Why is she so ugly? Her fridge body? Weird chin? Stupid haircut?
Why is she so ugly? Her fridge body? Weird chin? Stupid haircut?
cope harder w*itoid
nig ger
she wont fuck you for white knighting her simp
Fuck off white pigs
niggy niggy go to sleep
what show is she on?
the one where w*ite boys seethe
Looks like an ugly guy. Dudes body.
BASED Bulbasaur
I heard she chose the name ripley cuz of that cunt from aliens
I want to breed her
me 2
that tatt is gross
Pete dunn lookin kinda hot desu
who cares
I want her to beat me up and sit on my face
>Why is she so ugly? Her fridge body? Weird chin? Stupid haircut?
>Who you calling pinhead?
>fucks niggers
awfully low standards
Her head is too small
lets see who you like then. let me guess, Ratberg?
no but at least she has a female figure
Virgin or pedophile?
She is thicc and 22 nigga. What are your standards
she looks like a fridge with a fucked up face
toooo old
she looks like she fucks black guys
Imagine the type of shit that goes through that dude's mind.
>why i everyone replying coom to all of my twitter posts now
>i wish i was at home cooming
>my feet hurt