>3 day ban for trying to make sure Brock beats kofi
ding-dong diddly fuck off pedomod, I've had enough of your semen slurping bullshit, this board is a shithole what the fuck are you trying to prove
3 day ban for trying to make sure Brock beats kofi
Based mods
Edgy cringe racist cucks btfo
>Edgy cringe racist cucks
The absolute state of this só €€oycuck wh*toid
>kys incel
lol you white leftist beta cucks are so fragile
why do you hate yourself fatass?
is this post a work, or do you actually think racism is funny user?
It was funny in the Smackdown thread. Like half the posts where FUCK NIGGERS
I was responding to a post saying I had to say "fuck niggers" or kofi would beat brock, i want brock to win so I said "fuck niggers"
Tully is that u?
>i have the sense of humor of a downie
what did he mean by this?
ya seething tranny?
What do you find funny on Yea Forums user?
Welcome to 4channel, r*ddit
>tourist nigger can't even greentext properly
Deadie Cuckerrero was forcibly pozzed in the summer of 89.
fuck racists
>implying racism is bad
>Yea Forums is a racism board
How many strings did /pol/ have to pull
I grew out of le epic online racism when I was 12 and stopped posting on Yea Forums
explain why racism isn't bad
Fuck off reddit nigger
Fuck yeah, white genocide
Kofi is the worst champion of all time, he even managed to surpass Eddie and Nash. He's just fucking terrible.
I actually remember rooting for Booker at SS2004 against JBL (I didn't give a shit about the World Bingohall Championship, there has always been one world title and it's the WWE title), Lashley vs Cena, later Mark Henry vs Cena.
What we got, is this pigtail scrawny midget, and you can't even say the truth, that his reign was the shits and he was terrible on the mic and just barely ok in the ring because he bumps well, because now we live in the PC era and god forbid not booking a minority as a mary sue and pretending they're awesome when they're clearly burying the belt and tanking the ratings.
I didn't want Brock, I was actually hoping King Corbin was scheduled to win so he could shit on him and squaredcircle all the way to WrestleMania.
I actually wonder from time to time how black men feel when they realize that fucking faggot was their only actual wwe champion.
>he's a Yea Forumstard
That explains your addiction to black cocks and trannies
Every single race is more racist than whites. Especially Japanese. This is a Japanese cartoons image board
Nobody gives a fuck.
Fuck off reddit nigger
Both racist and lefty faggots sucks, but noone should be banned for some shitposting. What would we be without it?
Nah you are a beta cuck fatass that hates yourself. Now run off back to redddit SrGrafo
>JOKER: Knock knock.
>CHAD: Who's there?
>JOKER: It's the police, sir. Your trans son-- er, daughter had slit her wrists and throat. She's dead.
>DISCORD TRANNY: Ahhhh! No,no-- you can not joke about that.
>CHAD: Yeah, that's not funny user, that's not the kind of humor we do on this board.
>JOKER: Okay, yeah, I'm sorry. It's just, y'know... It's been a rough few weeks, Chad! Ever since I... said the N word.CHAD: Okay, I'm waiting for the punchline.
>JOKER: There is no punchline. It's not a joke.
>CHAD:...you're serious, aren't you? You're telling us that you said the N word on 4channel?
>JOKER: Mm-hmm.
>CHAD: And why should we believe you?
>JOKER: I got nothing left to lose, Chad. Nothing can hurt me anymore. My life is nothing but a shitpost!
>CHAD: Lemme get this straight, you think racism is funny?
>JOKER: I do. And I'm tired of pretending it's not. Comedy is subjective, Chad, isn't that what they say? All of you, the system that knows so much, you decide what's progressive or problematic, the same way that you decide what's based or not!
>CHAD: Okay, I think I understand. You did it to start a movement? to become a symbol?
>JOKER: C'mon, Chad. Do I look like a kind of shitposter who could start a movement? I said the N word because the board is cringe and bluepilled. Everybody's cringe and bluepilled these days. It's enough to make anyone crazy.
