Has anything good happened in wrestling this entire decade?

Has anything good happened in wrestling this entire decade?

Attached: Austin-McMahon-2-800x400.jpg (800x400, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Jack Swagger as world champ
>Alberto Del Rio
>Edge dying
>Brock Lesnar
>3 hour Raw
>Triple H Burying Punk
>Awesome Truth
>R Truth smoking in UK arena
>Caught and compromise to a permanent end Osama Bin Laden
>Authority storyline
There's so many to list you must have been in a coma if you missed out on all of them

So that's a no?

>3 hour Raw
ill have what youre smoking

>Osama Bin Laden

Holy fuck, I'd forgot all about that, the most cringiest shit ever.



just saying my prayer and taking my vitamins - HH

seething bitch LMAO


Shibata vs. Okada, at least

Why would I be seething?

Don't know who that is, and really don't care. Can't be too good if I've never even heard of them

because you're so seething you replied to the wrong guy bitch!

Got me.


So, anything good happen?


>Work in the country that funded the attacks
What did they mean by this?

As for good ?
>New Japan becoming rent-free in E-Drones heads
>UK indies blew up
>UK indies falling for WWE mark contracts and combusting just as they were getting shitty
>WWE losing viewers at an alarming rate from 2016 and on instead of the steady decline
>A bunch of indy shitters worked a millionaire to making a new promotion
>TNA goes from #2 promotion to Z-tier and on Twitch
>Wrestling in general is more accessible than ever, so you could just switch over to something good.

Good in WWE?
>Punk's promo working people to this day
>Brock's return... only then to job him to Cena
>R-Remember when they brought the Attitude Era guys back?!

lmaaaaaao this has to be the most embarrassing moment in wrestling history

t. obese smark


Projecting. Not based.

imagine his smell


Yeah, but not in wwe.


How bad?


I had a few good cooms. Does that count?

Nah bro


Depends upon who

Plenty but they were quickly snuffed out.

Nexus was great until Cena.
Ryder's rise was great until Vince wanted to make a point.
Awesome Truth was great until they were simply used as a stepping stone for Rock/Cena.
Punk was great until Triple Nose got jealous.
Brock's return was great until Triple nose wanted to beat him.
Shield was the last great thing in WWE and they killed their momentum dead by giving each member the wrong kind of booking that should've been given to another memeber in the Shield.
Bryan was great but Vince needed him out of the way to not interfere with Reign's rise.

Are the A&W shows real stinky?

Absolute fucking state of Americans.