The shirts are usually bad but these are on a whole other level

The shirts are usually bad but these are on a whole other level

Attached: EEtVn3DXYAIPPIz.jpg (1200x1200, 311K)

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Dream has a nice one.

the globe with the big x and the dream one are alright, rest are horrible

How does Cameron Grimes' shirt manage to be shittier looking, more boring and more generic than he does?

these have got to be print-to-order shitty direct to garment shirts like memewrestlingtees. No way they just have a warehouse with this bullshit shitting there in every possible size.


Attached: 13741FBE-C2E7-4C47-BB0A-28CA5D2A015F.jpg (800x800, 45K)

I seethe more over these stupid names they are beyond parody at this point

this is actually a good shirt

remember when Yea Forums thought that Manny getting a shirt meant that he was a big deal

no one is even going to buy most of these

Please die.

it would be if they weren't all like that

Would a connor the crusher t-shirt be cringe, bros?

Attached: chad daddy.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Those are all "I have 3 days of experience with effects" tier.

Manny’s shirt wasn’t thrown together on MS Paint in 10 minutes

Attached: AB48B1AE-954E-4875-97E1-88AC0748CBB9.jpg (1440x1801, 171K)

>complain about (wrestler) not having a shirt
>complain about (wrestler) having a shirt
There's no pleasing the smart marks.

>”I want to have sex”
>Giant black man forcefully penetrates my anus with cock wrapped in barbed wire

Don’t ever post anything affiliated with this attention whoring sand nigger AGAIN I swear to fucking god, every time I see this hook nosed crypto kike on my board my blood pressure fucking raises, for my health and for the health of everyone around me SHUT THE FUCK UP FAGGOT NIGGER

Is Arturo Ruas doing a gimmick?

BASED Dio Maddin

Who is that between Mia and Gargano

Joaquin "Used to be DJ Z" Wilde


For whom is the 2nd to last maple leaf one for? That one's alright, just a vector styled art and not identifiable its a wrestling tee, the rest are mega cringe

What kind of person would buy a t-shirt for a literal who jobber working on the developmental show?

Imagine encountering a Brendan Vink or Arturo Ruas T-shirt out in the wild

Imagine encountering any wrestling shirt out in the wild


The only wearable designs here are Dream, Killian Dain and Shaw's. Dijak, Purazzo and Chelsea's shirt could work if the logos were small and at chest level, like football shirts.
The rest are utter shit though

who in the FUCK are any of these people?

hello manny

These types of shirts suck so much shit

Do all wrestling shirts only have designs on the front and back? Any that have designs on the sleeves or the sides of the shirt?

These aren't even the worst ones

Attached: 08c8aac24b3d446d1cdecaa471198874mockup-0f7ba235.png (800x800, 195K)

Attached: EEr0C-mW4AAIzzh.jpg (1710x2047, 393K)

Attached: 01db3d04c6c6b99476e9a7ba9c4610cfmockup-d5003263.png (800x800, 175K)

Attached: 04f579d2b630770005b81391a82ce4b6mockup-71d06110.png (800x800, 199K)

Attached: 4f249e5467512e6a90b7ad527186a57amockup-4422d6f3.png (800x800, 112K)

Attached: 6de6dc6a1c98f4173b18b390a8663d9cmockup-f39140a0.png (800x800, 195K)

Attached: 8e775d9f608f6012ae70b1a96fcd466cmockup-94bb3723.png (800x800, 176K)

Attached: 9a4417ba73b2308ed28cbb0b33634a9fmockup-cc515d46.png (800x800, 198K)

Attached: 789e6a6884ea0572b2b2bffa6fab6d80mockup-ee67d336.png (800x800, 264K)

Attached: 1610175b121274422832dd32996a34efmockup-005bde09.png (800x800, 182K)

You could bullshit someone with this shirt by saying it's a fashion designer name


They literally got the cheapest graphic designers they could from Fiverr and requested a design using those names. Jesus fucking christ

My God she is so fucking ugly.
She's as ugly as she is bad at wrestling.

Attached: eaa64fab352411326169fc3e9f6ee37emockup-ec73d3ed.png (800x800, 195K)

Though that was Bixen Enterprises at first

She shoot needs to wear her mask 24/7

Of course Dexters shirt is based

I wouldn't call them bad. More like unimaginative and generic. Almost a corporate rock like Nickleback feel to them.

they have to
nxt debuts on USA tonight

Don’t EVER compare me to that sand nigger /pol/tard, faggot, go fuck your mother cocksucker


certified negative dimes

this is dimes tho

Attached: 3025DE6CE9_A.jpg (1001x1001, 142K)

How much of a brainless, dumbfuck retard do you have to be to sell shirts with the NAMES of some literal who shitters? They need cooler design alluding to the shitters' name rather than the name itself so that people wear it often and not look like losers

looks like a shirt that someone running for congress in south dakota would make

Based manny making this simp froth just by existing

Meant for

It kinda proves that WWE hired an outside consultant when designing the original Balor Club shirt, the only half decent looking wrestling shirt in the past 5-10 years

How are Io and shaina shirts?

I have no clue who that is

Why do you make shitty normalfag videos on twitter?

Dream's looks decent, I'm sure there's some dumb cringe verbage on the sleeve or back though.

The david flair music just started in my head from looking at this

The Dexter Lumis shirt looks great

Arturo Ruas looks like a gym shirt.
It also kinda looks like goatse tho

>The Dexter Lumis shirt looks great

Attached: 1452452048038.jpg (306x306, 20K)

Dijakovic is okay. Where is Manny's shirt?

You had to ask.

Attached: doesnthavetoimagine.png (83x104, 26K)

okay, but what are some wrestling shirts that are based and will make pussy gravitate towards you? Asking for a friend haha..

He didn't get one in this batch because he got a real shirt a couple weeks ago.

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For a hard earned thirst

Why did you imagine something like that? Kev, we’re here for you man.

only shirt that draws dimes out of them. will outsell the camelcucks for sure.


Dream is the only nice one.

Looks like an old school cash money records shirt. BASED

>Necroing a thread to try and get over
kys Manny

Attached: 1566267735269.jpg (432x432, 13K)

It's just this, which isn't too bad.

Attached: 317748A8FC_B.jpg (1001x1001, 46K)

Could be worse.

Attached: 1558378854154.jpg (993x2555, 673K)

obsessed mark

Behead yourself kaffir



It's, "verbiage." Three syllables.


Attached: panteri.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

Legit a great shirt and something you could get away with wearing in public because people would think you were just being ironic in an old Pen and Pixel top.


Did Big Nose design these himself? That "WE R NXT" one looks like him.