speaks exactly to AEW's sexless incel fanbase who are very passionate about such geek culture like vidya and magician mage shit. They're just rolling with it as long as it can

Because talking shit on twitter about any minority group gets you instant heat. It's the equivalent of "-insert cities favorite team/wrestler/celebrity- is shit -insert cities rival team/wrestler/celeb they hate- is the best!" from the 80s. It's the cheapest of heat

He's supposed to be the main villain in twilight guys batman movie


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He is attached to an announced Deathstroke solo movie that hasn't been officially canned, yet. He'll ride that wave for as long as he can, otherwise he'd have to go by "Flash Thompson's actor from 2002's Spider-Man"

>Flash Thompson's actor from 2002's Spider-Man
It could be worse, I legitimately saw an article the other day that mentioned Brandon Routh as "Justin longs lover in the 2008's cult hit Zack and Miri make a porno."

To add onto this I would like to say the scene he was in was only like 5 min long, and the guy played Superman in Superman returns. RIP

>MJF's hair
looking JUST

In all seriousness, they act this way because society allows them to. Encourages them to, even. They've been conditioned to believe if they start whining about something trivial like this, build it up into something way more serious than it actually is and drop the word "consent" in there to not-so-subtly create a psychological connection to rape that everyone will drop what they're doing and bend over backwards for the poor, opressed female, thus giving her whatever she wants like a baby crying out for it's bottle.

I mean look at her. Look at the shit she's saying. She seen the words "I don't play dungeons and dragons" on a screen and before you know it she's in full-on "victim" mode talking about getting rocks thrown at her, recurring nightmares and panic attacks. And most people are retards so they fall for it. They don't have to necessarily be this way, but of course they're going to keep doing it if it keeps getting them what they want. It really is like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. They're only going to get worse and more spoiled and more whiny and entitled if you keep bowing to their demands.

>waaaaah I want ice cream for dinner

Nah fuck you bitch. Go to your room.

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You were this close to typing "gamers rise up" there, guy.

>They don't have to necessarily be this way, but of course they're going to keep doing it if it keeps getting them what they want. It really is like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.
That's why you move along and ignore it.

Just promise me you'll only do yourself and not a kindergarten class or church service when the time comes, user.

Cringe because you watch this gay shit.

I dont know either of these faggots are.

fucking seething

Dude on the right is married to and smashing Sofia Vegara so he's doing better in life than any of us

This is your doing Jews. Hahahaahha. Enjoy the standard you created.

>Wall-hopper pushing 50
Wow, so based.

Based. Femoids deserve to be extinguished from the face of God's green earth, except for a select few for breeding purposes. They will be the next target after kikes, niggers, jannies, pedomod and every wh*te liberal só €€oyboy are eradicated.

If you wouldn't smash her 50 year old ass you're either gay or so jaded every pussy is "yucky" grow up

Without consent? Is she being rapped now? What a cunt.

I wish nerds were still hated,at least videogames and other similiar stuff would still be good.

Based .


He's maybe an e(lite)drone, they only fuck trannies.

She also probably didn't play 20 years ago. She's ah gamergirlz because its less degrading than having a webcam show.

MJF is a fucking genuine genius of a heel.
This is how you will draw heat in the 2020s
Graves just tested the waters as well


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You're problem is that you think I'm someone like this Even when I'm just telling you the absolute truth. And let's face it, you know it's true too. It's not an indictment of women as a gender. I'm not saying all women are like this. But if you let them act shitty and manipulative with complete impunity, and you keep giving hem what they want when they throw their little tantrums and cry their little crocodile tears, they're going to keep doing it and they going to keep getting worse.

Imagine if you maically legalised and normalised rape starting tomorrow. How do you think this is going to effect the behaviour of men in general? Let people act like cunts and they will happily do it. You are unironically part of the problem if you hear what I'm saying and immediately start screeching "REEEE INCEL" to protect these shitty people from getting the criticism they deserve.

It is fake. And you know it's fake. You're just trying to 'redpill le sheeple' like the pathetic loser you are. Anyone ITT is free to google it and see for themselves that the only result you get is the facebook page for 'The Red Elephants', some alt right group that presumably fabricates these fake screencaps.

