Jay White not a draw confirmed

Jay White not a draw confirmed

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Okada has had the belt most of the year. If business is down and it's a single talents fault, it's him.

Anybody who thinks Kenny wasn’t a massive draw for New Japan is a fucking retard and don’t pretend you all didn’t love him a year ago.

Does Dave actually have any sources for his financial information or is it just conjecture based on his head fanfiction?

>live show business is strong, b-but they really mattered, seriously, NJPW NEEDS AEW!
Kek what a simp

I liked him when he was solo
He kept trying to bring in the bucks and it kept ruining his image

oh boy I can't wait for Dave to speculate on a companies financial success based on prowrestlingtees top 10s. And then not say a word when their financial report comes out and they have increased in profits anyway.

Attendace numbers X average ticket price

>live show, the backbone of their business, is doing better than last year

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never liked him, fag. Always thought he was a spotfest shitter who was one of the worst promos I'd ever seen
just try and get through that promo

I don't have to pretend because I've never liked him you fucking cocksucker!

Attendance is up between 5 and 10% on basically every show and ticket prices are identical. Dave is just actually doing guerrilla marketing for AEW, he's putting it in fans heads that NJPW are hurting and they need AEW guys, this makes fans push harder for the partnership. Dave already reported earlier in the year that njworld numbers also went up, do all he can be basing it off of is merch sales, which IDK how he would be pulling that info from outside Japan.

AEW drones may think that WWE needs AEW, how does this affect NJPW`s financial strategy?

>live show business better than ever
>s-small picture
>K-Kenny was a real loss
>Magoo going to bat for AEW again

absolutely embarrassing for a "journalist"

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for some ungodly reason a lot of people think NJPW should be selling out basketball arenas in USA.
When they are much than happy selling out those venues in Japan that they weren't able to sell half number of tickets five years ago.
they are growing year after year and making more money than they ever did even the previous golden eras, because of the ticket prices

im guessing you meant Aew drones think nj needs aew?
Their financial strategy is the same as before, largest income source is live attendance, their tickets are expensive everywhere, front row for these upcoming US house shows is like over 200$. Next is merch, which is almost certainly down worldwide. Check wrestlingtees top sellers, its all AEW gear, a year ago it was all BC shirt variations, all that NJPW got the profit from. Look for that in his report, emphasis on merchandise and a lack of substantial TV deal(they havent had once in years)

He is pushing for it to happen, but that's not what this is. I already know what he's going to say.
While numbers are up, their growth rate is way down year-over-year. It's half of what it was for the last 2 years.

Yeah that too, when does NJPW release their financial report anyway?

beats me, bushiroad dropped some figures recently though

Yes, because they are hitting their ceiling what they can do in Japan now, before running more Dome shows and move to bigger venues, but I am not sure there are any to have.
They are already running as many shows as they really can before running their roster to the ground like WWE does.
There is not really enough people who can be pushed to the top how they set up their feuds through the year.

They are running Osaka-Jo twice next year(NB and Dominion) and their G1 schedule will have to change to late in the year due to the Olympics, so a Dome G1 final might happen if they don't run the 2 day wk like this year.

In expansion context, he’s not wrong. Just look at the abysmal numbers they do for shows with an over 2k seating number.

Also the Elite leaving killed Bullet Club’s relevancy which were nujapans biggest merch sellers worldwide.

If you look at live attendance, they’re doing sellouts for most of the places they usually hit, but they’re showing zero growth besides Osaka. Just ook at the Budokan and Aichi numbers.

I know, it will be very interesting what they announce what they have for next year during the WKs.

>Just ook at the Budokan and Aichi numbers.
because there are no more seats to sell there (in Aichi) or Budokan tickets for all 3 nights are too expensive for people and also going to all three nights. Yes, they can grow for the two nights before finals. That is undeniable.
What would be interesting is moving G1 finals to Saitama, but I think with them appearing to move the three nights permanently to Budokan from Sumo Hall they will for few years stay there before moving out.

Huh? Just using recent shows - Beppu was up 7%, Kagoshima was up 12-13% to a no vacancy. Overall Budokan numbers were up from last year by like 7%. Kobe hall might actually sell out this weekend even.

If we look at core NJPW business? There are no bad news.
If we look at some revenue streams that have been tied to ELITE, yes NJPW lost them.
Hot Topic
ticket sales for US shows
But are those make or break? No. Will he make big deal out of them? Yes.

Also, what Aichi numbers are you even comparing? Last year they ran 1 Aichi G1 show, they drew 5.7k. This year they ran two consecutive Aichi G1 shows and averaged 5.7k. They drew the same average over TWO CONSECUTIVE SHOWS. They literally sold twice as many tickets in that town for without adding the extras costs of relocating and also added another 5k+ ticket day to the tour. That's undeniably a success.

year over year growth has dropped significantly

the Western "expansion" has completely nosedived

and Bullet Club doesn't move merch anymore

there's no question The ELITE were a massive draw. they're the biggest draws of our time. FFS they were big enough to launch another company

New Japan has reached their limit...and moving to bigger venues won't work because they won't draw. we're already seeing that with them trying to run 2 dome shows

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AEWtist coping hard.

the two domes are individually selling as well as last years single show per David, so I don't really know what you mean by that.

>New Japan has reached their limit...and moving to bigger venues won't work because they won't draw. we're already seeing that with them trying to run 2 dome shows
>post full of begging shit
>ends it with something that is factually false

NJPW doesn't need the E-Lite.

>Guy who looks like an accountant, not a draw

Ruining his image? Kenny has been around the bucks since he was a junior fucking retard. Did you people watch njpw ?

Where did you find your accountant?

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He didn't have the image to ruin back then. When he turned HW he should have ditched the hanger-ons.

uh why? nothing changed about him except the opponents he could face i.e. heavyweights. he was always a dork. turned a hitman gimmick into joke while dancing to ring with a broom

Yeah, I would like to know where I can meet accountants as hot as Jay White. Help a brother out

The state of this hack

Huh? The second Aichi show drew 1k less than the first night.

the consecutive show model is working for them
fans are happy to watch two top new japan shows in a weekend
if it's a big travel in show people prefer it
wwe has been doing this for years with takeovers, it's a great gimmick

and the first Aichi show drew 400 over last years. No shit they drew less on the second day. Thats why I used the average sales. Their profits over those two days are higher than last years, running the same city like that is obviously cheaper than moving everything, and the average G1 show is below 5k, so adding a show of that size(the second adjusted Aichi date) is good for their business, even if the number avg didn't grow, the money earned for that period did.

b-b-but they NEED our trannies !!!

adam cole

"Looks like", not "built like", retard.

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So we agree then?

The talent doesn't stack up, not by a long shit.
Even with having guys on national tv, I would give the edge to New Japan..
AEW needs to improve it's roster and that's not easy. You can't just snap your fingers and make it happen and it won't happen in a day. If they could poach some key talent, it would be a whole other ballgame.

The western expansion of NJPW didn't nosedive either, it's just been the same.

rent free

I really want to see what he thinks the not-small picture is. Because I do not see it.

Bullet club has multiple top selling shirts right now

i absolutely love meltzer

Still sucking off his AEW buddies i see

I like him solo, it’s the elite that really brings him down. I was fine with him winning the title but everything after was terrible and it was clearly because those idiots kept whispering into his ear.

I havent seen a single Kenny match so i dont care.

why is meltzer such a faggot mark?

Meltzer magoo is a shill faggot fuck. I've been listening to him since 2014 (all pirated by the way, big shout out to my nigga xwt) and he's seriously gone full AEW spokesman