Nyra-san, I aporogize. That finishu wirr not work for me. I wirr be winning the titaru this evening. *bows*

Nyra-san, I aporogize. That finishu wirr not work for me. I wirr be winning the titaru this evening. *bows*

Attached: riho.jpg (1080x606, 76K)

Jobbing out joshis in an attempt to legitimize the tranny.

Is this the power of the A the E and the W?

Excuse me refuree-san. Prease keepu the countu nice and a srow.

Attached: Rihogan.png (698x364, 445K)

I support Riho

I don’t know why everyone is expecting Nyla to win. I’m fully anticipating Riho will. Kenny is booking the women’s division.

>Her "normal" finisher doesn't work on Nyla-rin
>After the third attempt, she uses THE PEDIGREE on her
based riHHHo

Why she is fucking ugly?

She’s cute and I would very much like to satisfy her sexual desires

>>After the third attempt, she uses THE PEDIGREE on her
We need to figure out which of her moves is Pedigree. Because she won't be using that, sadly, would be tremendous, but I don't think we can meme that into reality.

Classic aewtist, not already being incredibly familiar with one of the best workers in the world and only watching Meltzer approved promotions.
Riho mostly finishes with roll ups as well as the SOMATO which is HARASHIMA's move and she has the diving stomp as well. She has a tonne of finishes though.

Nyla winning by destroying this tiny ""cute"" little child immediately creates a massive heel and a talking point.

The woman who beats Nyla in the future gets over even more than if Riho wins on the 2nd. Besides, Riho is in her early 20s and can afford a loss here.

>She has a tonne of finishes though.
That's the problem I have with her, I have seen her finish matches with a lot of things.Somato is not enough I think, that is too common. And she will be spamming double stomps through the match.

>Female Baron Corbin wins to get """heat"""
I thought this was supposed to be an alternative to WWE?

Not quite Corbin.
Nyla's case presents a very real very present day talking point and can get eyes on the show because of it.
"Should Trans women compete with biological women?"

In addition, the woman who finally beats him has a valid claim of being good enough to compete with the likes of men.

Corbin doesnt really do anything.

Fuck, I HOPE Riho wins. Nyla should never be champion. No offense.

Hummm didnt riho beat nyla at fyter fest when people also said her and yuka where only there to "job for nyla"?

What do you mean no offence? All offence intended to the fucking tranny nigger.

Greetings from India
I hate trannies and support Riho for she supports our nation

Attached: Riho loves india.png (699x1026, 908K)

You people are actually attracted to this ugly human? Beta cucks.

Why does your flag have an asshole on it?

Riho should go over and Nyla should team with Kong to learn how to work and also stay out of singles matches for now.

It's a wheel. to keep moving on, instead of being a US degenerates who drive their degenerate vehicles on those wheels.

Attached: GayStation.webm (1280x720, 3M)

This is an all inclusive thread, user.

Attached: kennyomega.jpg (975x600, 94K)

>It's a wheel
Nah that's definitely an anus

Kek based pajeet

Brandi is in charge of the division too. Actually, it's gonna be a mess with Kenny wanting to push Riho and Shida but Brandi will want to push Nyla and Britt.