Stay triggered faggot. Keep dedicating your worthless life to this half ass and completely transparent wannabe psyop bullshit.

Guy you’re replying to here. To be fair, she has like no RTs or likes on these despite having 14k followers. I didn’t mean to get all incel manifesto.

It's been a known problem in nyc for years, and it's hilarious.
Some fat jew girl from "broad city" or something was going to do some speech but a nearby synagogue was enriched with swastika. She whined and whined and got on the news to whine about "Trump's America."
Then it turns out it was some black guy painting swastikas, and it died instantly.



>I do

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>why yes I do play D&D, how can you tell?

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One could also argue that the extreme side of this kind of "bullying" went unchecked for so long in a time where people couldn't be held accountable or corrected outside their echo chamber. That these people became hyper-vigilant so any amount of harassment that could lead to something worse get nipped in the bud immediately. I get your point and I entirely agree that not every slight needs to be handled on some national level but you gotta think about lead us to this point. The shit that people used to get away with doing and saying without being shamed by their peers.

>source: your ass
It's fake and you need to have sex and get off the internet.


Which part do you think is fake? I don't know what to source you first Moishe.

Based mjf absolutely working the marks into free publicity

An actual Jewish person is here and seething

It's fake and you're so pathetic and virginal that you honestly spend your life trying to get this shit under the radar on a sweaty man drama forum. It's a picture of a fake news article that you honestly believe people are stupid enough to fall for because you were stupid enough to fall for it.

Seriously have sex. Get off the computer.

I'm not sure what they think they will accomplish by trying to convince people "it's fake."
Ok? Why would that be a problem for people who dislike Jews? If you want to ignore and minimize the targeted attacks against Jews by blacks, that's fine by me. Little Jews in Williamsburg will just keep getting beat up by black kids, and no one will do anything about it. Doesn't affect normal people either way.

He is obsesed with proving that another actor is not a "real" DD player what do you think?

Jews are white.

Lol look how triggered the little /pol/tard is that nobody will believe his bullshit fake news articles. Wow you really are redpilling the sheeple user.

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I know it's bait but for those that are interested:

>Oy Vey a swastika? We the Jews are so oppressed by white people!"
>It's nigs
>Jews drop it instantly and pretend in never happened

lmao, 'erry tiem

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Look at the virgin trying to change the subject now that he's been outed.

You're right. It was fake. We can all rest easy knowing that no more black people will assault jews in the future!

holy fucking worked

Glad your pussy ass finally backed down and admitted it. You gonna admit that you never had sex and that you have no friends now?

What point was the roidmonkey trying to prove when replying to MJF?

Reminds me of that time when NYT wrote an article about how anti-semitics hate crimes increased by like 50% since Trump's election in NYC.
Of course, you had to read the entire article to find the one line that stated that 100% of the attacks were by sandniggers, niggers or spics.

Speaking of which, I once fucked the craziest Jewish chick (we have a lot of those in nyc), and holy shit was she the most freaky bitch in bed. The psycho bitch straight up once told me her fantasy is getting raped in front of her co-workers. She wasn't hot enough to endure the craziness though, and suffered from the typical "Jewish Princess" issues.

>he was only pretending to be a loser so it's okay

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>guy on the right is photoshopped and roided up
Wow he sure btfo that rasslin heel

That guy in the middle isn't a jew, he's Mr. Monopoly

C'mon fella, you're deluding yourself if you think Flash Gordon is some skinny geek who only looks good thru Photoshop.

In related news, wrestling is real and Santa Claus exists.

>the amount of cope in this post

I cant believe MJF has caused this much butthurt

Modern rick rude desu lads, genuine nuclear heat IRL, outside of the wrestling scene too.

