What are your legitimate thoughts about WWE Superstar and Future WWE Champion Based Bobby Lashley?

What are your legitimate thoughts about WWE Superstar and Future WWE Champion Based Bobby Lashley?

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>believing any TNA guy will ever not be buried

He's been a future WWE champion for like 15 years.

STOP! There's still a chance!

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Brock needs to stop ducking him and give us all what we want. Brock Lesnar V Black Lesnar at Mania.

He would be at least Batista tier if he had stayed, Vince loved him. The betrayal cut him deep.

I love him.
No homo tho.

I'd really like to watch him cum inside Asuka

Same but with Bliss instead.

I want to see him pound Charlotte's boipuss while a beaten up Almas watches in the corner
Other than that he's probably the only nigger I like in the E that isn't Dream, Truth and NXT Big E

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Truly based, one of the few guys in WWE nowadays that I actually like

I'd really like to watch him cum inside Kevin Nash

He has the nicest eyes

I've always wanted to see him Vs. Bork, but the WWE hates kino, and hates dimes.

His TNA run 2014-2016 was amazing

If I was a niggachad I'd rather see this huge ol military vet muscle nigga with the belt instead of ol bird chest, rainbows, and gay nigga friend having Kofi.

>beats Roman clean at Extreme Rules
>loses to him on Raw in a number 1 contender match
>Roman wins the title from Brock at Summerslam
>Lashley isn't on the card

Thanks Vince

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I wish I was born a black male

fugg bulbasaurs

Lashley lesnar needs to happen

I just can’t take him seriously as a badass, despite him being massive and a legit fighter. He just looks like the sweetest guy

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