Why is Joshi wrestling like this?

Attached: ozaki-deathmatch-win.webm (600x324, 1.92M)

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I took a poop once

Shinsukes best match

thats a based from me desu

Only once? Now you know why you're always so full of shit.
This was the Blast Queen Title / OZ Academy Openweight Title Barbed Wire Current Blast Bat Death Match from 8/25 2019.

Here it is from PuroresuDream


Attached: oz-logo.jpg (250x260, 17K)

no thanks I'll stick to the big leagues

Attached: 1560906396834.jpg (901x1200, 176K)

>big leagues

And by that you mean "big on the internet with foreign fans." FREE JUNGLE KYONA!

Attached: hiroyo-belts02.jpg (680x680, 78K)

They compensate for being small, weak and slow by having no regard for their health

>They compensate for being small, weak and slow by having no regard for their health

Attached: projecting.jpg (571x342, 27K)

Attached: ozaki-chain-block.webm (600x324, 1.09M)

>stating basic biological facts is projecting
State of nu-male feminists.


>2019 OZ Academy

Attached: DrtEhGWUUAA8sZ6.jpg (800x1200, 122K)

>projecting and then projecting AGAIN while virtue signaling
State of unfuckable hate-nerds.

>watching joshi because you're a creep pedo

Attached: sekigun-couch.jpg (940x666, 98K)

I want the rest of photos in this series, do you have them, user?

Speaking of projection.

Quick reminder that it's: OZ, SENDAI, SEAD & Ice Ribbon for chads.
STARDOM & TJPW for virgins and pedos.

Attached: saori-yukihi.jpg (1280x1920, 558K)

If it ain't Gatoh Move (Stardom, or TJPW) then it gotta go.

Attached: DjJnEEXUcAAf5vZ.jpg (768x1024, 86K)

>four old grandmas

>"Ice Ribbon is for chads"
>Cucked by a death match wrestler

If you're a pedo you're not watching OZ Academy, as you keep illustrating, let alone projecting.

Attached: ozaki-bloody-ref.jpg (800x1067, 626K)

>>Cucked by a death match wrestler

What are you even on about?

Attached: yukihi-face05.jpg (200x200, 32K)

Thanks for proving my point! Man it's like STARDOM and TJPW virgins just don't admit it's not about the wrestling it's about their weird pedo fantasies.

Attached: rossy-pimp.jpg (510x680, 57K)

gook shit LMAO

Attached: ice-laughs.jpg (800x1200, 153K)

And here's AmeriShit.
>The Return of Blood to the Wrestling Ring

non-gook shit is for the gays.

Attached: ozaki-shida-bloody.jpg (800x687, 244K)

I live for this shit.

2018 Oz Academy won MOTY.

And will probably win again this year.

gook shit LMAO

Look, please understand:
Gook = Vietnamese
Chink = Chinese
Japs, Nips = Japanese

Our servicemen didn't die fighting them so you can be only a half-wit racist poorfag loser faggot.

>can't even label gooks correctly

Seriously. Why even have a fucking Veteran's Day or Trump as President? WTF?

care to extrapolate?

Attached: master-race.png (1024x683, 961K)

I mean, if you don't understand that you're being counter-trolled and took the bait, then maybe you need to worry about yourself being Nigger shit LMAO. Dumb motherfucker.

Attached: io-duh.jpg (375x500, 40K)

huh? wut u mean?

kys milhouse and your shitty unfunny meme posting


Wew lad. Never mind, just keep posting "Gook shit LMAO" because you're such a based troll. I'd say don't breed but that obviously not going to be a problem.

Attached: yukihi-face02.jpg (168x200, 26K)

care to extrapolate?


I care to calculate.

Attached: yukihi-calculate.webm (272x480, 1.84M)

gook shit LMAO

>gook shit LMAO
Finally joshi that's not STARDOM or TJPW got a bump bot.