Don't worry, I'm never wasting my time with a Jewish girl again. I was a lot younger and bluepilled when it happened. They are all yours Chaim.

oh yay, another /pol/ thread on my Yea Forums because you niggers and jews and alt-righter incel autists cannot help yourself
but you will scream
>get my politics out of my wrestling reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
but later that day you will shit these kinds of posts out of your unwashed assholes
I hope your eyeballs rot out of your skulls for this shit you shitstains
People like you are the most hypocritical fuckwads and you all should just fucking end yourself and help the Earth with your deaths you waste of oxygen

The 'MJF is a shit heel because he makes people laugh' is a terrible argument. Every great heel in history has done something that's made me laugh. It doesn't mean they're doing their jobs incorrectly if some parts of the audience are able to take a step back and appreciate how funny and creative they're being.

no one cares, retard

This shit is even more obviously fake than the bullshit news article you posted, got called out on and then backed down like a bitch.

this lmao, losers on this board try so hard to be against the grain they just sound like simps.

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Not if she has a hairy asshole brah.


He's a shit heel because all he tries to do is make people laugh
His actual "heel work" is just throwing insults. He has okay delivery, that's really all I can say.

>aewtists could platform this as a win because of the promotion
>MJF is such a literal who he gets referred to simply as "guy"

How the fuck does the internet of today fall for such low-tier baits?

Ten years ago, people would've ignored him or called him an attention whore and moved on. Who the fuck actually falls for such an obvious work?

He's already won at life. He gets to play Sofia Vergara's tits nightly.

D&D is about telling stories so no wonder an AEW guy doesn't get it.

Attention, what else?
You think she really cares about this shit?
You think that the nerds she plays with actually enjoy playing with her?
Women ruin nerd shit like 9/10, because they start projecting their feelings and shit into everything. There's a reason I don't do any of that shit in front of my girl, because I know deep down she wouldn't like it anyway, she'd just keep trying to change it until it's something she likes. But, you have betas and simps who invite their girls to everything and try to integrate them into random hobbies. You see this with sports, like when your buddy brings his girl to a a sports bar and she's the loudest and most obnoxious cunt there, yet can't name a single person on any team. Women want attention at all times and want to feel involved. It's simps that cater to this, which is why it's blown up so much.

Checked and underrated

>Four seconds in a major blockbuster release > A lifetime headlining on The CW


In the same breath, you AEW fags act like Stephen Amell (Green Arrow) is some huge get. You can't have it both ways.

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It's roasties. Sex out of wedlock was a mistake.

If we're being totally correct it's hysterics. Yes, 3/4 of hysterics are women.

AEW worships Amell cause he's the biggest fucking star here man! He's the real actor, it's his big dick, so he tells you when and where he's gonna wrestle! Don't fuck with Amell man, he knows karate!

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>BTFO'd by Samoa Joe
>BTFO'd by Deathstroke
How can anyone take this simp seriously?

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Nice implying, faggot. Amell is also a sub sub celebrity.

Yeah, there hasn't been a single gender reveal party segment that culminates in cuckoldry yet, what are they thinking?

women only do things for male attention.

rents due

this is your average Yea Forums user


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someone post the webm, you know which one

>Ya bubblin?

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Manlets BTFO’d yet again

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Maybe once he does black face

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We live in a world where being a mark is better than being a geek that reads comic books and watches shitty sci fi shows.

Reminder that Kevin Nash made Samoa Joe cry

Any man would shed even a single tear if Nash recounted his harrowing experience in the humid summers of 92 to them

I'm a Pathfinder chad

why on earth would he try to get in front of him and steal the spotlight?

Then post a non shopped version and says he's btfo

he was reaching for the brass ring, brother

>Why yes I do play D&D, how could you tell?

He was gonna open the door for him, but Joe wanted to open it himself.

Because you constantly complain about caster balance, user!

>without consent
call me a mark because I’m being worked into a shoot. Is this really a thing, where a discussion about someone requires consent according to some literally who on twitter? I don’t think I’ve ever met someone like this in real life, and I’m convinced these people just sit at home all day making up various rules and regulations because they have nothing else to do.

Jesus fucking CHRIST can you possibly get any more melodramatic?


How the fuck did he cause this mass seethe?

