The transition was a mistake

The transition was a mistake

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Oh shit, we shouldn't have chopped off our wangs, bro

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I don't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for people that do this shit

>you said you'd promise to watch if I sliced my weiner!

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i-if i stop the hormones my ding dong will grow back right?

imagine the smell

What did they expect? They literally signed up to mutilate their body

Oh god

finn'a tbhonest


what the fuck is dilation

Me too, slav. Me too


>Britta Rhodes

why boner

when a mtf tranny transitions/mutilates their genitals there is a gaping, festering flesh hole where their cock had been. Naturally the body's response to this is, "Oh shit, there's a gaping fucking wound where my cock should be, better start healing that up so we don't die." So in order to keep their "vagina" they have to preempt their own body's natural functions and instinct to survive by fucking themselves with a medical dildo so their "vagina" won't close and heal.

nice explanation tranny

Glad i live in a third world shithole were bullying still exists and feminazis and trannies are beaten to a pulp.

Nice propaganda

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Imagine being so retarded you think mutilating your cock is a good idea, and are then surprised when you're in constant pain and depression.

You know what.
The thing about posts like these and all of this stuff that have been n this board for like 4 last months?
You are normalizing trannies. If you have just stopped giving them your valuable time, which they clearly do not deserve, they'd off themselves. But with the attention and explaining of some fucking terms (I have never ever thought about what the hell trannies do when they cut of their dick) you are normalizing them.
Stop doing it. Stop helping them you morons.
Or is this all a false flag from some fucking suicidal mentally broke down tranny that wants to be attacked, so it gets fuel to live longer to defy people who hate it?

So if you are a normal human who really dislikes trannies, just stop posting about them. Stop bringing info about them into my fucking life. I have never ever met one in real life. And I will probably never met one. I don't care.
But Yea Forums is full of talk about them, like every eight person around you was a tranny. Which is patently untrue.
So stop normalizing them you idiots.

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This tranny's essay is so dimes repellent it had to self bump for attention KWAB

Think whatver you want, I just don't understand why it fills this board so much. I do not get it.
Most of them will kill themselves, because they are insane, so why should I know what the fuck their process to keep the fucking wound alive is called?
I don't get it. I don't want to know that. I don't want to care. But people post so much about them here, that I just got that shit through fuckign osmosis. And I hate you for it.
I hope you hang yourself you self hating tranny lover. Or tranny or I don't know what the fuck you are or what the fuck you call yourself. Fucking xer self sucking shibag full of grey puss

got worked into a shoot

Yes I did got worked into a fucking shoot. But it is a fucking shoot. I hate all this fucking tranny posting. Just fucking stop it.
You all are making me sick. I can't even go into any other normal thread and not be able to read about some fucking sick person trying to I don't know scratch some fucking part of his body away. Why the fuck are you posting about it?
As I have said. Stop fucking normalizing them. Stop posting about them. Just fuck off with constant reminding me off them. I do not want to car about them. Cause all of them should just die. Why the fuck should I care about hthem when they will kill themselves anyway.
Motherfuckers. I hate you all for this.

Which board did you get this pasta from

I wrote this.
I said I was worked into a fucking shoot, didn't I? Make pasta out of it, if you want, I don't fucking care.
I hate you. And hate everyone who made me aware of some fucking disgusting thing these monsters have tot do to keep... FUCK YOU I AM THINKING ABOUT IT AGAIN FIUUÚP HJETAJLSCRD YBJCAW UIGAEWRUÁVWU I hate you all I need a drink

Kwab stfu

>transitioning when you can be a cute boy

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Based and tr/asp/-pilled

Reading that Russki’s post reminded me that all of this tranny faggotry is an exclusively American/Canadian phenomenon and that the North American continent needs to be nuked and rebuilt if we’re ever going to be rid of it

Based third world user

You really can't go anywhere and not read up about trannies. They're existence is ruining everything from TV and sports. MAYBE go to music forums where trannies as far as I know aren't as prevalent.

based tr/asp/ always coming back to save Yea Forums's ratings


I literally haven't ever MET ONE. There is nothing I knew about them besides vague
>some fucking mentals want to cut of their dicks, ugh...
That's all. But. Fucking Yea Forums just talk about them all the fucking time. AND I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY

I don't mind the trans women that keep their dicks since it shows they have at least some sanity left, but the self mutilators are truly disgusting freaks.

They're living the choppa gimmick brother

Who is this semen demon?

>tranny worked at my gf’s office
>tranny was allowed to use the same toilets as women
>tranny would have lingerie modelling shots of himself as his desktop screensaver, bear in mind he sits where the department have daily meetings / huddles of 30+ people
>tranny got fired for ‘using his mobile phone at work’
>later find out tranny is a lesbian and still has a cock
>tranny had successful businesses before being a tranny and now struggles to get basic office jobs

Fuck trannies. Genuinely glad they don’t last long.

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>still has a cock




>anyone on Yea Forums

don't have to imagine. there's been threads on /pol/ and Yea Forums from doctors that have had to deal with post-op patients that have complications. It's said to be the most FOUL smelling stench of death and rotting, necrotic flesh. 99% of the surgeries go wrong, most patients stop dilating almost immediately because it's unimaginably painful and consumes most of their day. Not dilating + complications = rotting flesh that doctors have to literally PEEL off the opening of the wound site.

So...what's your favorite wrestling match of all time?

are you not the lucky one? it's all perspective.

how tf do people accept this kind of mental gymnastics? i was born in 91, and when i was growing up, we'd straight up make fun of you and bully you if you said some dumbass shit like this out loud. Bullying NEEDS to come back.

tr/asp/ still rules!

I'm not kidding, I feel actually physically sick after reading that


Daily reminder that transgenderism isn't real and there are "doctors" who literally get paid to help mentally unstable people self-harm until they're JUSTed to the point of suicidality, and modern society considers YOU the bad guy if you try and say it's a bad idea. It's the equivalent of giving a cutter a knife instead of therapy. It's the equivalent of giving someone with OCD a sink and infinite soap in their room instead of cognitive behavioral therapy. Society is literally encouraging mentally unstable, impressionable young people to do massive, irreversible self-harm, and YOU'RE the asshole if you care enough to tell someone it's a bad idea. Fuck SJWs for pushing this shit as normal or even real and encouraging people to do this, and fuck the medical industry for encouraging people to do this and for perpetrating this atrocity.

same (((doctor))) psychs give people titty skiddles then (((doctor))) surgeons chop off the wang.

Then ER (((doctors))) try to save it when it blows its brains out.

I feel sympathy for them because they're mentally ill and needed treatment instead of encouraging

I always thought it was some psychological problem even though if you say it is you're a "bigot"
but still its sad to read this shit
poor guy/girl//alien/whatever

>Necro on a e-drone thread

>W-what's that Mr. Levesque? You want me to spend a year or two in NXT so I can get acclimated back to the WWE style? But you said I was going to be the face of the 24/7 division when I re-signed. Uh yes sir, sure, t-that's fine, I must have misremembered.

Thanks to you I now I have a very clearly laid out definition of what dilating for the non preggo is fren

for real ?

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Why is this legalm
It literally goes against the hippopotamus oath.

My thoughts Exactly.

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This image is fucking great.


They go to third world shitholes like Spain and Taiwan to get these mutilations

fuck off transphobic right-wing incel