>CHAD: So that's it, you're crazy. That's your defense for being racist? Because 13% of the population is too much for you?
>JOKER: No. It's because 13% of the population commits 50% of the crimes. Why is everyone so upset about racism, anyway? Because some Jew went and cried about it on Twitter?
>CHAD: You have a problem with Jews, too?
>JOKER: Yeah. I do. Everything comes so easy for them.
>CHAD: And what's wrong with that?
>Every single race is more racist than whites
Whites have committed nearly every single significant genocide, brainlet
You're a fucking retard.
>JOKER: Have you seen what it's like out there, Chad? Do you ever actually leave the Hills? Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody's civil anymore. Nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy. You think Jews ever actually wonder what it's like to be a white man? To be anybody but themselves? They don't. They think we'll all just sit there and take it like good little goys! That we won't werewolf and go autistic!
>CHAD: You finished? I mean it's so much self pity, user. You sound like you're making excuses for offending minorities. #notallblackpeople are "cringe and bluepilled".
>JOKER: You're cringe and bluepilled, Chad.
>CHAD: Me? I'm "cringe and bluepilled"? Oh yeah, how am I cringe and bluepilled?
>JOKER: Revealing my manifesto. Stealing Veronica from me. You just wanted to make fun of me. You're just like the rest of them!
>CHAD: You don't know the first thing about me, bro. Look what happened because of who you memed into presidency, what it led to! USA is on the brink of civil war! The fire rises with each passing day and you're laughing. You're laughing! People have killed themselves because Trump got elected!
>JOKER: I know!
>JOKER: How about another joke, Chad?
>CHAD: No, I think we had enough of your jokes.
Based centristchad
Nigger learn history outside of your local shit high school
>You're a fucking retard.
>Native American genocide
>Genocide of aboriginals
>Current genocide in the Middle East
>Genocide against Africans
>caps lock
what can we do about leftist beta cuck fragility bros?
racism is bad because we're all equal that's why we need to constantly language police to ensure nobody makes the subhumans
Looks like a chad who gets pussy daily
you seem like a man of culture
why don't you adopt a name
and we can form a stable
and btfo the right-wing incels together
what do you say?
Now I know you're a fucking retard. The arabs bombings are nothing compared to what the arabs did centuries ago, and when you don't bomb them they behead each other anyway, asians slaughtered each other by the hundreds of thousands for ages and ages until like 100 years ago, and africans were eating each other when they weren't selling each other when Buddy Rogers was starting to run the ropes.
>thread a couple hours ago of incels bragging about whites colonizing and pillaging back in the day.
they want to have their tendies and eat them too
Whites have murdered over 300 million of each other just in the last 100 years between WWI, WWIII and communism. By your retarded argument I guess its time to genocide whites
you seem like a man of culture
why don't you adopt a name
and we can form a stable
and btfo the right-wing incels together
what do you say?
based OP got a libtard faggot seething his ass off ITT
>based OP got a libtard faggot seething his ass off ITT
oh you take the time to name your Yea Forums files too?
you must have incels on the brain as much as i do
get a name
and we will form a stable
to btfo the right wing incels together
kek based response lad
you btfo that right-wing incel
Too bad I'm not a wh*toid ya ding-dong diddly nigger
If I went to the US you lefties wouldn't do a thing to me. I'll could call you a racist and you people would still give me gibs
So let me tell you something about the world. There are many cultures and races. We were never meant to be together, and yet you woke cucks keep pushing your narrative. You think your ghetto niggers are gonna support you if you take away their gibs?
Yea Forums is diverse, and we call each other names, mock everyone's race and be 'racist' as hell. But you know what unites us?
bump for more leftist beta cuck seethe
Beggin ya to learn history
wtf i love being a minority in my own country now
what a bunch of progressive chads
aew is the only show i watch
the future is
>your name for something good is Chad
>a Chad is a high T white male which is the opposite of a beta cuck like you
really makes you think
Leftists deal with you uncle tom coons all the same, go look at how Candace Owens has been treated