There are tons of jabronie marks all over the internet brother. If you know how to work you can fool anybody

>literal who makes comment
>literal who responds
>literal who reports it
fantastic thread my nigger

kek what a bitch


When I was growing up in the mid 90's as a big wrestling fan, gamer and Star Trek fan there were exactly ZERO women who were in to ANY OF IT.

The odd normie would sort of admit to thinking something like Star Wars was OK but anything beyond that was a big nope.

I used to get shit at school for the things I liked all the time. I didn't give a fuck. It was niche. The communities were pure, etc.

Then.. I don't know what fucking happened. Around 2005 onwards it all became fucking mainstream and cool to like all that shit.

Next thing you know, thots and normies were all jizzing over Star Wars, LoTR', gaming, etc.

Out of fucking nowhere. It didn't just become socially acceptable. It became "cool"

I still fucking resent it. All these faggots on twitter that decided to bandwagon when it became chic are the worst. They were NOWHERE TO BE SEEN back in the day.

Now they all have fucking Star Wars tatoos and think Big Bang Theory is a fucking masterpiece.

They're not even real fans. They are bandwagonning faggots. I'm glad MJF trolled them in to a seethe. I've been seething about normie culture taking over nerd culture as their own for years.

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>You're part of the problem if you don't co-sign my rambling manifesto
No thanks buddy, I've had sex.

Holy shit, MJF made to look like an absolute dweeb in just 3 letters.


Joe is an E Chad. Yeah he's based.

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>Hollywood actor
>literal who


You were gold until you started that 2nd paragraph

Who cares you incel virgin simp. You just gave away how much of sperg you are with posts like these.

D&D has literally always been popular and made billions of dollars, it's literally just a long running board game

How it became a symbol of nerds I have no fucking clue. They even use it in schools these days to help teach creative writing.

They can actually build a story out of this

Unironically rekt.

All this to be liked

Why are women such trash

Have sex user

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Probably has nothing to do with them being jews unlike when whites do it

/pol/ spreads this fake shit all the time to get their "enemies" to fight each other, they're currently trying to push "Islam was right about women" posters. You're fooling no one incel

>Kevin Nash made Samoa Joe cry
so MJF got mogged by a guy who jobbed to Nash lmao

Have they tried a any system aside from dnd

>tfw you go to PWG shows to mog manlets with your wife

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He was a fat loser alcoholic adult for a while too before he got a clue

She's working everyone too except she's putting in way more effort

Hits me right in the testes when my bird won't stand on my cock

is this a work or a shoot?


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Worked into a shoot.

Didnt VD spend his own money so the riddick games werent shitty?
I'm pretty sure he spent millions to create the studio or something

kek alt-right incel BTFO ITT

Feel the same way, thanks for speaking my thoughts


lol MJF being just "guy"

Durr I hate when people like what I like and didn't get shit for it. Holy seethe

Chads play D&D and stand up for their hobbies.
Virgins on the internet complain but don't actually do anything.

It wasnt that nomries started liking it, it was the incels that got bullied for it grew up to be productive successful citizens with buying power that seized control of the normie mainstream narrative and made nerd shit acceptable......incel uprising already happened

I know right? Everyone else has moved on to a superior system like Shadowrun or Rifts. Honestly, who still plays D&D?

I thought AEW had stars

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The Average American is really dumb. They get worked by wwe tier lmao@localSportsTeam routine, and pop because you mentioned the name of their shitty town.


Nice try, Mohammed.

Have sex ya deranged incel


bump to dab some more on right0wing incels

>One works out and works marks.
>The other either dehydrates himself or uses steroids because of his insecurities.
>The latter also plays dungeons & dragons and probably can't even lift


it brings a tear to my eye
to see white male
right-wing incels like MJF
get BTFO by based
D&D gamer chads on twitter

MJF is jewish, and ain't an incel unlike (you), but him getting BTFO was fun.




>One is married to Sofia Vergara and is taller than 6'
>The other was dating a fattie and is 5'10"

Who? Who are these cucks???

Based Joey Mags taking Sofia Vargara to an indie wrestling event and she obviously hates it.


At most

It was a PWG show, so it was the smell.


