And this is our son's room. He's quite the pro wrestling fan!

And this is our son's room. He's quite the pro wrestling fan!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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No he’s not 10 he’s 37

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No wonder white males are going extinct

lol all them dolls fell cant make this shit up

wrestling fans are fucking losers


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Why does he have so many toys?

My God... that picture really shows the difference between those two. Look at the laugh lines, potato nose and man chin Torrie had. What was the point of her when Stacy existed?

what a fucking incel

have sex homo


Attached: 555454.png (890x722, 246K)

Because white knighting is totally not what an incel or a homo would do, right? Go back to plebbit.

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"Get the fuck outta my room I'm playing..WWE2K20"

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Torrietards btfo


Idk I think I could pull off getting laid in that.

shut up tripfag, you're such a loser you had to be an individual on an anonymous message board.

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Google "wrestling man cave", become depressed

I don't understand how that doesn't hurt their dicks.

Go back

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None of us have enough Test to go Full Force desu

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Holy fucking based

>Hello mother. Just a second, I'm finishing up this "son's room" post on Yea Forums

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Go back

This is the third time I've seen this faggot use the wrong terms

>just a second babe, I'm telling this guy to go back

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>gigachads mom and gf are the same person
Deepest lore

>Hello, come on in

Attached: 453454.jpg (340x234, 28K)

>parents open my bedroom door
Pic related.

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Mmmmm this is my room and im the big dog

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Kinda jealous of this kid. Nice room layout and that badass bed.

Whatever happened to this kid?

>I told you once, I’ll tell you again, Mom. This ain’t no room. This is my yard.

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He grew up to be a Yea Forums mod

I would throw everything out besides the ringbell and the LJNs without magic marker all over them.

He’s probably dead

KEK what a chad.

Don't interrupt me mother I'm listening to Mr.Ass' theme on loop while I lift

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>your mom will never paint a giant WWE mural in your bedroom

Attached: wwe-mural-room.jpg (1600x1200, 528K)

Mmmmmmm... based.

>He doesn't COOM while looking anyone who dares enter his domain square in the eye
Are you some sort of newcoomer?

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do american parents really just show people their kids rooms
no wonder your country has an epidemic of limp wristed pansies having anxiety

its a white thing. they try to be their friends instead of parents.

when they finally try to be parents its too late and they end up shot while they sleep

This is pretty good

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H-hi mom

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this is the 420chan mascot right

Chad genetics are wasted on this dweeb

this movie sucked ass

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Sweetie Id like you to meet our guests Tryone, Lequell and Tyreese

Note, he lived at his parent’s basement up until last year

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holy shit that is the hardest i've laughed ina while what the fuck is wrong with me

fucktard, you are so gay

bout to hit the ding-dong diddly elbow drop before mommy tucks me into bed

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Seething. Just accept that wrestling females are in the ugly category you cucks.


Me and gf have a comfy room.

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Janny you fucking faggot why was my response to this post deleted

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chad move

Is your girlfriend the doll?

ur under arrest fren

Attached: Sheriff Pepe.jpg (585x501, 48K)

Trust me, you don't wanna read his answer

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I bet she craves Black cock daily.



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delete this shit immediately

What is this?

Taker should unironically wrestle in badd ass beanies now that he’s basically bald

I know not Yea Forums material, but that's the way life goes.

My life

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ngl, I always wanted to have a room full of these types of dolls and ventriloquist dummies, but I know I wouldn't be able to handle the ammount of nuclear heat I would get. I already get enough shit for having anime statuettes.

As far as I’m aware, scat isn’t too common of a fetish, so I doubt it

this room is part of a age play fetish

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Seems justified. Throw them out, or off yourself. Time to grow up and have sex

Yeah, but my idea is more of a museum display sort of thing.

I would bet 500 smackers that I've gotten more pussy in the last 6 months than you have gotten in your entire lifetime.


Perhaps one day?


Already do the latter on a daily basis.

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>not a diaperchad


How much was each doll? And how much do you pay that real living girl to participate in this fetish?

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Are the dolls fuckable?

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I had the Macho King wrestle buddy when I was a toddler. It was pretty based. I ended up getting a talking DDP one when I was a little older.

Beggin ya

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>no remembering based bretslime
these new Yea Forums kids i swear

holy fucking based, i wish my room looked like that

I hate this fucking plce


That's legitimately impressive.

Was that Filthy Frank?

Serious question, what satisfaction and enjoyment does a grown man receive from being surrounded by toys? I really cannot comprehend the desire to have a bunch of nostalgic plastic knick-knacks.


"I see he plays videogames too!"

What movie is this? Looks fucked up and I feel like being disturbed today.

As a 33 year old parent I literally want to strangle you to death to end this horrifying nightmare life you lead.


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Why are they ALWAYS white???

Holy fucking lol and yuck

this thread got fucking weird fast

holy shit
these people really exist?
will this thing hang itself or shoot its brain out?

is he dead?


>Dad sees the newest poster on my wall

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I fucking hate you autistic waste of space. Fuck off weeb virgin waifu cuck.

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If its not JoJo, One Piece or Dragonball, its cringe tier and should end your life weeb.

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Be sure to take note of the onions box in the closet.

wrestling is for incels

Jesus Christ

>Normalfag shit
I bet you like capeshit too, you drone.

based user living his best life and working these insecure reddit simps.

he IS the girl desu

bump because modern wrestling is for faggots

God Father Ted was kino

good for you champ but what about the growing up part?

>There is an honest to goodness box of s󠀀oy in this abominations closet
God is punishing us for something by setting this plague upon the world

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You can look up pics of his tiny caged dicklet and dirty asshole on deviantart if you're curious.

Why is Mick in the crowd?