Took 2.5 grams of shrooms like an hour ago. Feeling just slight light headedness but nothing else...

Took 2.5 grams of shrooms like an hour ago. Feeling just slight light headedness but nothing else. How long do these things take to kick in? Don't tell me i'm immune to this shit.

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if you're on anti-depressants you won't really feel anything
so you might be temporarily immune
or you got bunk shit because you're a faggot

On antidepressants, yeah. I though taking a relatively large dose would counteract some of the "dumbed down" feelings. Should I take a hit of weed to try kickstarting it?

1-3h for the effects to start
try not to rush it just put on some mellow music
have some juice ready (hopefully you ate prior so you will not get hungry during eating can be a little difficult)
get some papers and pens ready so if you are feeling creative you can doodle something
lay in a comfortable position on your bed, couch or lounge in your computer chair
you can write a note for yourself (you are a good person, this experience will be enjoyable, the effects are temporary and you will feel normal after, i love you t. self) whenever you feel in doubt look at the note
once the effects start try to stick to mellow music playlist and relax to the motions, it amplifies the vibes you have so being already in a mellow mood amps that
beach house is pretty mellow band to listen to
sigur ros is another good mellow band
anything that you find mellow is fine

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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yeah weed always helps, but anti-depressants and psychedelics both work on your serotonin receptors and the anti-depressants will block the effects of psychedelics, unless you take an amount large enough to override it

Thanks Kao, time to chill.

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im partial to acid myself

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

yeah listen to the roleplaying schizophrenic and not the guy with actual experience with this shit
you probably ate some portabello mushrooms anyway

weed will amplify the effects and may bring interesting side effects when comboed

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Just don’t be addicted lole

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i also have "actual experience" with this shit
and i sure did get some very interesting effects with mushrooms and weed

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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Nah, they're legit shrooms. Didn't get from some random street dealer, I have verified sources.

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Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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Currently listening to this but will listen to yours in a moment.

Wow, this is nice.

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Your fortune: Godly Luck

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It's been 2 hour and I still don't feel much more than a slight feel of elevation. So I'm eating a bit more.

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usually 1/8 of 1 ounce is enough for an average person.

How much do you have? You should try and eat at as much as possible if you want "something special" to happen .

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Try this chatroom

Don't want to waste all of my shrooms if it turns out that my antidepressants completely negate them.

>doing drugs while depressed
actual retardation. unironically seek therapy my man

>doing drugs at all

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right, I get that but it's a waste either way if you don't take enough to enter a visualization

how much have you eaten?
you need to take a certain amount to have an experience

Woooooooooooooooooooow okauy NOOOOOOOOOOOOW I',m feelin itttttttttttttttttttttttttt

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i hope you enjoy the mellow feeling and music

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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visual and auditory stimulation will push you further, but sometimes a dark room is most intense.

have fun

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my room aint dark it is berry nice room

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maybe it is better this way

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moved on from the red rocc
now am using frankincense and myhhr
smokes well
I like the light, very chill
was thinking about getting some color changing bulbs for myne
hope you enjoy Madotsuki
oh by the way, wait a month at least before taking more shroomies if you want an intense trip
doing more right after has very little affect

eating and drinking very little when you eat shrooms brings on the trip faster and taking vitamins with them boosts the experience

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yes. in order to have a deeper psychedelic experience you need to take enough to push yourself over the metaphoric edge

not sure why anyone would want to have that the type of experience i got from it

what was yours?
myne were very "enjoyable" from my perspective, but to someone else the same thing could be hell

ones heaven is anothers hell

two same numbers
enough to cause delusions
made me believe i was everyone at the same time
made me believe someone tried to kill me
made me believe i went outside the sphere and saw no one like me
made me believe i recreated everything and came back
oh and triggered some mental illness that seems to be dormant or cured now, now i seem to only have shitty attitude and stillness



i will subjective personal experience the whole world
"oh no"

oh, but see that's what I liked about the experience I had. I could see all potentials at the same time and tune into specific ones that were most exciting
I think the difference comes from the conclusions we came to individually. you saw it as present and part of current reality, whereas i saw it as separate and not part of my current reality
grounding the mind through focus and preparation helps. if you get lost or the "pull" of the experience becomes too great you fall back to your anchors and compasses
hope if there is a next time for you it is more pleasant

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the experience was shit and only the little ones saved me from it
if it wasnt for them i would have dipped this place ages ago


glad you stayed
there is always more to learn for us
what was GLITCHIE's worst time?

Ban all anime

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do you want me to teach the world?
cause i will teach the whole damn world your lesson if you will not cease trying to damage control that horrible experience as something nice and valuable
it was the worst experience of my life and ruined my enjoyment of life twice
now the only way to enjoy life is to literally not care about anything
this is already clown world i should just take the damn reins and show how to make it funny

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

try changing your perspective on it, learn to see it in a new light

i can hear the mind virus in your text, sounds like r9k
influence yourself with positivity and strive for happiness. it is as real as anything else

"i dont think you're happy enough~"

hmm, well that's kinda what you're saying. saying you're miserable and such
striving for happiness and making efforts in life could help you is all i meant

like really, I hope you feel better soon kao

i am fine
just not very stoked about life is all

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have a (You)

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i wasn't feeling life a few months ago
stopped focussing on the negatives and all the "pain" went away
there's good all around you, your choice to see it
stay strong kaonashi

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I always play Yume Nikki when I'm sad. It's very nice.

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Shut up.

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based cat makin me laugh while im on shrooms i love you guys!

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Check out my trips

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cute -v-

cade gives you loves

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i like Yume Nikki too. I feel an emotion that doesn't exist when i play it. ephemeral atmosphere, it's like being in a universe where every object/person is a projection of your imagination/psyche. nostalgic soundtrack too.

Totally. Like you're dreaming along with madotsuki or in a extra-conscious space.

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