How long would humans as a species last if you and everyone on Earth had a button behind their neck that kills you...

How long would humans as a species last if you and everyone on Earth had a button behind their neck that kills you instantly?

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: 1534181624680.jpg (782x1280, 160K)

Other urls found in this thread:

a couple of hours once people found out about it tbqh

cocks nest in your mouth

i would kill myself right now


i mean to be fair, that's basically true.
everyone has a button behind their neck that kills them instantly if pressed, that button is called the back of their neck
it requires a lot of force to press the button though

they would start wearing neck braces or something so no go on killing everyone that way

Post another picture like that but also say "deez nuts"

does triple dubs give one permission to post gay?

nott long because someone will press there button that kills me instantly but everyone is only in my head lole

whoa dude same!! oo

niec dubs

woah (checked)

i can imagine there being whole cultures devoted to neck braces in this timeline, there'd probably be people that go for designer neck braces, people writing songs about the weak spot on the back of their necks and such

Me on the right

You have penis in butt?

Buy me dins first

Cut with this gay shit already!

Attached: 1539186341737.gif (400x326, 795K)

Nice gay nam

That is my line, my dinner cost 500 CZK.

please post more images like that I want to cume

>go to sleep
>turn around
>neck button lands on pillow
>gets depressed
>wake up dead
Fuck this world.

Attached: simpsons___do_it_for_herb.jpg (750x910, 79K)

Are you gay or straight?

a mix

I think there might be boards for you that will help you get your fill user. They have tons of sexy images.

You're a gate?
Holy shit, a talking gate!

Attached: real sonic movie.jpg (492x636, 41K)

can you point me to where I can find more images exactly like the one in the op

lole gottem
They have threads on /trash/ that I think you would like. Fapping together or something. But you should stay here and talk with friends.

not really the answer I was looking for but thanks. and of course ill stay here

Do you not like roleplaying? more of a visual guy I guess.

im not good at roleplaying, it feels weird

Practice, I think it is fun. With pictures help.

Probably about as long as I'd last inside that cutie. So not very long at all......

i cant shake the feeling we're sacks of living meat destined to die

Believe it or not, when I was in highschool, we had this short little friend who by first impression looked like severe white trash. He kinda had one of those alien-sounding retard voices, he was quite short, and he had a weird pudgy physique. His face was somewhat normal I guess, you couldn't tell if it was his disability or his white trashiness you were noticing.

Anyway, he told us that he was born with a very specific disorder. He said that if you hit him on the back of the neck hard enough, he would die instantly. I don't know what it was, the bone structure, or something else, but this little goofy kid was not very athletic because of it. So a lot of times, behind his back, we'd make jokes about karate chopping him in the back of his neck. This thread reminded me of that.


>Anonymous : If you would die right now in a thousand years you would have at least six months to live
I've been laughing at this for 2 minutes now trying to comprehend it.

Attached: how long would humans last with insta-kill butan.png (571x525, 880K)

what's happening in here

yeah, i hate this timeline, but i enjoy your imagination

Its some neural network from OpenAI
There is also a thread here It's got actual Yea Forums threads in the dataset as well, which I find hilarious for many reasons.

this is pretty crazy but at least my response was the first response in that picture even though it wasn't actually the first response in that thread.

it gets worse if you just pick and choose random words from posts without any real structure.
It has about 20 strokes.

Attached: chaika'd.png (508x394, 588K)

i would recommend that it not incorporate the monkey threads because it will probably break

good idea.

getting fugged in the bp and having your prostate hammered feels really good and you make dumb delirious faces when you orgasm
also that cade looks like he has a y-incision and he's super pale like a corpse that's so weird lole


Thanks, Eric.

that's called "40watt tan", it's normal skin tone for people who do not spend a lot of time in the sun and are caucasian / some asians as well

Attached: justin-timberlake-dick-in-a-box-2-8-07.jpg (619x825, 93K)

Have I had you before? Then don't call me by my Christian name

Can you tell me more? please?

>Christian name