Attached: tsukka-game.webm (272x480, 2.08M)


>Thanks for the bump

Attached: saori-bridge-figure-4.webm (600x324, 974K)

care to extrapolate?

damn that nigger ugly

Yeah every time you SEETHE post you bump this thread, keeping it alive. Usually threads like this die among a pile of shit-posting, Nash-rape, fart/foot/pit fag fetish, STARDOM/TJPW pedo garbage faggotry. Suddenly a complete winner like you comes along and it's free bump city. Just do me a favor and maybe go every 5-10 minutes which doesn't seem to be a problem for you because you're active in numerous threads and obviously multi-tasking. Anyway cheers and ありがとうございます.

Attached: tsukka-face03.jpg (400x456, 80K)

huh? wut u mean?

She was actually kinda hot when she was younger. Crazy what time does.

Attached: Ozakirec.jpg (289x461, 31K)

>yeah...like that...like that...like that

Attached: 6780829050_69dc5e0928.jpg (323x500, 55K)


Menopause always goes over brother! -HH

Ozaki is a lesbian so I doubt she ever gave a fuck about having babies. It ain't just menopause, no matter how healthy you are, age will eventually kill you. Funny how "dying of old age" is seen as some kind of victory over disease. When really you'd think living to an nice old age and dying quick would be the best way.

Attached: ozaki02353.jpg (400x558, 94K)

gook shit LMAO

Attached: sekigun-poster.jpg (680x518, 80K)

huh? wut u mean?

That actually looks good. Charles should take notes instead of taking cock and botox


I want Saori's cute lips around my cock.


Attached: saori-pose-side.jpg (600x800, 215K)

>YWN be Saori's mouth biting Hikaru Shida's thigh...

Attached: saori-bites-shida.jpg (680x510, 66K)

When did Momo get so hot

Attached: blurry cat 69.jpg (500x480, 49K)

Who is that guy?

Mayumi Ozaki, and she'd take that as a compliment.

Attached: 51sGAAQaAiL.SR420,420_.jpg (420x420, 32K)

gook shit LMAO

>huh? wut u mean?

What the fuck? You are not real glitch cat

What the fuck are you talking about lmao

Work my knob like a popsicle.

A small, weak, unfuckable hate nerd had an incel projecting his beta-ness moment and then cowered in a corner with MUH BIOLOGICAL FACTS virtue signaling. Pretty simple to follow if you're no totally illiterate.

Attached: yukihi-hiyoko.gif (313x335, 1.91M)

Why is Hirrary Crinton so mad?

bump for the seething numale

He's right though. Virtue signaling is for people who lack discipline or mental acuity and can't control themselves from spewing their ideology. It's not just a Lefty, SJW thing. It's also a Right Wing thing for "Anti-Social Warriors" who have gone to calling themselves incels.
For a nerd to answer his rhetorical with "They compensate for being small, weak and slow by having no regard for their health" is only true if your instant reaction is to go full incel and compare the women to men.
Are they the weaker sex, is it a "Biological fact?" Of course. The problem with you, you giant faggot, is that since 95% of all women wrestlers contain only other women, who are wrestling other women, it's a completely irrelevant point.
UNLESS of course you're a butt-blasted incel who lacks discipline or mental acuity and must blurt out your ideology like an autistic child, which your small, weak, slow ass did.
Got it now fuck face? Learn to control yourself and not be a virtue signaling crybaby bitch.

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huh? wut u mean?

beggin ya to have sex

the only thing big about Stardom is Momo's obese gut



>YFW "nu-male" isn't an official word in the Dictionary

Attached: yfw-pip-squeak.jpg (512x354, 97K)

huh? wut u mean?


Why can't wimmin foids do anything right?

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what is foids?

New incel word.

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Stardom is so "big league" that they cant even draw a crowd bigger than OZ Academy.

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>(2019.09.08) OZ Academy on PuroresuDream for 5 minutes...

Forgot pic....

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Is it true that Mio was the superior Professional Wrestler? Not in-ring wrestler, but just "got it" more than Lo?

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