Name someone more based than the Architect Seth Freakin' Rollins. You can't

Name someone more based than the Architect Seth Freakin' Rollins. You can't.

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The Fiend


Any male with a slightly below average sized penis


Still bigger than yours tranny.

What happened? Why does everyone like Jaseffy Tarpins all of a sudden?

It's just one guy

Not all of a sudden. Seth has always been based. It's just AEWs tranny cult that hates him. They're Jealous that he's an actual man unlike they're entire roster. The manliest person in AEW is a literal tranny.

This is just to make some Yea Forumsergers sperg because no one on this board likes him.

Tranny cope

Heath Slater?

We've all seen your nudes Colby, you're bigger than no one

The man who clean pinned him Sunday

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Stay jealous homo
That was a fluke. Seth beat him the night after. Proving he's still the best.

>triggered cuck

>Proving he's still the best.
How can he be the best if he's never had a 5 stat match?

>Using (((Meltzers))) meme stars

i'm not the one watching WWE here ya cuck.

>he beat him last night
Nope, Ziggy made the match dq, Seth didn't beat Bobby.

You're most likely watching the inferior show, AEW. So go off and join the 41% you tranny.

He hit Rollins which made Bobby loss by DQ which still means Rollins wins. Do you watch wrestling?

stay seething, cuck. Vince gonna represent your kind every Monday on USA network.


you forgot "slayer" at the end

You'll never be a real woman.

but you will always be a cuck.

No I won't. I'm a Chad similar to Seth. Meanwhile you'll be cutting off your dick and watching anime.

kek no

lmaaaaoooo based
fucking lsoer you got btfo lol

Have sex.

Babyfaces not booked by WWE

>a DQ on the same level as a pin

Your IQ is on the same level as the piece of shit I took this morning.

I liked Becky's gear on Sunday, you could see her entire navel and nipples. Seth dabbing on these marriagelet leftists

I can't. He's genuinely the most polarizing wrestler since he works marks, smarks and anti-smarks all the same. Also unironically has the best character arc in recent years. Not gonna lie the scripted promos they give him drags him down but when given good material he has always shown how good is. And honestly considering the top babyface is the worst spot in the company he's doing it better than anyone else could.

Duane Gill

>2015 seth
>2019 seff

Seth has always and will always be based. Stfu

Bump to make trannies seethe


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Buff Bagwell

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I love undertaker so I'll place him on the same level as Seth in this instance.