What went so fucking wrong?
What went so fucking wrong?
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i miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
Orton had him fired for a botch.
But what about everything after the WWE
It's kinda sad that this guy could never break through to the main event, yet is miles better than the shitters we have as champions now.
Thought he was better than he was. Only thing that was over was his voice. MISTERRRRRRRRRRR KENNEDY............................Kennedy!
AEW is calling
I doubt it, even some dumpster tier company dropped him last month.
Cringe Denis Leary gimmick and then becoming another lackey for Bubba Ray's biker stable.
Was the last guy I fully marked out for. It broke my heart when he kept getting injured then injured others, especially the wrong people to hurt.
I'll never forget him coming out on Raw one night to cut a promo and he literally just shouted KENNEDY for like 45 seconds. Also I liked his green bay plunge finisher from the 2nd rope
TNA which didn't help him, but there was nowhere else to go at the time.
2005, 2006 everyone...EVERYONE...was convinced he was the next Rock
He was from that weird era of WWE where you had a load of guys like Kennedy, MVP, Carlito, Evan Borne, John Morrison, Lashley, Shelton Benjamin, Chris Masters, Dupree etc. who all had something going for them but were underdeveloped and they all faded away for a while.
They built TNA around him for a few years.
Chris Benoit killed every body and he got exposed as a steroid user in the case against dr astin
He actually sucked, was lazy, and literally had only an entrance to his ability
They all arrived at the wrong time / era
Met him at a WAW show. Nice guy,
Noone with any fucking sense thought this shitter was going to be anywhere near as good as the rock lmao
>He actually sucked, was lazy, and literally had only an entrance to his ability
How is this different to most of the WWE roster?
>How is this different to most of the WWE roster?
For most of them, the entrance. For some, they're good, but phoning it in for checks
Maybe not the Rock but the E truly was high on him.
Beating former world champions, feuding with Taker off the bat, Mr MitB (Yeah i know the rumor of Edge being booked to win it but still) and then the Vince bastard son angle.
I remember he injured Bobbo in kayfabe and then Bobbo left. They used Ken shoot injury background to write off Bobbo.
Friendly reminder that carried Angle to Angles third best singles match of his career.
Injury prone mother fucker, that is what went wrong.
Selfish prick who didn't want to follow what WWE wanted him to do even though it was what got him over in the first place
went to TNA and did what he wanted aka became generic good ol' southern boy and fell into obscurity
i went to a indie show and me and my boyfriend (im gay btw lol i lvoe black dick lol) and when we asked him for an autogprah he cllaed me a "nigger loving faggot". i was shocked
fuck him he's a racist homophobe like russo
He just wasn't with the company at the right time.
He wasn't a great wrestler but his promos and gimmick were absolute dimes and I was 100% a Kennedy mark
cool larp queer go tell your made up story there for victim points and virtual signals
How is his wrestling school?
>TNA literally doesn't care about drugs
>still get fired because of drugs
how can he still fuck that up? is Kennedy legitimately retarded?
He was addicted to pain pills for a hella long time.
he should have gotten kofi fired
Lol I call this "the era I didn't watch because the entire roster was trash"
>I live in the timeline where Kofi is still in WWE as a champion instead of Ken Kennedy
Worst I've felt so far this week.
Watch his shoot. He was supposed to have the career that Edge ended up having when he got the MiTB. But he got injured & thought it was serious. So they made him drop the briefcase to Edge because the Undertaker was leaving & they couldn’t wait around. Kennedy goes to a specialist and finds that his injury is nothing more than a bad bruise & there was no need for him to have taken any time off. It’s tragic as fuck.
wasn't liked by anyone and lived the obnoxious asshole gimmick. dropping orton on his head was the last draw
That probably spiraled this nigga even further into his pill addiction. He had the fucking keys to the kingdom.
He got skinny
Who doesn't?
but that's the current era?
Its an era that started in 2001 and is going on to this day.
If you were one of them kindly kys
So just like today's roster as well?
Hi Randy, how are your wife's kids doing?
Relax Dave Meltzer
Pretty much. Except it's worse now because back then you had HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Cena, Batista and Edge at the top of the cards. Carlito didn't even get a whiff of anything past IC yet his equivalent Kofi is the champion right now.
Dont forget Cena adding his fucken two cents to Vince, because he was threatened by Kennedys popularity
Kennedyfags sure are delusional. Glad that shitter died, he was just Bray before Bray. All gibberish, no fucking clue
>tfw used to wrestle on US national TV and MSG and then job to Sonny Smasher on the WAW webshow on Mustard TV
Seething LMAO
By being so fucked up you might injure somebody else.
>Many said that the match between the two TNA stars had to be cut short and end early due to Anderson looking “very bad in the ring.” Once the match was over, Young was extremely angry and let his anger out backstage.
>Eric Young reportedly headed backstage and began yelling at anyone and everyone. He started going off on TNA officials and yelling so loudly for them to do something about Anderson that some fans could hear him past the curtain.
>It was then that a drug test was given to Anderson.
Got cocky after getting approval from Stone Cold and Carder without realizing that is was Triple H and HBK who he needed to be sucking up to
seethe harder.
The top guys didn't like him. Cena orton hhh hbk
worked LMAO
Heat with Orton
Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Kennnnnnnnnnnnn.eddddddddddddddddddd.eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.sonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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