Muh workrate

Those Simps forget that being a draw is the most important

Attached: wew.png (400x400, 181K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I took a poop once

I don't go on wooo, but I if I understand things correctly a lot of woootists come here just to complain. Why?

Reminder that most draws were actually decent workers with charisma. You're all faggots for arguing against workrate or charisma.


Nobody without workrate has ever been a draw.

Attached: 1546102824932.gif (200x200, 3.06M)

Needs more Undertaker worship.

Attached: Ut02.jpg (736x736, 81K)

Have I mentioned that The GOAT's hair is fantastic? We all need to take a moment to appreciate it'a sexiness.

Attached: 14313 - fully_loaded undertaker wwf.jpg (350x261, 17K)

Theyre liberals and liberals like attention

Great workrate in his prime, knew when to step things up in the ring (superplex off the top of the cage on Boss Man, high octane style in Japan) and when he could calm things down because the occasion was big enough (Andre, Warrior)

>he thinks workrate is just doing movez

niggerfags still underrating his ring work
There's another one with good ring work.
His Axe Bomber was based

I don't get it, wooo and asp essentially have the same pieces of shit edgelords userbase seeing as how they're both chans sites. The only difference is the moderation over there by the drunk mods

Over there is basically just reddit the board.

how has this nazi image not been blocked from being uploaded by the based mods?

The mods maybe, but they have the same cancerous edgelords as us here.

Then why are you here? Go back to redddit with the rest of the stale faggots and stop wasting your shit tier life on a place you hate

>not just going back
based grumpy retard with nothing better to do

Worked LMAO

Imagine watching a TV show, and then autistically looking up the ratings and seeing if they were high enough for you to pretend to like it.
Faggot, you like it or you don't.
You're not cool if you watch a TV show that has a lot of viewers.
I've provided a list of shows for you to watch instead, if you prefer shows that have viewers. All of them dwarf WWE.
Personally I like my niche wrestling "workrate" shows, and it doesn't bother me that normies thots and retards don't watch it. In fact, I'm happy they don't.

Attached: ratings.png (690x803, 33K)


I literally got permabanned when I made one post there, it's incredibly gay

because they must spread their mental illness


Look, we don't care because that's a meme and a facetious fucking position. Nobody actually cares about numbers and drawing except contrarians, and wooo isn't the place to roleplay an edgy loser. That's what this place is for.

enjoy your vacation

The Vince McMahon character made more between 97 - 01 then pretty much all of his main event stars combined up until that point. You mean to tell me that Vince had a higher work rate than Savage, Hogan, and Hart? Work rate literally has never meant dimes. Your ability to make money has zero to do with your ability to wrestle.

>silhouette of orton

>orton silhouette

wooo has John Squad on our side he loves us he told us so

Attached: yawnsquad.png (453x663, 239K)


Nash and Goldberg.

They come here when the fat bitch Spardot bans them


This. All those old WWWF guys like were complete dog shit in the ring but they sold out huge arenas every week.

>Personally I like my niche wrestling "workrate" shows, and it doesn't bother me that normies thots and retards don't watch it. In fact, I'm happy they don't.
how do you enjoy a wrestling show when everyone looks like the generic CAW templates from one of the smackdown games and has the personality of a cardboard cutout.

workrate is fine and all but if i wanted to watch two dudes fight i'd watch actual fighting.

I watch both. If I wanted to watch a poorly written and poorly acted "sports entertainment" I'd watch a b movie.

>implying there's anything wrong b-movies

Even the site's owner prefers Yea Forums to /wooo/

Imagine being such a shitty board that you give a superior board free advertising and let them live in your retard brain rent free.

>Even the site's owner prefers Yea Forums to /wooo/

b-movies have more soul than your typical hollywood movie nowadays.

they have good streams though

Being a draw is more important business wise, but why the fuck does a fan care about business? As a fan you should care about what entertains you. Also saying workrate is separate from being a draw is retarded, workrate is just one of the attributes of a wrestler, and drawing power is based on the sum of the parts.

woo is unironically full of commies and antifa

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It was based back from 08 to about 2011.
Then the mods became power hungry and banned offtopic discussions and scared away all the wrestlers that posted regularly like Player Uno. Was the best place for OC memes and legit discussion. I love the speed of asp but the discussion is lacking.

>It was based back from 08 to about 2011.
>Then the mods became power hungry and banned offtopic discussions and scared away all the wrestlers that posted regularly like Player Uno. Was the best place for OC memes and legit discussion. I love the speed of asp but the discussion is lacking.

Attached: 1566516945942.jpg (900x1200, 225K)


I made a bunch of great gifs, kornheisers, etc other OC on /woo/ when it wasn't as shitty posting there. Normally see something I made reposted on there any time I go back and look at threads

this, then suddenly you couldn't make a joke about divashit without getting permabanned and the board was dead


The two boards really aren't that different. Yea Forums is just oozing irony

yeah i'm sure it was people who
couldn't take a joke
and not you posting racist mysoginistic bullshit because you're a sperglord incel

go back

The bell has to ring at some point. If a wrestler can't go in the ring, he won't be a draw for too long.

>Muh Hogan
Hogan could work. He was just very careful about when to turn it up. He also liked facing better in-ring workers because they made him shine more.

How is /wooo/ still going? I posted there years and years ago and it was shit slow even back then. The Haitch combos were a draw for me but the board really jumped the shark when they'd hijack every thread that wasn't hivemind approved. I can't remember what they hijacked the threads with, anyone know what I'm talking about?

ya sautéin?


Because there are only 4 people on that site besides the mods and the autistic namefags who lurk on the irc truing to impress the mods.


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I have used Taima for years, but never visit 420chan because no one posts there.

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