Itt we post non anime to respect our friends who can't stand animu

itt we post non anime to respect our friends who can't stand animu

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good triple

Your fortune: Bad Luck

and thanks for not posting anime

nice trips, but i am allowed to express myself by posting anime. you cannot oppress me

What is this figment called, respect posting?

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well you know,we need to respect other people too.
so please be mindful

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go to any of the various boards that are specifically for posting anime then
Yea Forums, /c/, /d/, /e/, /h/, etc.
leave this board alone and let it be something interesting instead of just the same old boring garbage that every other board consists of
it's a concept that adults understand

yep,i hope that you understand

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those boards are unfun

you always talk about how things are boring but you are the most boring person on this board with your constant bitching and moaning

yes i have respect for your thread, however i have no respect for cynicalposter aka he somehow manages to be more annoying than any troll could ever be

So, it's not a figment but a concept? Interesting to say the least.

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Trips of truth

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>but you are the most boring person on this board with your constant bitching and moaning
nope that's definitely you, all you ever do is post the same "le anine lol" in every thread, and occasionally you snap and bitch about posters that are at least 10 times more interesting than you (basically everyone)

ur delusional m8

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rather than actually arguing and creating a bad atmosphere you can always filter names (even me)

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now you're just projecting :^) you could be replaced with a bot that can only post 5 different sentences and no one would ever notice the difference

that counts thanks

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Hehe animu hehe

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(bad dubs)
that is not even the point. you suddenly feel the need to attack me just because i argued with you. see how you make every argument into some sort of polemic with an enemy to defeat. thats why youre delusional. thats why youre called cynicalposter. because all you do is bitch and moan. take a heccing chill pill sometime dude.

When Mom's asking for grandchildren


I'm not even you brainlet, I'm just another user who thinks you're a very lame namefig

(dubs are dubs even if le post is bad)
then why interject the conversation as if you were some sort of hivemind anonymous legion

Classic diversion dubs don't fall for it

we ARE the hivemind anonymous legion

(nice singles)
i am allowed to express myself by posting my opinion about shitty namefigs

trips confirms this

(nice trips)

if you want people to respect your opinion then you could stop using words such as "sh*tty" makes you sound more intelligent and less like a schoolboy

nice trips how will le namefig ever recover?

>more intelligent and less like a schoolboy
may I remind you that you post things like
>(bad dubs)
arguing with you is like talking to an angry kid lmao grow up dude

got 'em

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shh, the adults are talking

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posting not anime in a not anime thread

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when i need help i'll ask for it

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okei leds eggo
goo trips btbtw rly nice
trips wooh!
rare dubs wooh!
palidrobe! wooh!
palidrobe! wooh!

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what is good and bad?

Your fortune: Average Luck

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Sally was going to kill herself because one of her clients gnawed on her clavicles and left scrapes and now everyone can see she's a hooker

a valid answer thanks

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nice trips, faggot

thanks a lot faggot

bootin with the superior pet

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no problem, faggot


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faggot gang faggot gang faggot gang faggot gang

palidrobe! wooh!
dubs wooh!

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i want to hear the full release faggot

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go ask you're mom, faggot

you are my mom faggot

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Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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A machene

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crazy little critter!!!!

this is what i'm talking about

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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I want boyfriend

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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bonu noi piko?