Be Chad MJF

>Be Chad MJF
>Wrestling virgin DnD nerd
>See cancel culture on Twitter
>already known for getting heat for arguing in twitch chat in character
>Get heel heat by manipulating clueless Twitter marks
>more people than ever want to see you get your ass kicked
>even the guy who created a DnD adjacent podcast more scripted than Raw fell for it.

MJF is the modern version of the Rock. He just changed the business with one tweet. He's the only guy left keeping Kayfabe alive and modern. More wrestlers need to do in character shit on social media. Get that fucking heel heat.

Attached: Screenshot_20190918-194552_Twitter.jpg (1080x3063, 1.18M)

>Thinking for a second Matt Mercer didn't get a fiver to promote AEW's debut show
Congratulations on somehow managing to be the biggest mark involved, OP.

>not knowing he used his jew money to astroturf for pub like bauer does mlw

He hasn't drawn a cent yet, so until then it's just for the hsrdcores

people want to be worked
That is the point of pro-wrestling. If I pay for a ticket to a show, I am going to the show wanting to be worked and I will participate on the show in a way that allows me to be worked.
Mercer is participating, because he wants to have fun with all of this. Because he knows MJF won't pull any punches and he wants to have fun on social media with someone who is willing to play the bad guy.

This is exactly why I seethe when all the Reddit posts with the MJF/Cutler exchange have 90% of their comments taken up by the same 5 smarks explaining to everyone who they are, why they are doing this, and what a "heel" is. Niggas going out of their way to suck the fun out of things.

go back

Go back and stay there

I can't tell if bait or we are shoot infested with redditniggers

the absolute state of this two tweets and the absolute state of the united states of america

>not realizing all blue checkmark interactions are staged
Based retard

i don't care about aew faggot

How about you go back with that faggot?

>lifetime fitness
Chad choice my guy

>the storyline for an upcoming match on AEW's first ever televised show is "I don't play D&D", "Well, you should!"

Attached: incrediblesmug.jpg (445x373, 120K)

>MJF is the modern version of the Rock


For all we know MJF is the OP. He's enough of a mark for himself to do it.

Attached: IMG_20190915_233100.jpg (750x644, 55K)

Based MJF working the absolute fuck out of the marks

Based Matt Mercer


Based af

OP, you got worked by fucking Matt Mercer
Getting worked by mjf is one thing, but Matt...

>astroturfing your name with jew money because you arent talented to make a name for yourself otherwise

If it draws dimes it doesn't matter what a dumb fucking overweight manchild like you thinks of it. The point is to get people to tune in to (possibly) see Cutler beat the shit out of him. Or have you forgotten how wrestling is supposed to work?

Joe btfo this Manlet

Yes he did.
People like him use words like draw without ever thinking what's that supposed to mean.
Similarly we had a guy here who was arguing that AEW having full cards is dumb idea. He said that they should have had surprises...
Because people have lost the sight what it means to have a wrestling show.

I can't believe how much this has taken off. I didn't even think that it's exceptional trolling, but fuck if it aint working.

>mjf is in character on Twitter: BASED OMFG LMAO
>Becky is in character on Twitter: NOOOOOOOO SHE'S FEMALE
Kys incel

He chose very good group to go after.
Because people will play along in that group and it makes it possible to get some good banter going.
DnD people play characters all the time and at least 1/4th of them are Dungeon Masters who play bad guys for the party to overcome. They know exactly what MJF is doing and want to help him in his act. Because that's what you do when you are DM...
(yes I have just shown that I have played TableTop RPGs, I do not care, because I am posting about half naked men fake fight on serbian mushroom hunting forum)


>If it draws dimes

Too bad it doesn't

Attached: lol.gif (500x545, 263K)


>taken off
>less than 4000 likes and less than 300 retweets