pp is nice
Pp is nice
i must agree
how come you guys don't post in the futa threade...
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
boys are purer
boys are
but futas are nice too if gentle dom
Boys are impure, they are evil and wrong!
Only girls are pure, they are heavenly and smell nice. They can do no major evil!
Also I am a little sexist.
Your fortune: Good Luck
girls are more prone to being sexually promiscuous
boy on boy tends to be much more intimate and requires a bigger leap to happen so they tend to favor mono where they can be comfy with being vulnerable with each other
they have boobs which are not that nice
they're not evil, boys smell nice and are nice
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Boys are evil. They share their mono and their strep throat! Kissing girls on the lips, kiss, kiss, kiss! They know they are unhealthy... diseased! Share their weakness anyway! Girls are strong, they know and love themselves, keep their weaknesses away from harm! They choose to keep others safe.
Your fortune: Bad Luck
i believe boobs can be very nice as well
there is something maternal and comforting about big boobs
but boys that have no boobs are also very nice
with boys you need to focus on the nipples mostly
boys should know better than to get a disease
there are some situations where you might get one even if you were careful but before a cure for all std's is found caution is your responsibility
girls smell like fish
small boobs are nice, but no futa has small tits and boys with titties are nono
It's not just the disease! Boys... they are selfish and doleful creatures. Miserable little shits that ruin everything around them. I have seen what boys can do, and Tartarus shudders!
Your fortune: Bad Luck
those were fake boys
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
you are a fool to attribute malice onto a gender
females are capable of far more psychological torment than a few bruises from a man can cause
both sides harbor malice and express their malice in various forms
i would take a black eye over psychological torture any day
both sides are capable of physical and psychological malice
women just tend to favor the psychological due to their frail bodies
each individual human chooses what they express to the world
i try to express truth and alignment of intent-action combined with what i "feel"
that's not very christian of him
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
"Therefore whatever you desire for men to do to you, you shall also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets."
i believe it can be
when choosing interpretation think of the boundless love of that which bestowed the words unto the people
if choosing between benevolence and malice would it not be wiser to choose the interpretation that shines benevolence?
there is also "Above all, love one another deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. "
i want to do many things
i believe the book also told people to cherish gift of life
if your actions are done with benevolent intention you should feel confident in doing them
love thine fellow man and enjoy the gift of life to the best of your ability without harming others
tfw no nice succubus bf to drain me of life
i believe they drain you of your "vitality" which is basically nice way of saying they make you cum
i can do that myself